If I had more time I guess I would be on here blogging about nothing in particular a little more...It has been a month almost to the day that I last blogged....with Christmas shopping...doctors..pt.,dentists and all the last minute things you have to fit in...my days are filled..
Last week a nice guy I worked with for over 20 years passed away and the funeral home was filled mostly with his co-workers..so sad...he was 61...was sick for two years so he didnt even get to enjoy any kind of retirement days at all...just never know from one day to the next what you are up against..
Now,my knee is another story...This is the last week of physical therapy I have and only two days at that...I guess they decided that 110 was a good stopping point for my flex but it was up to 116 ...After having that dreaded manipulation that was really no pain with it at all when i had it done...It was just the ordeal of having to be hooked up to iv's and being put back under AGAIN..There was no pain to the knee afterwards,,,I could just bend it more..The knee still stays sore at times especially if i walk a lot on it or am up on it longer then what I should be...but try staying off a leg that you are suppose to but can't find the time to especially with the holidays,,,right,,...I'd like to see the person who can...always and too much to do...then......in between all my runnings with my knee in the last month,,,my blood pressure decided it wanted to give me a little trouble to go along with my knee so I have now added blood pressure medicine to my list of meds especially Right now after I had to spend 8 hours in the emergency room because my blood pressure was so high..,,,i have to record it morning ,noon and night to see if it stays regulated or whatever....joy,,joy,,joy...another glorious thing to have to take time with...of course it could be worse..I could be under the ground instead of above it...
Within the last couple weeks..well actually a week ago Sunday,,,I got over being a scrooge this year and put up a tree and decorated the screened in porch..for the sake of the little ones if nothing else...Christmas just isnt Christmas without a tree no matter how big a pain in the butt it is to drag out all the Christmas boxes..and nothing is ever put together that you want to use..so boxes are everywhere..and i got tired of dragging out so my decorating is kind of skimpy this year...it amazes me when we were driving around looking at lights how people can keep theirs up and lit.I guess i may try for more next year...by then i will have a year in on this knee and maybe i can get in the mood more..
Now,,my tree is up..to say the least...oh my goodness..talk about an ugly tree..
..Usually I string the lights and the tinsel and the strings of whatever and let the kids put the decorations on..well...to say the least they did and this is a child decorated tree..two seven year olds and a 4 year old to be exact,,,this year they could finally read the decorations and see which ornaments were theres from over the years..They have one or two new ones each year,,,then,,they decided that the ones they found that they liked that didnt have a name on them..they just claimed them and wrote their name on them and ...then they added them to the tree..IN CLUMPS.
..Now..do you think my tree has to be perfect..no sirree..Its not even fully decorated,just as far as they could reach and only in the front so thats how i left it.
.I did throw a few decorations on the top but still didnt cover the top...and thats the way its going to be left.At least for this Christmas....Looks aren't everything,,at least in my house...and i'm sure Santa could care less either way..

The girls were down this weekend and I gave the three little ones a gift to open and told them i would let them open one this Sunday..It kept them all entertained for the first couple hours anyway...Last night we took the seven year old to a town about 40 minutes from here to watch a movie...They have this theater with 10 movies running and it only cost 4 dollars to get in...so for less then 20 dollars three of us went and had drinks and the biggest popcorn they had and watched the movie..not bad..with the prices these days..there was closer theaters but 12-14 dollars a piece to get in...And what did we watch but A Christmas Carol.It sure wasnt my favorite movie...I'm glad I finally did set and watch it but some movies I do like to watch over..this would definitely not be one of them.I thought this one would never end and it is not one i would even consider watching over..I would much rather watch Its a Wonderful Life,or Rudolph or Frosty,,,but I survived it.
The weather here is as uncertain as the rest of us..last thursday week,,it was so bonechillling cold...the neighbor lady and i run all day shopping and ate out and we froze to death with the wind chill factor being near zero..and four days later it is 58,,It is suppose to start turning colder by tomorrow...I cant wait for these glorious days to hit..again...Oh well..it is December and we havent had any cold weather to complain about..but look out january and february.Well..it is now Wednesday nite and I still havent gotten this on my blog site....I wrapped presents last nite and still have a lot more to wrap....Try for tomorrow..I had a full day in town today...was at the school til noon...pt in the afternoon..hit a few stores then i was on my way home.I hate running in cold weather...thank goodness for my electric start..Its a lot nicer getting into a warm car...yessirree....ok..i'm outta here for who knows how long..later
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