Monday, December 14, 2009
If i had more time
Friday, November 13, 2009
eight weeks gone....
heres a video of when they shot the cannon...............if you can see it..
Sunday, November 8, 2009
what a Sunday
one of my favorite cheerleaders...gracie
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
ahhhhhhhh 5 weeks gone
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
4 weeks...unbelievable
To me,,,PT is in reality patient torture..what else could pt stand for....its physical and its therapy but its patient torture in the worst form...I just grit my teeth and think ,,, much more can you manage to put me thru in one hour,,they do their work everything in they can think of....soon its time to leave the torture chamber...a little relief for at least 32 hours...3 times a week I'm to enter this chamber of horror with all its little machines..I scour the room thinking ..which agonizing machine are they going to put me on next....then at the end ..before you leave ..they hook you up to this thing that sends little shock waves thru you....In my version it is little like an electric fence..or maybe I watch too many horror shows and keep waiting for that jolt that will end up throwing you off the table..I just hope the machine doesn't go haywire while I am hooked up to it and give me a never ending jolt..yikes......I know or at least I hope I can say in 4-5 weeks it was worth it to have the pt but at this stage I CAN'T SEE IT..DEFINITELY NOT..
My pancake knee still looks like a pancake..I guess,,It looks a little rough after surviving pt,,,,
I took the little one home today... a beautiful day...Right around 70.We were headed east to the town of Athens but somehow ended up going west to the town of Parkersburg....where I had promised him a toy for him to pick out when we went to town....He chose three $3.00 toys at Walmart...or he could have had a $10.00 one..I guess getting three toys was better then getting one big one...and of all toys..these little things that were about 5 inches long and resembled a skateboard with little stickers to put on them....He probably had them lost as soon as the cardboard was peeled away....It was just too pretty to stay inside all day and they say after Thursday our Indian summer days are gone...the weekend is suppose to be cold and wet....for football playoffs....ok..
I need to jump off here and finish taking some pills....and get ready for bed....I now walk around the stores except Walmart when i am getting groceries..then i latch on to one of those little motorized carts....and then by the time I get home my leg is itching ,,burning and back even hurts..I think I may call it a night....goodnight alllllllllllllll.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
I've never done this before,,experimental
This was a video camera i found that had these little short videos shot on it...I wanted to see if i could upload one...sis,,show carrie her cousins and my piggy.....
pancakes little helpers
And then theres that little bottle sitting on top called pain relief..alias percoset...that goes along with the ice pack...
My home nurse just left a half hour ago and released me from home health now I am out the door to PT Monday.
ok..short little to go get a few things done....later... case you have forgotton ,,,pancake is my knee..
the heat is on
I had a restless night sleeping last night...I had a ice pack on my knee and sometime in the middle of the night I awoke chilled to the bone...Not wanting to get up I cowered under my afghan and debated on turning off my little electric ice box...Tonight I will elect not to use it as it is going to be even colder...I managed to lie awake,,in what seemed an endless hour, as I listened to the grandfather clock ticking and chiming on each quarter of the hour....Finally I decided at 5;30 I had squirmed and wiggled enough so I crawled out from under neath my cover to a chilling room as I had turned down the thermostat down last night and forgot to turn it back up.
I had my breakfast fixed by the man in the house as he doesn't miss a breakfast..he insists that you have to start out the day with a good breakfast.......Only thing is he gets two eggs, toast ,bacon sausage and a bowl of cereal..and my breakfast consist of a meager slice of bacon cut in two which is two pieces to him but in reality one slice..and I always have a piece of toast ..I was getting an egg, but the past couple of mornings I have declined the my breakfast got skimpier.Oh well...All this laying around and I don't need to be gorging myself anyways.At my age I can gain weight too easily.Since the surgery I have managed to lose around 13 lb. and I'd like to continue that direction and strive to lose around 15 more...Doesn't seem like much til you try to shed it....And even worse its going into the holiday season,,which I'd like to get out into a store and pick up a few things for the grandbabies..the four year old wants a baby alive boy doll....She has a room full of doll babies but she always sees another she maybe in a couple weeks I will attempt to start picking up a few gifts at a time.maybe..Gift cards might be a bigger part of Christmas if shopping is limited..In this day and time I guess everyone would rather have cash and it seems like its a lot easier then trying to pick out gifts..that they don't or wont like anyways...
I do remember last night having my pickle and peanut butter and this time I do remember eating it.two pickles at that...How's that for progress after the night before....
We have the 7 year old here and he has a bug of some sorts..the dr..said a strain of flu..when asked about swine flu ,,he said the swine flu is just a more severe form of the regular now if some doctors are saying that it is no big deal ,,then what is all the fuss about how bad the swine flu is....I ..along with many others I have talked to cannot figure it out...Doctors orders are to keep them in the house ..not to be milk or pop and drink plenty of juices and I made him a bed on the opposite end of this big ol wrap around couch and I am on the other..This couch must be 15 or 16 foot long but it sure takes up my whole living room...This one end has been my command post since I have had surgery...I hate furniture you cant move and this would definitely be considered one of those pieces...As far as I am concerned I would like to have wheels on EVERYTHING,,,,so I can move it when I want... is daylight...dreary dark day...suppose to be rain mixed with the 30's....Our WV mountaineers from Morgantown play their rival college...Marshall University out of Huntington...They say it should be a good game starting at 3;30 although it is suppose to be cold...
My nurse that was coming into the home and monitoring my blood work is suppose to come today to release me from their care to start outpatient PT Monday.I can't believe that it will be 4 weeks Tuesday ,,that will be almost a month....Unbelievable that I have that much time behind me..I called my brother last night and he had a knee replacement two years ago...He said after his 6 weeks of Pt was over that he never really had any more problems and he has no pain at all now unless he does something to turn it the wrong way....and the best part is,,,,he said he never did have to do any more exercises but I guess everyone is different as to how their knee mends.....have to just wait and see...I can really get around a lot better as each day goes by...I mostly use my cane now if I feel unsteady or in the morning when I get up....or after I do my exercises...when my leg feels a little weak...I went to town with the man in the house yesterday and he took his diesel truck with no side step to get into it..So I had a milk crate I had to step up on to get in..but man oh man ..the truck seat was perfect for the amount of bend I have in my knee or maybe its just getting a little easier with the more PT I do....The Pt told me that my extension is almost zero and when I started pt my flex was 63 and its almost up to 80 now...I'm hoping that sounds good to my outpatient PT because they want you to get your flex to 110 but 120 is really the top number.
ok...I took a pill and I need to sit and exercise my I'm outta here for the time being.............later........
Friday, October 16, 2009
the last thing i remember
By this time I staggered to the kitchen within a matter of the next 10 minutes ,,,,switched out frozen bottles for my ice man...and spied the big dill pickles in the frig...ahhhh...I thought ,,pickle slices topped with peanut butter,,yum ,,yum..
fixed a plate ,,toddled back to the living room where my makeshift bedroom is set up for the time being while i am crippling around....easy access to kitchen and bathroom from here..centralized location...
And that is my last recollection of last night...At some point in the middle of the night the man in the house entered the room...and i can remember him saying ''How can you sleep with this overhead light on...???Well...i guess if that sleeping pill hadn't have caught up with me so fast ,,i would have turned off the light....Now,,its morning,,I am awake,,,I turn on the little bedside light and see a empty plate and a butter knife...I carry it to the kitchen.....the sad part is ...I don't remember eating pickle and peanut butter...for all I know the little night fairies could have played a trick on me,,,,,when i went to the kitchen for a shot of coffee,,,I did see the peanut butter jar sitting on the with no recollection whatsoever,,i must have eaten pickle slices with peanut butter....that ticks me off...I ate a food I like and didn't get the pleasure of tasting more sleeping pills for me til I'm ready for the night to other thing,,,before this surgery ,,I had these sleeping pills..actually they are about a 3 year old perscripton that I had earlier and never worked before...Don't know whether its a combination of taking them with these pain pills or what but everything sure has changed since I have had this surgery..They seem to be working different now..ok..I'm up..early post...and I'll be baccccccccck,,,,
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
fall is here
Soon we were at the crossroads to our house...and I am soon to be back in the house snuggled up on my cozy little time.....
3 weeks but who's counting
Monday, October 12, 2009
a beautiful fall day........
my granddaughter Hannah....
Saturday, October 10, 2009
pancake knee
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
went to the doctor and the doctor said
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
a blanket of warmth
I have a little blanket that always lies with me..
It often gives me comfort whenever the need may be.
It covers me and takes away the cold that chills my bone,
I like my little blanket , her home is my own.
Because you see,,this blanket is really a afghan crocheted with love
From Doris who left this world to unknown realms above.
Doris loved to cook,sew, make quilts and afghans galore,
I only wish I had taken one or two more...
The one I chose is colorful,white with colors through
And when the days are gloomy..the colors cheer me too.
I think about all the time with needles in her hand..
Thank you Doris , for making these beautiful blankets...for which i truly love....They are a source of comfort crocheted with hands of love...
14 days behind me
"and it calling me now...............later guys................
Monday, October 5, 2009
no more wondering??????????
the next one are shadows of the after ...Is there really any difference??danged if i knowI guess when all the swelling goes down they may match a little more....maybe not.
Monday, September 21, 2009
24 hours from now
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
so much to do..too little time
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
why would i go
I would have... and my mind runs wild when it gets over water....
For one thing,I went on a mini cruise tonite...we boarded our boat at the hockingport docking site....i was trying my best to stay steady as i hiked one leg over the dock onto the boat and looked back to see if the other one was following..yep..two legs..still attached....I'm carrying my life jacket in one hand,,a sweater for the cool breeze from the water and a pair of sweats in case the temps drop it is always a little more nippier in or near water....I scanned my surroundings as we got on...I could see a yacht docked on the other side of the little river, river boats all decked out with palm trees and bright lights, people sitting in chairs fishing from the banks
we cruised on down our little river til we crossed under the bridge that directed us into the mighty ohio .....the banks were ten times as far apart as the little river we were on....the pilot..(man in the house ) piloted the cruise ship we were on down the mighty ohio and opened the throttle up full force ,,the wind blowing our hair among the roar of our little engine..soon when we got tired of cruising down the river ,,the pilot pulled the little boat over to the side and proceeded to fish for whatever would have the misfortune of jumping on his is not one of my favorite things to do but when asked to go...i grabbed my camera and thought why not..
as i sat in our little boat ,,,i would gaze out of the corner of my eyes watching in case i would encounter a giant squid wrapping his tentacles around me or a menacing shark coming up to take a bite out of our water craft and visioning the little boat sinking to the bottom in all that water never to be seen again..with that thought i clutched my life jacket closer and thought the man in the house will have to pry my locked fingers off of this one to get it away from me...(I've got to quit watching all those movies
that end up with the main characters being ate because in this scenario I'm the main character....) with that thought I gazed around and my wandering imagination saw a crocodile .
on the west va. side of the river among the trees and wooded hills you could see houses and farms dotting the river..on the ohio side at the point we were at was highway and rock cliffs that the man in the house worked on years back,logs and other objects floating on the river..,OK.. my cruise is almost over and we want to get off the water before dark.and the other cruise liners (((barges)))) happen up the deep waters..the waves they create could toss and sink a smaller vessel like ours if we would wander into their territory....things look more sinister in the dark especially in water..and im sure my eyes could really imagine things..and to top it off ,,i have never sat so still in my life...and i sure dont want to piss the man in the house off at this point...i can see him tossing my fat butt of this little cruise ship we are on and noone knowing where i went or what happened to me..happens all the time doesnt it..or trying to load our little ship and getting caught underneath it..all kinds of thoughts race thru your mind..who can you trust these the person in the house with you that you thought you knew for over 15 years coming out of the closet...has he had enough of me...have i ticked him off...think I will just sit on my cruise ,,take pictures and KEEP MY LIP my lip was zipped on this trip ..i even talked nice on this trip...i am not in command or have any control on this ride...this one hour trip was a half day outing it seemed..I WANNA GO HOME AT THIS POINT..
im back home and im safe...whew....i'm dry ,,,i dont i must have done alright.....that was my mini cruise...
now ask me,,,if i want to take a major cruise on the mighty atlantic or pacific ...sharks..whales..octopus,and all those other creatures in that deep dark lurking water..well...miss peggy .........I DON'T THINK SO...i dont like water and all those creatures in it...and i think i am going to skip my shower tonight...ive seen enough water.............later............