It's after 11p.m. We just came in from town,which is about 20 miles away and it is too cold for man or beast to be out...The temperature is a mere 11 degrees and seems to be dropping as the night progresses...I am soooo cold...The wind chill is in the 20's and it is wendy on top of that so it actually seems way colder...then again...we are almost to the zero mark...I worry about my little piggy..I took her light off of her and put her in a dog house stuffed with straw...hoping that she will stay warm....It kinda worried me with the electric light bulb hanging from her cage..she is a rooter and i can see her getting her blankets too close to the light and going up in smoke..Then i would have roast pork...
The little ones didnt make it outside today for any length ...the little fella got cold right away..You usually cant keep him in the house but i had no problem doing so today...
What a lazy long Sunday...My son and gr-babies were down and then my brother came by for a couple hours with his 6 week old little one..She's a cutie...My gr-daughters love little ones...The six year old carried her in the living room and held her..I do have a responsible 6 year old gr-daughter...Not because she is mine...but the child is so mature for her age and always has been...I could leave her alone with the baby if i had too and she would be like a mother hen ...She knows how to hold one and likes to feed them...but won't have nothing to do with the changing end of them....We tried to take a Christmas pic of the baby and this is as good as it got.
I am going to close down for tonight on the computer and go work on my kitchen a little bit..Seems like I never get my dishes done when the girls are here cause I try to spend time doing something with them and leave kitchen for after they are gone..I let each of them open a Christmas gift today so it would keep them a little occupied and give them something to do...
And speaking of gifts,,,I need to finish wrapping..The next couple days are going to be filled with the last things to do before the big day..then i need a week to recuperate from the one day...I do love Christmas..I wanted to go see the live Nativity they have going on at some of the area churches but not in this kind of weather...I will take leave and catch everyone on a later post...goodnight all..I'm off to the kitchen.....
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