Hello out there......this is going to be a short blog because it is my first one and I will have to figure out this setup...I'm more or less use to emailing......and my blogs will just be a nothing out of the ordinary but my everyday Life's a Beach routine..
I'm in a small Ohio town in a country setting.....A normal day for me would be to get up after a nights sleep consisting of somewhere around 4-6 hours....I try to get my animals fed in the first couple hours i am up so i can feed them before dark again...Animals ...bless their hearts...just wait to be fed and have to depend entirely on their owners...On the other hand if i had to wait on someone to feed me around here,,,i would be scrooged...
So as soon as you open the door...the cats meowing ..the dogs are barking...the lambs a baaing and the pot belly pigs are squealing big time for something to eat...I wish they would go easy on their loud squeals as i am fearful a coyote is lurking nearby and waiting to gobble them up...I do have an odd assortment of animals....
Today was a blustery day as Pooh Bear would say in the hundred acre woods..Of course our acreage is only around 12 but that is a God's plenty with having to pay taxes and insurance these days....It was a bone chilling cold day so I was fast in feeding today..no petting or talking to my animals.......And believe me ...I think these animals can understand a lot more then people give them credit for..Some days I feel like Ella May going out to feed the critters.....and talking to them.....not that I don't have a lot to do ......Theres a lot to do in the country but it never gets done in a days time. Thank goodness for tomorrows.....And here I am babbling away on a blog thats going nowhere.....
I'm just living an ordinary day to day life....No excitement here.....but it is a full life....Some days you cant get everything done especially in the summer when you are running to ball games,practices,,pools....now the winter is a little different.....Im an outdoors person but i dont like the bitter or cold weather...I could turn into a bear and hibernate all winter....I believe I could live in Alaska when they have more light then dark and never mind it at all....just in the warmer months though....speaking of warmer ..we are having a heat wave tomorrow ...suppose to hit 50...woweee....but i would like to get a few more outside decorations up...I love the lights at Christmas....
o.k..enough of this posting for today....darkness is upon us and its time to catch up on current and local events.......just wanted to make an appearance and post a post....(punny)
Remember Life's a Beach but it is what it is so keep on ploughing thru life....hmmmm...that sounds familiar..........
Bravo! You did it and the picture is so pretty!