I AM,,,,It has been a long , drawn out,nasty,hurting,itching
burning,no relief in sight,whining, bitching,slow,agonizing three
weeks with lots more ahead...Aren't I the lucky one..Oh well..I keep telling myself ,,it could be worse...I'm just feeling a wee bit sorry for myself..no I take that back,,I'm feeling a whole hell of a lot more sorry for myself..You see,,,I hate being confined...to a bed,,a house,,and on top of that limited to what you can do ...which is not much at all.....for me....My poor pancake leg...
Will you ever be halfway back to normal...maybe,sometime
in the near future..or so i hope.....right now...my poor pancake
knee needs to get some rest...zz--z---z--later
and you kept telling me how ugly my knee was!! Eeewwwwwwwwwwww! Now that's an ugly knee!