Finally,,,,I've got my pj's on ,,,my cold ice pack on my knee and kicked back on the couch....I was on the go from the time my feet hit the floor this morning til almost 8p.m..My poor pancake knee is feeling it now....I'm ready to take a percoset ,,and a ambien and call it a night...I may wait a little while before doing to watching a movie with Michael Douglas and Demi Moore ...Disclosure,,and right now it looks pretty interesting.
And tomorrow I plan on doing little or nothing and staying I can sleep in after the man in the house goes to work, so I can stay up a little later tonight...SIS...
First stop was PT ((patient torture))which as bad as I thought it was going to be ,,,it was'nt that bad....The bending of the knee to flex it is the worst...painnnnnnnn,,,,,,or maybe because I took two percosets before I started.....and it dulled the pain..not that I didn't feel it.........they say my knee is almost at 90 flex....and that has been since just maybe I will make it thru this therapy as they want me to..
After all this time of using my cane to walk around the stores ,,,I was like a baby taking its first steps when I realized I could actually walk behind and use a shopping long as I used it to lean on...whoopee......I dont feel as helpless now..except by the time i got home my poor pancake knee was ready to be put to bed,,I hurridly threw on a pot of chili for supper..ran out and fed all my animals...cleaned the kitchen up and headed for the couch where I am at now...and then they struck.
...well actually they were here last night ..they just multiplied by the hundreds tonight....the seven year old told me the other night that there was flying spiders...well...they arent spiders..they are the dratted ladybugs
.and I would rather have flying lady bugs then flying spiders.yuk. an overhead light attracts them like a I'm sitting here in near darkness except for a small light on a nearby stand and the tv screen flickering on and off...
I just hit the remote to see how much time is on the movie and I realized it is on til midnite...well.. thats just two hour movie just turned into a three hour I am going to hold off taking my pills...
OK..another hour to go before my movie goes I am outta for the ladybugs..go shoo...get outta away home...
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