these are the gr-babies outside...didnt last too long...too cold ...hands and feet were cold..the little one didnt like the lab licking her...

oh,,,what i would give for the 70 degree is almost 7a.m. monday morning,,not to mention it is aunt ev's birthday...have to send an email that way...anyways...i am freezing "my big butt off" my gr-baby says to have to laugh at these little ones...some of the sayings..its not nice to hear but what they come up with..telling me move my big butt..the only thing is i know my butts big without the three year old repeating it all the time..gotta love'm..they're my babies.....and yes they are spoiled when they come to gr-ma's...i have the right to spoil them then send them home....which is what i do....they have been coming every sunday since june and i love house looks like a tornado by sunday night but what the heck...thats the cleaning part that i talked about in an earlier post ...just doesnt stay.....and its an every day thing anyways,,,with or without them they might as well be here...right now i have dirty dishes,,,a living room to pick up...crafts alll over my bar and kitchen table.....but once again..THATS WHAT GR-MA'S ARE spoil them and send them home with their treats and drinks when they leave,,,and i do feel sorry for anyone that did not have chance in life to adopt., foster, inherit,or just keep a small one for a short period of time...i know some people have no families by choice but if i would have known my son was going to be the son he has been thru life ..i would have had a dozen more like him....not bragging ..he has his faults but mothers would be blessed to have a son like him...least i am....he's my heart on the outside....ok..i could go on forever but i do wish i would have had a daughter kinda lose your son when he gets married....the wifes side gets the most of know how it is with mothers and daughters..not all of them ...but some...
seems like as families grow they tend to drift these days anyway...when we were was a tradition to visit parents on sunday and spend the least on my hubbys side of the parents always lived too far away so it was mostly on the holidays..usually twice a year...let me tell you i would not like it at all if i only saw my son twice a year..i know you have to go where the job opportunities are but i think all families should have a job in their own town..think about it....if all the out of staters would stay in their own neck of the woods..families could stay close.oh well....again thats my way of thinking...its hard to beleive that I was raised in a family of 9--including parents- and all the siblings are scattered from here to kingdom come..not to mention their families......families ..i could go on that for a later post....i am proud that i have the other six siblings....i sometimes think i cheated my son...he might have liked to have had a brother or sister to fight mind....he would not be like he is now.((.maybe.. ))
my immediate family is a son....his wife and two gr-daughters.....they live about 30 miles from me in the great state of puking out there...i do love the mtns..and the people there...and thats where i was hatched....born and raised there then moved to ohio...with the opposite i am with now...have been with him for almost 15 years and i am still sane..i think...its a battle at times...cause we are opposites by far....for instance..
he does not like fruits...salads..veggies or milk
i love all the above.
he does not like to shop, visit ,entertain,dance...or even mingle with people
me,,,i love all the above and never met a stranger
he cant tolerate the heat..he loves the cold..\
i love the summer..loathe the winter cold
he absoulutely hates to go anywhere and stay all night..doesnt like to travel..
I can stay anywhere,,,and i love to travel....
no we do have one thing in common..the outside..i love to be outside so does he...thats about it when it comes to things we both like....
he does like guns and motorcycles.
i dont like guns..and do well to walk....
now dont get me wrong...hes a great guy when it comes to manners...generous with what he has.
doesnt have much of a sense of humor....well.. i take that back ,,he must have had a little bit when he met me....i think....has little now,,,and i am the opposite..i am humor in least..thats what we always said ..when i was working...and was in manager ((comedian as he was ))would introduce me to the new hires as the front end comedian...imagine that.....i love people that are fun loving..and can have a good time around,,,only one life to live and it might as well be a fun one...i actually liked working in the chain store i retired out of after 23 more on that subject later..
i hate fake nicers...users, whiners, procrastinaors, pessimists,and people that think they are better then me.......we all put our jeans on the same way...some people tend to forget that...oh well..lifes a beach.........
actually ,,,i started this post with the weather and the visit from the gr-babies yesterday ...and the snow we had...somehow i got side i wlll add a snowy cold pic of yesterday and be gone........
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