whew,,,,what a filled day....from the time i got up at 6.am til i got home at 8p.m..and i feel like i did'nt get everything accomplished that i wanted too....And as for the car load of groceries..what i couldnt carry in one trip will stay out there...I doubt if my frozen food is going to unthaw in this 20 degree weather which is on its way down to the teens for the night..I do so hate the cold ...
I did dishes..fed animals ,, showered and washed my hair...let the wall heater blow it dry and headed to town to be there to eat lunch with my lovely gr-daughter by 10:45.......can't beleive schools eat lunch so early....thats about time i'm finishing breakfast...i'm not one to eat on first arising...i like to move around and get hungry.....I take nuggets to Hannah((my gr-daughter)...what all american kid doesnt like chicken nuggets....They seem to like Mcdonalds nuggets better but i pick them up wherever i am picking up my food which happened to be a baked potato at Wendys today.....The look on that girls face when i show up really makes it worthwhile to go even if the lunch is only a half hour long...In the summertime i usually go out to the playground while they go to recess after lunch ...in the winter they are confined to the gym so i leave after we eat....all the other little kids want a nugget or i usually take something to Hannah but i have to explain to them that i cant bring them anything..i made the mistake of doing that the first day i went to lunch with Hannah...took tootsie rolls for her to give her class.........little did i know in this day and age that you are not allowed to take ANYTHING in to any other child but your own.....i found that out rather quickly after the first trip...but you know how first graders are....they are still little fellows when it comes to candy and toys...
I left school after lunch and headed for the doctors office where i had to have my thyroid level checked and x-rays taken of my foot....for the life of me i dont know what i did to it...my leg doctor could not find any broken veins or blood clots so i went and had it x-rayed today..i hope i find out something ((good ))next week...the confounded thing burns and hurts....then i thought maybe i ought to have an x-ray taken ...cause i remember the big sheep stepping on my foot and then i dropped a can of beans about shoulder high and no where else to fall but on my foot...and maybe that had something to do with it....maybe......
then after that i went to our local department store...the best thing they could have done for our town was to put a Gabriels here....sometimes its a hassle to shop there especially when you have to check every piece of clothing for holes etc....but you can find some good stuff at good prices..
and people from every age to every nationally shop there....trying to save money and find a bargain....and you can if you look long enough....
from there i went to the local odd lots ..then hit a couple grocery stores and came home...by that time it was after dark and had gotten much colder when the sun went down....it was a cold day to be moving around....i'd rather be inside ..feeling toasty...
i came home starved and cold...and lo and behold ...the other half had a concoction made of some kind of meat ,,gravy and potatoes ...for all i know it could have been road kill....but i wolfed down two plates of it....anyways...... contradicting myself after saying yesterday that i would be scrooged if i had to wait on someone to fix something to eat around here...but the fixin was for him....there was just extra......and food doesnt last too long around here.....
ok..i have to jump off of here..and make an entrance before i get kicked out of the house for not being sociable after being gone all day...the little one is playing play station 2 and wants me to watch so im a going.......more later....of my not so exciting life..
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