this is the before picture ,,,before i had surgery...............
the next one are shadows of the after ...Is there really any difference??danged if i know
I guess when all the swelling goes down they may match a little more....maybe not.

thirteen days ago was a wondering about my journey into the other world of bionic knee ,,surgery,,,what to be and what to come...
one word describes it all....IT SUCKED...and still does...the only thing i can say is at least it is behind me but not all the pain that came with it...thank goodness ...percoset seems to be my best friend right now along with my little flowered pink walker that gets me around.At first i tried to stretch my meds out so i would be taking fewer and fewer and from two to one but that doesn't seem to work at this point...cause when Mrs.Knee wants to hurt..she does...and if i have waited too long to give her a hit of pain killer then it takes me that much longer to get settled down also,so I'll keep feeding her for the time being....I have learnt thru this little more hurrying doing'd better start a little bit earlier to get where you are going cause timing is your worst enemy at this far ,it is working.....
The nurse and PT have already been here for the morning and just draws blood to monitor my coumadin and the other gets paid for watching me exercise...thats ok....They check vitals .etc...while they are here.....and answer the few questions i may have...One in particular was ..why did the back of my legs and knee hurt so bad yesterday..of which after finding i was up on them for too long of times was the answer...they told me to get what i had to do then lie back down..everything has its drawbacks and overextending my time up would be one of them...and be too much on my with exercising....not over two sets a day...cause then you can overexercise the leg..... may things to have to watch for..then this medicine at this time ..this one at that time....this one with food...this one needless to say,,i keep a giant notebook and pencil close by.....and sometimes i have to make that la phone call to see just what i have done....or didn't do..
Thank God ,,there is a nurse in the family,,or at least she says she way could i be a brain couldn't survive remembering all those vital things you have to know....
Thanks ever so much for being here with me thru stay, home recovery and now rehab sis....I really couldn't have done it without your knowledge of what was to be done....or what was going to happen as you went thru it first..I'm glad you went into nursing instead of venturing...It paid say thank you is not you a lot.......
and this is the best pic i could find of following in your footsteps...heyyyyyyy.dont least you are the pretty pink one....
I'd been wondering how you were doing. I can see a difference in the two pictures. I hope everything continues to go well with your recovery.