well...it is almost 6:30 a.m.,,,as soon as it gets daylight i am going to muster up enough energy to go out to the storage shed and pull out my christmas tree....decisions on which one to put up...the white one...the palm tree(one year i had the palm tree up)man in (not of) the house wasnt too crazy about it but if im putting it up ..he has no say in the matter....anyways,,it will probably be which ever is easier to get to which may be the three piece one i normally use....gosh..i remember when you had to put all those stupid branches in one by one which took more time then you wanted to put in the effort ..thank god ..some brilliant mind came up with the three piece ones...id even like to have a one piece already set up and by george if i had somewhere to store it ,,,it would stay decorated and up til the next year...im one to try to make as less work as possible but it never seems to come out that way....
today is suppose to be in the 50's ...yahoooooo...........heat wave ,,then the cold front is coming in so its now or never for the christmas tree....might just lug it to the house then try to get my plastic on the screened in porch after the snow piled up on it the other day and before the next storm comes in and especially since the man in (not of) the house is working....then i would like to get a few more outside decorations up..but too many things to do ..not enough time...as usual...
i got out the babies toys i bought for presents and put new batteries in them..everyone tends to play with them on the shelf and wear them down before you get them home...it always amazes me what toys they come out with each year....no wonder kids are spoiled ...look at all they have to choose from......our long ago toys....were coloring books,,hoola hoops, marbles,jacks,,and cards....the simple little things...i did get a doll one year for christmas when i was small...but an older brother had an axe and wanted to play doctor and chopped her leg off...silly young me let him do it..how was my little mind back then suppose to know...he was going to mutilate her..and i remember my mom coming to school and bringing me a hoola hoop...they were the big things back then and all the other little girls had tons of barbies but i loved my hoola hoop...and our yard...we didnt have any grass in the immediate area around the house....that was where we played marbles....every day ..all day long in the summertime...i couldnt squat down like that now if i had too....and in another part of the yard was where we played with our clothes pen horses....my son still chuckles when i tell him about our toys...none..and of course you always want yours and your gr-babies to have more then you did ..of course that wouldnt be hard to do in our case considering what we had when we were little...some nights we would all play jacks,,mom included ,,,she could play good...then fight over who touched....those were the good ol days..only good thing about having siblings ,,if one wouldnt play with you..there was always another one that would..i always hung around with my baby brother ,,,,we were the youngest and the bigger kids wouldnt want us around ..you know how that is...so we were spoiled..all we had to do was sit on dads lap and night and watch tv with him and eat popcorn while the older sisters were whining cause they had to do dishes and i didnt ..tee hee...maybe there is a good thing about being the youngest...the hardest thing us younger two ever did was play...we were shooed out doors on weekends so the older sisters could help clean house ..no wonder we got pounded every time we came within eyesight of them...we dinked around and did nothing all day...followed dad around outside..........now how in the world did this aging mind of mine get off on days of long ago....i couldnt begin to write a blog all at one time about our younger days..but i guess if you put cheche (blog site) and ploughing through life (blog site) they would be those older sisters i am talking about....then between the three of us ...what one cant remember the others could...of course i dont remember all they did ..cause i was the 6th out of 7 and i was trying to survive...really there wasnt much difference in age between us but if youre a year older then youre the oldest and us younger ones were always reminded of it....there was 7 kids born in 9 years....all of us are still clinging to life...well,,,we are in fairly good shape to be as old as we are....who ever thought we would all make it to the fifties...except them older ones are getting to 60..all in all,,i cant complain...life wasnt that bad...we were poor but we had love...i look back and i wonder how my poor mother put up with seven of us all the time..our dad worked away from home part of the time but mom was there all the time..always had a meal for us when we got off the school bus at night...i would always bring my dad a carrot or cookie or something from my hot lunch at school every day...NO WONDER HE LIKED ME BEST..NO NOT BEST ,,,A LITTLE MORE THEN THE OTHERS.....me and my younger brother were so spoiled....and the older ones didnt like it at all...
ok...ive rattled on enough ..some how i love to remember the old days...were tough days but those were the carefree days..no worries.....our mother passed on nine years ago..bless her heart and my dad has been gone since 1986,,,,,dad was only 58...thats somewhat where we are all at now...and its hard to imagine your parents at our age......
gee,,im going to be curious if the sisters do post about older days cause their memories and views might not be the same as i remember....some things they mention i dont remember..cause i was next to the baby in the family.....but i guess if i am not on the same brain wave..they will be sure and let me know........after 7...maybe i will post later tonight,,,and let you know what i got accomplished today...if i dont get off of here ,,it wont be anything...why do i feel like when i post ..im writing a letter............oh well..it is what it is ...lifes a beach but i love it..
a picture of all us at these years reunion....the first one is our half brother ..so if you count the halves with the wholes there is 11 of us...............hope i didnt scare everyone off....
:-) I enjoy reading your posts and seeing pictures of the gr-children! Hope you're staying warm.