Tuesday, October 20, 2009

4 weeks...unbelievable

Hye hey hey,,,,,,cant beleive that it has been a whopping 4 weeks since this god forsaken surgery.....Now...yesterday was my first outpatient day of PT...another glorious hour of enduring pain while they wrench,,twist, probe,prod and do everything but tear your knee back out of its original socket....and they call this therapy.....well...the whole meaning of PT just went to hell......
To me,,,PT is in reality patient torture..what else could pt stand for....its physical and its therapy but its patient torture in the worst form...I just grit my teeth and think ,,,well..how much more can you manage to put me thru in one hour,,they do their damnest....to work everything in they can think of....soon its time to leave the torture chamber...a little relief for at least 32 hours...3 times a week I'm to enter this chamber of horror with all its little machines..I scour the room thinking ..which agonizing machine are they going to put me on next....then at the end ..before you leave ..they hook you up to this thing that sends little shock waves thru you....In my version it is little like an electric fence..or maybe I watch too many horror shows and keep waiting for that jolt that will end up throwing you off the table..I just hope the machine doesn't go haywire while I am hooked up to it and give me a never ending jolt..yikes......I know or at least I hope I can say in 4-5 weeks it was worth it to have the pt but at this stage I CAN'T SEE IT..DEFINITELY NOT..
My pancake knee still looks like a pancake..I guess,,It looks a little rough after surviving pt,,,,
I took the little one home today... a beautiful day...Right around 70.We were headed east to the town of Athens but somehow ended up going west to the town of Parkersburg....where I had promised him a toy for him to pick out when we went to town....He chose three $3.00 toys at Walmart...or he could have had a $10.00 one..I guess getting three toys was better then getting one big one...and of all toys..these little things that were about 5 inches long and resembled a skateboard with little stickers to put on them....He probably had them lost as soon as the cardboard was peeled away....It was just too pretty to stay inside all day and they say after Thursday our Indian summer days are gone...the weekend is suppose to be cold and wet....for football playoffs....ok..
I need to jump off here and finish taking some pills....and get ready for bed....I now walk around the stores except Walmart when i am getting groceries..then i latch on to one of those little motorized carts....and then by the time I get home my leg is itching ,,burning and hurting...my back even hurts..I think I may call it a night....goodnight alllllllllllllll.

1 comment:

  1. ok..where is the weekly picture of that knee? You need to do a weekly knee report with pics so you can go back and look at them later!
