Today was a fun filled day and a tiring one by the time here.
My son called and said he was bringing the gr-babies down and they are my pride and joy...won't ever say they are a problem..because they are not in any way....They arrived a little after noon.And of course at Grand-ma's house you always have to be on top to have something for them to do..The 4 year old and I played with the single doll baby that i could find..dressing and undressing her ,,then we had to dress any other toy from elmo to little bear plus anything else we could get an outfit needless to say ..any-thing that had arms and legs got an living room is nothing but an array of toys now ...some were picked up but most are still in there own little this point they are going to stay there til I muster up enough energy to pick them up..
Now,,,the four year old casually looks at my knee and says ,"Can I feel it?
Sure I said....One quick swipe across with her hand and she looks at me and says ...Grand-ma ,,your knee looks like a pancake....I said ...a said uhhuh..
.And I guess the squiggly line running down it looked like the I have a pancake knee...............Its these little ones look at things in their own way..
My son is a die hard WV mountaineer fan so he watched their run away game today which I hope the brother in law in la..rooting for LSU tonight has a little more action in his game..right now,,,Florida is giving them a run for it...
Right about time the game went off ..around 4ish....the electric for no blooming reason at all went out...the girls were hungry and we were going to have pizza but no oven or microwave to cook in any we ate summer sausage and ice cream...right before they were getting ready to leave the electric came back on so we threw on a pizza and they left with pizza and their get away bags....
I had given them Ty beanie babies and the 7 year old was busy putting them on her web site on the computer all afternoon...while I played with the four year old....
Upon leaving I have to help gather up their goodies....the little one likes cotton candy,,tootsie rolls,Cheetos's,,little thin chocolate cookies,jerky and always manages to talk me into letting her take a toy home....
The older one gets jerky,,,Doritos, pretzels,smarties, p-nut butter buddy bars...(me Too). choc..granola bars,,and iced choc and white snack cakes.
She is a picky eater so she takes her lunch to school and I usually give her enough to take in her lunch..
What else are gr-ma's for spoil them more then what they are and send them home...and with that I am outta here....I'm ready for a long sit down--lay down break....nite all.
I'm wondering what my knee will look like the next time..mmm pancake knee.....who would have thought that but my precious 4 year old.
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