It is hard to believe at times that is has been eight weeks today since i have had this blasted , pain in the butt knee surgery..I will fore go the picture because it hasn't gotten any better looking..still the same ol pancake look...and I cant believe even more that I cant even get on this computer ...maybe its because I spend more time in town then in the country....and if I take the 7 year old to school then its 4 p.m. or after before I get today was...we left at about 7;30 this morning and got home a little after dark,,,I dropped the two brothers off to school this morning...hit physical therapy for my knee til 11 then preceded on to the grade school and ate lunch with my gr-daughter til noon then checked out an army surplus store trying to find the 7 year old an army outfit for Christmas..I think I have finished buying for my gr-girls...They are getting a WII from Santa and I bought games for an easy $150.00 bucks went for these this week...Now,,if I had the nieces and nephews bought for ..then I could say I am done...I picked up the boys from school at three...picked up a pizza ,,,we had pizza at the park and they played til dark ,,then we played dodge the deer all the way home...These deer appear out of nowhere...and all the time..I have never hit a deer...well..I tigged one years ago...he went down but got up and took off again...or maybe it was a she..whatever....
I go to the leg doctor for my check up on my knee Monday...I talked to a lady this week that had surgery the same day as I did and her and another lady have to go in and have their legs manipulated...My therapist told me they would send a letter to the doctor with me when i go Monday after I leave PT..I done told them not to say I need manipulated because the paper will never make it there if i have to take it...
At this point I am sick of going to town..of PT..and to make matters worse I had to have a root canal done Thursday and have to go next week on another tooth that they don't know whether they can even save or not....I am in town almost every day for PT or an appointment..then because of the total knee replacement I have to be premedicated for any dental more pills to,fun, fun..Of all the times for my teeth to start falling apart...and this is not a good knee,,my teeth..what next....My La. sis has been complaining about her heel hurting her...well..mine did too..but quit....and that was before I had now I'm wondering if that is lurking in the background waiting to reappear as soon as I get off my pain meds...maybe they are keeping it suppressed for the time being.
Thats all I need...heel added and that would be almost like hoof and mouth disease...yukkk..
It has been gorgeous weather this week...In the 60's...and the weekend is suppose to follow suit..I bought a ticket to go to the kids football banquet this Sunday so another weekend is tied up and all have been that way since July....
There was no school this Wednesday so I took the little one to PT with me then we went on over to town to one of the Veterans dedications they were having at one of the parks..
It was kind of neat...We watched them fire a cannon three times and after an hour or so we were out of there...The weather was in the high 50's and the sun was warm but a steady little breeze made a jacket come in handy....The little park didn't have too many people there as everyone was in the main park in town to see the parade...a small parade..nothing like the once a year Christmas parade that will be within the next two weeks..usually the Saturday before Thanksgiving.We proceeded to tour the little park..A cabin that soldiers lived in was restored and was being dedicated to the park today..
The view from the high hill we was on was spectacular..The sun shining on the river was so pretty
and the cities of Parkersburg and Belpre was stunning from the point we were at..
I videoed the cannon shooting but it wont play back on this laptop so I cant post it...
..Oh..the holidays are coming way too soon,,and as for me...I guess my Christmas decorations will sit another 11 months in the building because it took me long enough to put them up with two good knees let alone one.I may try putting up a few more lights around if I get around to it...if not be it..Its like my house...If it gets done it will...if ain't going nowhere...
ok,,,I am going to post this tomorrow..It is almost midnight and I should have been in the sack an hour of so ago....finish this tomorrow....
Well,,,I had my eight weeks check up today with the doctor that did my knee surgery and what else can happen..He informed me that I needed to have the manipulation done...I guess all these doctors must look at these knee operations differently...the la. doctor told my sister that 90 was functional and you could live with that so I 'm thinking ...well.thats where mine is at but these W.Va. doctors have different i go again..I have a root canal scheduled for Wednesday and Thursday they are going to put me back under and bend or as they call it,,,manipulate my knee..guess where they cut the quadriceps muscle,,,the scar tissue has built up and wont let my leg bend like it is suppose to, so more pain is in store..he said it wont be nothing like the surgery but I'm beginning to would anyone know what the pain is like if you haven't had it done....well...more patient torture for me...but i talked to two other ladies that had their knee done the same day as mine and they have to go in and have theirs done also...and you have to have this done before 90 days or you cant have it done because the scar tissue cannot be broken after that length of time so i might as well have it done and get it over with...then again ..some work..some don' knee just doesn't bend like it is suppose to so i guess I'm a candidate for having it me((( the glutton for punishment))) is going to have it done Thursday and get it over bad as I hate too....I"m a wimp when it comes to going under the needle....and I quiver when i pass by a hospital and think of being in thank you...I'd rather be on the outside looking in ,,,on this one...ok..It is Tuesday morning...Eight weeks ago I was in the hospital at this time waiting for the chop chop to begin...Like I told my doctor yesterday,,,no I can't at this time even begin to say that I'm glad I had this done..and I wonder if there will come a time when I will ever say that....I WONDER...I'm like the la. sis...I think ours was done on a different pretense then what other people have had theirs done...they had arthritis so bad and hurt so bad that they had to have theirs done whereas we had ours done because we wore ours out maybe their is a difference ..and these people can honestly say they were glad they had it done..not me..AT LEAST ..NOT YET...ok,,i am going to get this posted..took me three days to get it on here...toodle loo...
heres a video of when they shot the cannon...............if you can see it..
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