Two and a half hours and the new year will begin...On this note I am going in and sit down with the little one and watch t.v.
I will finish cleaning on this house next year........toodle loo
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
I sure do miss my
mother...Now here it is almost dark..the six year old is playing in the tub..(that would be my great nephew..that stays here all the time except when he is in school..)
Don't know what got me to thinking about my mom..I guess with my brother having surgery...It seems only natural that when you are sick or in a crisis,you think of your mother..or at least I did and still do...Mom was always there ..If she couldnt be with you ..she was calling and worrying about you...telling you to take care of yourself...never complaining too much...She could'nt see her children enough..I guess thats the way all mothers are...I can see that by having a son myself..I just can't imagine my life without giving birth to a child...and from this I have the most precious two grand-babies anyone could ask for..Pretty little girls at that.I only wish my mother could have lived long enough to spend some time with her gr-grchildren..She loved playing with the little ones ,,her gr-children when they were little....and there would be so many now for her to love.Who knows what the new year will bring...Life moves on,and lives are lost in the years past...I remember the get togethers .all were at mom's...If any of the other six siblings were expected to be in for a visit we would all gather at moms..Talk about not knowing whats going on..My son always laughed about how we could all be in one here and one over there talking ..rather yelling across the room to be heard..while another two were carrying on a conversation..some here and some there...and when the inlaws were was double hectic...Then of course ,you had the friends in your home town that heard you were in town and came to visit so now there is more gathering at moms other then us...My mom..bless her heart...we could have bussed them in and she wouldnt have cared..she loved people...We only hated that more then one took advantage of her knowing how soft and vulnerable she was...Especially the ones she befriended and took in to live with her...not to do her work..she was the one waiting on them..another getting taken advantage of deal..she just liked having someone around all the time .,,,My mom was definitely not a loner...On more then one occasion she had been robbed of all her diamonds from one lady in particular whose name was Ollie or so she went by that name..I watch people knowing that this thief is still running around ..probably robbing some other poor elderly person like she did my mom...We were always amazed at how nothing seriously ever happened to my mom from some of the people she thought she was helping out...One guy(bill) by name even borrowed one thousand dollars and took off...Who knows but maybe one day these two people could be reading my post and they would know that they are the certain two that I am speaking about or maybe their families knows some of their scheming ways..
and could associtate them with an elderly lady in Ripley,Wva..oh my gosh...I feel like America's most wanted now...I just hate people that take advantage of the elderly especially when i am getting there myself and it might be me someday...
I dont know how i got on this post about my mother..I guess its just watching the years go by and how time has changed our lives...Seems like when your mother is gone...theres no more getting together especially when that was the gathering place..Now..the get togethers are family reunions which are usually once a year..And I know that soon will come the time when age will prevent all of us from driving..((((((how depressing that thought is)))and seeing each other will be even more few and between....ok...I'm getting more depressed....the more i think about it..
Welcome in 2009....where the memories of the past years are left behind...
In case this is the last post for this year....I wish everyone health ,wealth and happiness for the coming year....including me.....see you next year......
Don't know what got me to thinking about my mom..I guess with my brother having surgery...It seems only natural that when you are sick or in a crisis,you think of your mother..or at least I did and still do...Mom was always there ..If she couldnt be with you ..she was calling and worrying about you...telling you to take care of yourself...never complaining too much...She could'nt see her children enough..I guess thats the way all mothers are...I can see that by having a son myself..I just can't imagine my life without giving birth to a child...and from this I have the most precious two grand-babies anyone could ask for..Pretty little girls at that.I only wish my mother could have lived long enough to spend some time with her gr-grchildren..She loved playing with the little ones ,,her gr-children when they were little....and there would be so many now for her to love.Who knows what the new year will bring...Life moves on,and lives are lost in the years past...I remember the get togethers .all were at mom's...If any of the other six siblings were expected to be in for a visit we would all gather at moms..Talk about not knowing whats going on..My son always laughed about how we could all be in one here and one over there talking ..rather yelling across the room to be heard..while another two were carrying on a conversation..some here and some there...and when the inlaws were was double hectic...Then of course ,you had the friends in your home town that heard you were in town and came to visit so now there is more gathering at moms other then us...My mom..bless her heart...we could have bussed them in and she wouldnt have cared..she loved people...We only hated that more then one took advantage of her knowing how soft and vulnerable she was...Especially the ones she befriended and took in to live with her...not to do her work..she was the one waiting on them..another getting taken advantage of deal..she just liked having someone around all the time .,,,My mom was definitely not a loner...On more then one occasion she had been robbed of all her diamonds from one lady in particular whose name was Ollie or so she went by that name..I watch people knowing that this thief is still running around ..probably robbing some other poor elderly person like she did my mom...We were always amazed at how nothing seriously ever happened to my mom from some of the people she thought she was helping out...One guy(bill) by name even borrowed one thousand dollars and took off...Who knows but maybe one day these two people could be reading my post and they would know that they are the certain two that I am speaking about or maybe their families knows some of their scheming ways..
and could associtate them with an elderly lady in Ripley,Wva..oh my gosh...I feel like America's most wanted now...I just hate people that take advantage of the elderly especially when i am getting there myself and it might be me someday...
I dont know how i got on this post about my mother..I guess its just watching the years go by and how time has changed our lives...Seems like when your mother is gone...theres no more getting together especially when that was the gathering place..Now..the get togethers are family reunions which are usually once a year..And I know that soon will come the time when age will prevent all of us from driving..((((((how depressing that thought is)))and seeing each other will be even more few and between....ok...I'm getting more depressed....the more i think about it..
Welcome in 2009....where the memories of the past years are left behind...
In case this is the last post for this year....I wish everyone health ,wealth and happiness for the coming year....including me.....see you next year......
I love to read
my Louisiana sister's blogs...I ,myself did'nt know the girl did so much...gee,,,my life is one boring son of a gun after reading hers..No excitment in this girls life...I thought learning to type in high school was an accomplishment,,and learning how to turn on the computer was a plus,,,and I guess getting a drivers license was the biggest thing in my tender teen years...then graduating,that first kiss was somewhere in there...then getting married,,,having a little one the most excitment I have is being able to get out of bed each morning...being able to do my check book,,and hobble around...If I ever get brave enough I will have to get this knee replacment done...might take care of the hobbling....but when it gets bad enough I will..I have lived with it for the past three years so I have gotten used to it.... sister just had to make me go out looking for flowers after she scoured the neighborhood and took all those colorful pics and you can see what they look like here...My one little rose is what's left of a minature rose bush that somehow comes back every spring and does'nt want to die away for the winter..Maybe it's my mothers way of reminding me of her...which I think about her a lot anyway,,,but this minature rose bush was one that she sent to me in the hospital room back in 1996 when I had my throat cut...It never seems to grow very big but comes back every year..I use the phrase ..having my throat cut because literally that is what it was..From left to right thryoid..they had found a golf ball size growth but lucky for me it was not cancerous and I had to have the thryoid removed..I remember my son coming in to see me that evening after my surgery and whether you beleive this or not..I was eating a leg of chicken...I have never seen any surgery yet that has kept me from eating..I keep thinking maybe this knee one won't be that bad..Yeah right..who am I trying to bull shit on that one...especially when they cut your leg away from your like pain to me...I have had ligaments and cartilages removed and sewn back together in my younger years...but I never was able to roller skate or ski and still don't to this day but I tore mine up by playing ball....soft ball...women's league and co-leagues...I played in store tournaments where I was the only female playing...I never had to worry about those games ...The guys all backed me and I was the pitcher..Thats the only position I ever played..So if i missed a ball ..they were there...There's something about a woman pitching to's like you can freak them out...And I did...Of course it did'nt help when I wore halter tops or shorty shirts to pitch in...And I did look half way decent back then...Distraction killed the guys....It's amazing how some people can do certain sports and others can't...Guess thats what makes us all so unique in our own ways.My other wildest ambition in life would have been able to sing...Can't imagine a more happier way to make money when you love music and can sing..But..I never found that notion...And speaking of notions..I have one that I should be hitting the sack and babble on another day on a post...I was at the hospital today while my brother was having his caratoid artery surgery and if it had'nt have been so noticeable ,I could have laid down on the floor and gone to sleep...And I feel that spell coming on again..Seems like I have lost much more sleep then i intended in the last week or so and i am still looking for a good nights sleep...posting my dead pics and going to bed...........even the dog is playing go along with the flowers...nothing colorful back here except for the pine trees..they are a pretty green..The pics are hard to figure out..the rose bush is the last one...The 3rd pic is a twig right now and my 3 yr old gr-daughter wanted to cut it down..not knowing it would be a bloom in the spring..The only colorful thing about my azalea bush is the candy canes around beautiful colorful flowers here.....I WANNA GO TO LA.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Out with the old
and in with the new...Here it is ,,two days before New Year's Eve,,,Where has all the yesterdays gone....Can't beleive how ones life can change so much thru the years..Not only health issues but just years of seasons past...I remember all too well of the "can't wait til New Years Eve to get here"...We sure did party back then..Such was the carefree years...Now,,,it's just like any other day of the year..It's to dangerous to go out and avoid all the drunks running around and at this point I would have to be the designated driver ..Actually ,,now it's more fun to sit and watch people after they have had a little too much to drink and remember how at one time I could fit into that category...It was'nt that hard not to drink especially when I dated a guy that had his own band at the time...
Wild,crazy and fun times .....I feel like the little old lady on the Titantic Reminising about the times on the ship...I'm like my sister ..I want nothing to do with being out on water where I can't see land..Even if I could see land that would be too much distance for me...
I don't know why I dislike water so much...Just seems like anything over my head terrifies me...Crossing over bridges is bad enough..I try not to think about all the water under me and the worst part is ,,,I have to cross over from Ohio to W.Va. at least twice a day when I come to town ...There's no way around it..I do beleive that there is no entry into W.Va. from Ohio without crossing over water all up and down the state line...The mighty Ohio River has to be crossed to get into the mountain state..........Did you see where W.Va. beat their game Saturday..Yeah,,W.Va.
I may live in Ohio but I was born and raised in W.Va..and thats where I call home.
Don't care if they do call us Hillblllys...There is a few smart ones that fell out of the trees there...gotcha..cause I did'nt say I was one..
Cruise's for my sister is a no-no...Although we do have a sister that has went on several and loves it...She's one of the ones that has'nt fell out of the tree yet..If she had of ..she would be like us and not like cruises..
I hate my feet dangling in water...I can see JAWS all around me...I don't like fish unless its on my dinner plate...
I never ever thought I would fly . I have twice and all within the past two years..That must be a record ...Someone that has never flown til they are over 50..That would be me..Now ,,I don't like flying either ...I hate heights as well or maybe even more then water...I would rather have my feet on the ground....I do love to travel..Although I can't say my life has been an adventure...but it's been fun..I guess most of my traveling will be turning the pages and going from country to country in my Atlas..
So much for another pointless post..Saturday was a gorgeous day..72 degrees and Sunday was a breezy 52..and today was near 50,but sunny....yet windy...I am ready for spring...10 more weeks til spring...I hear that mess I left in the bedroom calling me..I need to see if I can get my electric blanket plugged in..We are in for another chilly night...
Sweet dreams......
Wild,crazy and fun times .....I feel like the little old lady on the Titantic Reminising about the times on the ship...I'm like my sister ..I want nothing to do with being out on water where I can't see land..Even if I could see land that would be too much distance for me...
I don't know why I dislike water so much...Just seems like anything over my head terrifies me...Crossing over bridges is bad enough..I try not to think about all the water under me and the worst part is ,,,I have to cross over from Ohio to W.Va. at least twice a day when I come to town ...There's no way around it..I do beleive that there is no entry into W.Va. from Ohio without crossing over water all up and down the state line...The mighty Ohio River has to be crossed to get into the mountain state..........Did you see where W.Va. beat their game Saturday..Yeah,,W.Va.
I may live in Ohio but I was born and raised in W.Va..and thats where I call home.
Don't care if they do call us Hillblllys...There is a few smart ones that fell out of the trees there...gotcha..cause I did'nt say I was one..
Cruise's for my sister is a no-no...Although we do have a sister that has went on several and loves it...She's one of the ones that has'nt fell out of the tree yet..If she had of ..she would be like us and not like cruises..
I hate my feet dangling in water...I can see JAWS all around me...I don't like fish unless its on my dinner plate...
I never ever thought I would fly . I have twice and all within the past two years..That must be a record ...Someone that has never flown til they are over 50..That would be me..Now ,,I don't like flying either ...I hate heights as well or maybe even more then water...I would rather have my feet on the ground....I do love to travel..Although I can't say my life has been an adventure...but it's been fun..I guess most of my traveling will be turning the pages and going from country to country in my Atlas..
So much for another pointless post..Saturday was a gorgeous day..72 degrees and Sunday was a breezy 52..and today was near 50,but sunny....yet windy...I am ready for spring...10 more weeks til spring...I hear that mess I left in the bedroom calling me..I need to see if I can get my electric blanket plugged in..We are in for another chilly night...
Sweet dreams......
Sunday, December 28, 2008
home again ...home again
Oh my goodness,I must get to bed
And away from the puter before I fall on my head.
To the hospital in Charleston we went today
To visit my brother,a stroke they did say..
He seemed pretty good to me for all he's been thru
Just hope his surgery Monday goes well too..
I love to drive so that was just fine
Except its not so good on these knees of mine.
By the time I get to where I should be
My legs are about to fall out from under me.
Such was the case as was today
Thought the pain in my knees was here to stay.
Here it is Monday,,,what can i say..
When did I start this,,was two days away..
So,I"ll wrap up on this one and be on my way
Start a new post later..Another time ,another day.
And away from the puter before I fall on my head.
To the hospital in Charleston we went today
To visit my brother,a stroke they did say..
He seemed pretty good to me for all he's been thru
Just hope his surgery Monday goes well too..
I love to drive so that was just fine
Except its not so good on these knees of mine.
By the time I get to where I should be
My legs are about to fall out from under me.
Such was the case as was today
Thought the pain in my knees was here to stay.
Here it is Monday,,,what can i say..
When did I start this,,was two days away..
So,I"ll wrap up on this one and be on my way
Start a new post later..Another time ,another day.
Friday, December 26, 2008
friday nite,,i think
The end of another day...Don't know whether i got that much accomplished today or not...I had all the work from yesterday ...I love Christmas but it is pretty hectic til the day is over...It actually takes 364 days to get ready for it...and within a 24 hour stretch we have finished what we have been working on all year..Actually,,every day is like Christmas shopping..I start looking..well.really not looking....I just start picking up whatever time of year I see something i want to get for someone..The only problem is ,,by the time Christmas gets here..I sometimes have no idea where i put what i have bought for a certain someone..Like this year I gave a present to the person that i had bought it for last year but didnt find it til this year...Nothing like a two year old misplaced Christmas present...
Now that Christmas is over,I will be busy running for the next week or so..My oldest brother had a stroke Tuesay before Christmas and spent the holidays in the hospital so i guess we are pretty lucky if we just were healthy enough to stay at home...He is scheduled for a surgery on his caratoid artery this Monday so guess I will be at the hospital...Tomorrow , my plans are to go visit him and spend some time with him..Hospitals can run you ragged....He has a 7 week old baby so maybe the thought of her being there for him will help him thru this ordeal a little better..And it would'nt be so bad to go visit but for me the trip is about one hour and twenty minutes...little more or little less.
I guess I talked to all my family on Christms day except for my younger brother ...My brother above me stayed all night Christmas day with his two grandsons...The boys are still here as i sit here typing..Got them ready for bed and they are suppose to be watching tv til i get back in I'm trying to make this quick...
The weather didnt quite make it to the 70's today..They are calling for the 70's tomorrow ..It is 46 outside right now..That is the warmest it has been all day.And I am freezing to death...I hopped in bed last night..turned my electric blanket on and slept all night...going to do so tonight too...o.k. I have to get off of here before i fall asleep and out of my goodnight all.Hope this post makes it without editing it for right now cause I'm drifting fast...goodnight.........
Now that Christmas is over,I will be busy running for the next week or so..My oldest brother had a stroke Tuesay before Christmas and spent the holidays in the hospital so i guess we are pretty lucky if we just were healthy enough to stay at home...He is scheduled for a surgery on his caratoid artery this Monday so guess I will be at the hospital...Tomorrow , my plans are to go visit him and spend some time with him..Hospitals can run you ragged....He has a 7 week old baby so maybe the thought of her being there for him will help him thru this ordeal a little better..And it would'nt be so bad to go visit but for me the trip is about one hour and twenty minutes...little more or little less.
I guess I talked to all my family on Christms day except for my younger brother ...My brother above me stayed all night Christmas day with his two grandsons...The boys are still here as i sit here typing..Got them ready for bed and they are suppose to be watching tv til i get back in I'm trying to make this quick...
The weather didnt quite make it to the 70's today..They are calling for the 70's tomorrow ..It is 46 outside right now..That is the warmest it has been all day.And I am freezing to death...I hopped in bed last night..turned my electric blanket on and slept all night...going to do so tonight too...o.k. I have to get off of here before i fall asleep and out of my goodnight all.Hope this post makes it without editing it for right now cause I'm drifting fast...goodnight.........
two boys,,christmas past
Took a few minutes out from dishes to blog
The man in the house is out cutting logs.
The temp's going to be in the 70's today
But look out next week,winters on the way.
So theres firewood to cut to get thru this year
He'll worry about 2009 when it gets here.
Now cutting the wood is just not my thing
And he only has to cut to make it to spring.
HE says, "you going to help me cut wood"
Nooo, I've got the housework and thats understood.
I stopped on the dishes, a break I had to do
But its really sneaking , to get away from the two
The boys are at that age 6 and 9
Where playing is mostly fighting at times..
So I'm making this short,my escape to solitude was found
They are fussing and fighting,I'm off to the sound.
My blogging will have to wait til day's end.
When I can find a little bit of quiet again...
So I'm off to the kitchen amid all the clatter
To see what they are doing and what is the matter...
I'm outta here......later guys.
The man in the house is out cutting logs.
The temp's going to be in the 70's today
But look out next week,winters on the way.
So theres firewood to cut to get thru this year
He'll worry about 2009 when it gets here.
Now cutting the wood is just not my thing
And he only has to cut to make it to spring.
HE says, "you going to help me cut wood"
Nooo, I've got the housework and thats understood.
I stopped on the dishes, a break I had to do
But its really sneaking , to get away from the two
The boys are at that age 6 and 9
Where playing is mostly fighting at times..
So I'm making this short,my escape to solitude was found
They are fussing and fighting,I'm off to the sound.
My blogging will have to wait til day's end.
When I can find a little bit of quiet again...
So I'm off to the kitchen amid all the clatter
To see what they are doing and what is the matter...
I'm outta here......later guys.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
twas the night before Christmas
Tis the night before Christmas and oh what a sight.
My house looks like someone ransacked it all night.
It's going on midnight and I'm still trying to find
A quick way to clean it,,I'm a little behind.
I'll take a quick rest and get out a blog
While the other half is in bed, no doubt sawing logs.
The presents are almost wrapped ,a few more to go
We're ready for Christmas but where is the snow..
The rain is fast falling and the temperature is high
For these time of year when Christmas is nigh..
Yesterday morning was cold,wendy and in the teens
Today was rainy ,warm and no cold to be seen.
The little ones are home all tucked in their beds
With thoughts of Santa and his reindeer running thru their heads.
Wondering if Santa thinks they have been good and what will he bring
Lumps of coal,switches or toys and other beautiful things.
The letter to Santa is left under the tree
With cookies and milk close by to see.
The big day has come.It's been a wonderful year
Just being alive with all the loved ones near.
My two little girls will be down for a while
I can't wait to see their precious little smiles.
They make life worth living and Christmas no doubt
Would not be any fun without having them about.
I know when they are older they will then learn
That Christmas is the birth of Jesus,the main concern
For now ..they are young and for Santa can't wait
Sometimes I even wonder if they know Santa's fate.
The six year old asked me again...Is Santa for real.
I answered ,,It's all up to you and the way you feel.
If you think theres a Santa then in you he lives
And on Christmas day ,candy and toys to you gives.
If there is no Santa , then the toys are not many
Cause mommy and daddys may not have the pennies.
But how can Santa not bring you your wish
When you've left cookies and milk for him on a dish.
Now theres Dasher and Dancer and Donner and Blitzen
And Comet and Cupid and Prancer and Vixen..
There's corn on the ground for them to eat
While Santa's going down the chimney to leave his treats..
The little one said "Well, what if there is no chimney for Santa to come down.
I said .."You leave the door open and he'll come around.
Oh, How many times have they waited up to see
If Santa is for real,leaving presents under the tree.
Somehow they fall asleep and miss him each year
Just how that seems to happen,I've yet to hear.
I think I hear sleigh bells so I'm off to see
If I can see Santa putting toys under our tree..
To everyone out there...a lot still up no doubt
Still putting together toys,knows what Christmas is about..
I wish you a Merry Christmas ,and a Happy New Year
May Jesus live on in your heart all year..
Merry Christms to all and to all a good night......
My house looks like someone ransacked it all night.
It's going on midnight and I'm still trying to find
A quick way to clean it,,I'm a little behind.
I'll take a quick rest and get out a blog
While the other half is in bed, no doubt sawing logs.
The presents are almost wrapped ,a few more to go
We're ready for Christmas but where is the snow..
The rain is fast falling and the temperature is high
For these time of year when Christmas is nigh..
Yesterday morning was cold,wendy and in the teens
Today was rainy ,warm and no cold to be seen.
The little ones are home all tucked in their beds
With thoughts of Santa and his reindeer running thru their heads.
Wondering if Santa thinks they have been good and what will he bring
Lumps of coal,switches or toys and other beautiful things.
The letter to Santa is left under the tree
With cookies and milk close by to see.
The big day has come.It's been a wonderful year
Just being alive with all the loved ones near.
My two little girls will be down for a while
I can't wait to see their precious little smiles.
They make life worth living and Christmas no doubt
Would not be any fun without having them about.
I know when they are older they will then learn
That Christmas is the birth of Jesus,the main concern
For now ..they are young and for Santa can't wait
Sometimes I even wonder if they know Santa's fate.
The six year old asked me again...Is Santa for real.
I answered ,,It's all up to you and the way you feel.
If you think theres a Santa then in you he lives
And on Christmas day ,candy and toys to you gives.
If there is no Santa , then the toys are not many
Cause mommy and daddys may not have the pennies.
But how can Santa not bring you your wish
When you've left cookies and milk for him on a dish.
Now theres Dasher and Dancer and Donner and Blitzen
And Comet and Cupid and Prancer and Vixen..
There's corn on the ground for them to eat
While Santa's going down the chimney to leave his treats..
The little one said "Well, what if there is no chimney for Santa to come down.
I said .."You leave the door open and he'll come around.
Oh, How many times have they waited up to see
If Santa is for real,leaving presents under the tree.
Somehow they fall asleep and miss him each year
Just how that seems to happen,I've yet to hear.
I think I hear sleigh bells so I'm off to see
If I can see Santa putting toys under our tree..
To everyone out there...a lot still up no doubt
Still putting together toys,knows what Christmas is about..
I wish you a Merry Christmas ,and a Happy New Year
May Jesus live on in your heart all year..
Merry Christms to all and to all a good night......
To be or not to be
This post for everyone to see..
Now I lay me down to sleep
So much left to do that I could weep..
I love the holiday and all its cheer
Just wish it was a little warmer here..
The animals are asleep ,tucked in for the night.
Yet there is movement outside..something just is'nt right.
Maybe it's Santa scoping the town
Waiting to come the chimney down..
The little one can't wait for his presents to see
Thinking they are from Santa when it's really me.
I remember when I was at that age and waiting too
The longest night by far was within the last two.
We all went to bed not making a sound
Waiting for our toys under the tree to be found.
Just one toy we were wanting to find
Knowing we would,Oh Santa's so kind.
Not like today where the kids get many
And we were lucky to even get any..
I guess the biggest gift was having each other
And knowing we had a father and mother...
This post I found was meant for Christmas Eve
I saved it as a draft,a week ago I beleive
Tonight is New Year's Eve and I'll be right here
Saying good bye to the old and hello to the New Year.
One more post for the old year I'll try
Before to the old we say good-bye
Later tonight....
Now I lay me down to sleep
So much left to do that I could weep..
I love the holiday and all its cheer
Just wish it was a little warmer here..
The animals are asleep ,tucked in for the night.
Yet there is movement outside..something just is'nt right.
Maybe it's Santa scoping the town
Waiting to come the chimney down..
The little one can't wait for his presents to see
Thinking they are from Santa when it's really me.
I remember when I was at that age and waiting too
The longest night by far was within the last two.
We all went to bed not making a sound
Waiting for our toys under the tree to be found.
Just one toy we were wanting to find
Knowing we would,Oh Santa's so kind.
Not like today where the kids get many
And we were lucky to even get any..
I guess the biggest gift was having each other
And knowing we had a father and mother...
This post I found was meant for Christmas Eve
I saved it as a draft,a week ago I beleive
Tonight is New Year's Eve and I'll be right here
Saying good bye to the old and hello to the New Year.
One more post for the old year I'll try
Before to the old we say good-bye
Later tonight....
Monday, December 22, 2008
Back to Life's a Beach
Went to town today as planned...First stop was at the grade school where i met the little one and went and watched the Nutcracker Ballet with oldest grand daughter would have loved all the dancing and the Southern Belle dress's...I did ...My sister in law did'nt care for it...I liked it ...It amazes me how all the people that were in it did not speak one word..It was all music...and sign language.What a way to go...No having to remember lines just dance steps....And needless to say the little one made it thru the first one..The second one was a little more boring especially for the boys..It was mainly dancing..I could imagine how people in the days of old and i guess now could set and watch these dances waving their little fans back and forth to cool off..And being hoddy toddy..How's that for an imagation?, especially coming from much for the Nutcracker.
After I left the school I headed across town to the mall,,well in that vicinity..stopped at a few more stores and came home ...It was so cold to have to get out and in a vehicle as the stops were made...Thank God I have an electric start.
One click at the register and your car is warm when you get to it..I love that part.
I still think about stopping at the mall..I was only going to run in Penny's and spend a ten dollar gift certificate i had...As I cut corners and headed down an aisle to get away from a throng of Christmas shoppers and just wanting to get out of town and back on the farm...I overheard three ladies talking to a rather young couple..The neatly dressed young fellow was escorting a rather lovely young lady but to my astonishment he was pushing her in a wheel chair..I never thought nothing of seeing a girl in a wheelchair as they are a familiar sight and nothing out of the ordinary...I could hear the three ladies talking to the couple and congratulating them on their approaching marriage, and the young man saying he was or would be leaving for the service...whether he was already in it and leaving for an overseas tour or whether he was just entering the service I don't know the answer to that ..I just heard one of the ladies say are you going to take care of her being in the service and he replied...Oh,,yes i will....Still,I never thought too much about the conversation until as i got closer to the corner of the aisle I glanced over at this young couple that was planning on getting married...After all..Is'nt marriage the first and foremost beginning of a life as a couple..when two becomes one....Least that's the way it starts...whether it makes it through the ups and downs in life noone knows...and is anyones guess.
I'm still sitting here and have not been able to think about anything else except this couple and how they were talking about being married and the sparkle in their eyes and somehow i knew i had to write a blog about this couple...I have no idea who they were,,,,I can still see the young man pushing her and asking her what she wanted to go look at next....I actually admired both of them,how committed he seemed to her and her to him...IT HAD TO BE THE MOST GENUINE LOVE TWO PEOPLE COULD HAVE FOR EACH OTHER..I walked away and I was thinking that I hope they feel this same way about each other after they are married for 5 years or more especially when the tender years of that first love kinda melts away...Being together for short periods of time...first dating and romances are in a different catergory after you are together for a while..Only the hands of time will tell what life will throw at you...And I'm assuming this couple will have some trials and tribulations but I had to give them my greatest admiration at this time...because you see
the young lady ,beautiful as she was had no legs, no prothesis(misspelled),nothing whats so ever...I could only wonder whether she was born this way or some tragic accident overtook her at some point in her life...As I turned to leave ,,,I glanced back one more time..and this time I noticed not only did she have her legs gone...her left arm was gone also..I left at this point...I wondered if she had a right arm but i actually didnt want to hang around to find out...I could only feel sorry for her....but she did seem happy with the young man she was with..They both seemed happy.And I'm still reminding myself....Quit yer bitching about the minor things that are wrong with you...the little aches and pains...from day to day...
I'm sure this young girl would have rather had limbs and admired the people who did ,,,while I was admiring her because she was so pleasant and did'nt have any..and not complaining...
so, needless to say...I guess all the things i have wrong with me are minor when you encounter someone who does'nt have or maybe has never had two arms and two legs...God bless this young lady and her soon to be husband...This is a marriage I hope can endure the hardships in life but in my opinion this girl has already seen a few in her lifetime...Maybe marriage is the answer....
My wishes for Good luck and a long happy marriage to the both of them...
Life is a Beach but for some people more then others and with that i am gone.
After I left the school I headed across town to the mall,,well in that vicinity..stopped at a few more stores and came home ...It was so cold to have to get out and in a vehicle as the stops were made...Thank God I have an electric start.
One click at the register and your car is warm when you get to it..I love that part.
I still think about stopping at the mall..I was only going to run in Penny's and spend a ten dollar gift certificate i had...As I cut corners and headed down an aisle to get away from a throng of Christmas shoppers and just wanting to get out of town and back on the farm...I overheard three ladies talking to a rather young couple..The neatly dressed young fellow was escorting a rather lovely young lady but to my astonishment he was pushing her in a wheel chair..I never thought nothing of seeing a girl in a wheelchair as they are a familiar sight and nothing out of the ordinary...I could hear the three ladies talking to the couple and congratulating them on their approaching marriage, and the young man saying he was or would be leaving for the service...whether he was already in it and leaving for an overseas tour or whether he was just entering the service I don't know the answer to that ..I just heard one of the ladies say are you going to take care of her being in the service and he replied...Oh,,yes i will....Still,I never thought too much about the conversation until as i got closer to the corner of the aisle I glanced over at this young couple that was planning on getting married...After all..Is'nt marriage the first and foremost beginning of a life as a couple..when two becomes one....Least that's the way it starts...whether it makes it through the ups and downs in life noone knows...and is anyones guess.
I'm still sitting here and have not been able to think about anything else except this couple and how they were talking about being married and the sparkle in their eyes and somehow i knew i had to write a blog about this couple...I have no idea who they were,,,,I can still see the young man pushing her and asking her what she wanted to go look at next....I actually admired both of them,how committed he seemed to her and her to him...IT HAD TO BE THE MOST GENUINE LOVE TWO PEOPLE COULD HAVE FOR EACH OTHER..I walked away and I was thinking that I hope they feel this same way about each other after they are married for 5 years or more especially when the tender years of that first love kinda melts away...Being together for short periods of time...first dating and romances are in a different catergory after you are together for a while..Only the hands of time will tell what life will throw at you...And I'm assuming this couple will have some trials and tribulations but I had to give them my greatest admiration at this time...because you see
the young lady ,beautiful as she was had no legs, no prothesis(misspelled),nothing whats so ever...I could only wonder whether she was born this way or some tragic accident overtook her at some point in her life...As I turned to leave ,,,I glanced back one more time..and this time I noticed not only did she have her legs gone...her left arm was gone also..I left at this point...I wondered if she had a right arm but i actually didnt want to hang around to find out...I could only feel sorry for her....but she did seem happy with the young man she was with..They both seemed happy.And I'm still reminding myself....Quit yer bitching about the minor things that are wrong with you...the little aches and pains...from day to day...
I'm sure this young girl would have rather had limbs and admired the people who did ,,,while I was admiring her because she was so pleasant and did'nt have any..and not complaining...
so, needless to say...I guess all the things i have wrong with me are minor when you encounter someone who does'nt have or maybe has never had two arms and two legs...God bless this young lady and her soon to be husband...This is a marriage I hope can endure the hardships in life but in my opinion this girl has already seen a few in her lifetime...Maybe marriage is the answer....
My wishes for Good luck and a long happy marriage to the both of them...
Life is a Beach but for some people more then others and with that i am gone.
yeahhhhhh,,,the temperature has finally gotten to 10 degrees..It was 7 degrees last night but the wind chill was -10 below..It is suppose to be this way until noon or so..The schools are on a two hour delay...Any parent letting their child walk this morning needs to be strung up....I am outta here...Got to go wash hair,,,and be in town by noon,,,,later ..stay warm...
Sunday, December 21, 2008
It is coldddddddddddddd
It's after 11p.m. We just came in from town,which is about 20 miles away and it is too cold for man or beast to be out...The temperature is a mere 11 degrees and seems to be dropping as the night progresses...I am soooo cold...The wind chill is in the 20's and it is wendy on top of that so it actually seems way colder...then again...we are almost to the zero mark...I worry about my little piggy..I took her light off of her and put her in a dog house stuffed with straw...hoping that she will stay warm....It kinda worried me with the electric light bulb hanging from her cage..she is a rooter and i can see her getting her blankets too close to the light and going up in smoke..Then i would have roast pork...
The little ones didnt make it outside today for any length ...the little fella got cold right away..You usually cant keep him in the house but i had no problem doing so today...
What a lazy long Sunday...My son and gr-babies were down and then my brother came by for a couple hours with his 6 week old little one..She's a cutie...My gr-daughters love little ones...The six year old carried her in the living room and held her..I do have a responsible 6 year old gr-daughter...Not because she is mine...but the child is so mature for her age and always has been...I could leave her alone with the baby if i had too and she would be like a mother hen ...She knows how to hold one and likes to feed them...but won't have nothing to do with the changing end of them....We tried to take a Christmas pic of the baby and this is as good as it got.
I am going to close down for tonight on the computer and go work on my kitchen a little bit..Seems like I never get my dishes done when the girls are here cause I try to spend time doing something with them and leave kitchen for after they are gone..I let each of them open a Christmas gift today so it would keep them a little occupied and give them something to do...
And speaking of gifts,,,I need to finish wrapping..The next couple days are going to be filled with the last things to do before the big day..then i need a week to recuperate from the one day...I do love Christmas..I wanted to go see the live Nativity they have going on at some of the area churches but not in this kind of weather...I will take leave and catch everyone on a later post...goodnight all..I'm off to the kitchen.....
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Forty one years ago.......

I normally would not post two posts in one day but I wanted to post this one yesterday and I forgot..It was the anniversary of this tragic event..I remember when it happened but I was'nt a big avid listener of the news back then in the carefree days..I'll just post a few pics and you can tell from them what happened..The collapse of the Silver Bridge as they called it at Pt.Pleasant West Virinia..or Gallipolis Ohio....back in 1967..I was a freshman in high school if that tells you anything...The one picture is the eyebolt that broke on the bridge which caused the collapse....One pic of the old bridge and one of the new bridge now...
the weather outside is frightful..
The end of another cold day...dreary day outside,,I don't even think the sun shone at any time least not in the 12 acre woods.It has been snowing off and on all day..I think it has finally quit and is turning to a light rain...So much for the snow...The driveway is the only place you can tell that it melted a little..course i would think it would be nothing but ice in the morning once the temperature starts to drop...maybe not.
I took a few pictures of the i was on the way out to feed the animals.I think its pretty but i'm only glad it is seasonal..
Boy,,what a lazy day..I did'nt do too much at all....I rested...I seldom lay down but I took a rest today...Yesterday was a long day...Went in to school and surprised the first grader and took him to the Secret Santa shop at school...I let him buy 26 dollars worth of things that were overpriced and not worth it but I guess it's a way for the school to rip you off or make money for themselves...I really don't mind..It's only a once a year thing...He could have bought a lot more gifts then he did somewhere else for that amount of money but they think its great and the poor little ones...they think because we are grown-ups we should have all kinds of money to spend cause they are just kids...Wish that was the case...I tell him I will go out and shake the money tree in the back yard..And then I managed to spend the whole day in at the school helping wrap presents for the little ones..They love it and so do I.....
When i publish this senseless post I will attempt to post a video...Now I have never done that before so if I don't succeed you will get pics......O.K. I think I may have downloaded the video..Now it is not the greatest video because I raised the kitchen window and videoed out of it til I went out to feed the animals.I will add the pics below the video ..They are just of the snow...That a sister of mine in Louisana seems to think is so great...and thrilling...Well..she should come north for the winter...I'm dying to go south to get away from it...I hate the cold..It is now after dark..This has been a worthless day as far as getting anything I guess I need to get off my big butt and do something,,,,later..One more thing...The picture of my St. Bernard and the Black Lab on the stairs...You can't even tell the lab is there...She is so black....
Monday, December 15, 2008
sunday,,funday,,long day
It is a little after midnight..the bewitching hour....I catnapped in the chair while trying to watch a Sunday nite movie and now i am awake for the time being....MY back hurts,,both knees hurt and i feel like i was run over by a semi....I was wore out by the time we took the 6 year old home.It was a beautifulllllllll day here today...In the low 60's..wowee...i do so like this kind of weather...I have a doctors appt. in Charleston ...around 100 miles from where i live ..Tuesday but i doubt if i get to go..We are suppose to get rain, snow,temperature to drop fast starting Monday night and by Tuesday morning the roads are really supposed to be bad...So I don't go when the roads are icy....
Another blooper here..I posted the same picture twice and haven't figures out how to delete the duplicate...Help.... sister said it looks like i put black plastic on my porch so to clarify that i have taken a few pictures today while it was nice..sunny and warm....It would have been a much better day if the wind had not being blowing so hard..and a cold wind at that...So, here is my porch again.,..
The girls came for their Sunday visit...They played inside cause it was so windy outside and the little one had such a hacking cough...They helped me make a cheesecake today and all three of them had to help beat it with the mixer..The girls did good but when the boy mixed he raised the beaters out of the bowl and threw the mixture all over the girls...They were hollering and about to kill him...Then of course they had to have a little squabble over who was going to lick the bowl...i do believe that the little one won out....I went out to the building and got a few more Christmas boxes out yesterday and i knew Bella (the cat)had followed me in the building...
She hid in there from me when i called her to come out yesterday so she was in there all night..And this morning she left me a little surprise...POOPED in my building...
I am getting sleepy so i am going to put my pics on and heat to bed before i get wide awake..another day another post...........The second picture of the little one holding something...She was suppose to be putting the Play Doh away and that's the way she did it.....And I'm really getting a sleepy spell now..i see where i have spaced way too much but i cant remember how to move it up...brain cell dead...I'm so i am gone...
Sunday, December 14, 2008
so much to do little time
Tis the end of a long day for me..I have been working steady on my screened in it and decorating it for Christmas in between stopping to feed the baby or sometimes you have to stop and hold him..Guess he likes that little bit of security.......Sometimes i wonder if it is worth all the time and mess it makes and takes to decorate....The grandbabies will be down tomorrow so i will let then decorate the big tree in the living room...Heres the pic i took of one corner of my porch...I know the babies will like it...It still needs some more work on it but i am pooped so i am quitting for tonight.I did manage to re do some of my porch plastic,, I managed to cut some of the plastic off and put some clear plastic so we could see out the porch and not feel like we were smothering.........I am going to head to bed...later guys...
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Hysterical Haley
This is my Haley now.......and the video is three years ago when she first laughed.

My grand babies are growing like weeds,,,,,sprouting up fast..I really hate to see my girls grow up and have to try and survive in this cruel world...I guess you can perhaps think you can keep them safer while they are little ,in some cases you can except for the some like Caylee..Some little ones just never get the chance....
The second pic is one of my darling little girl now....I wouldn't have picked her out in a lineup as being the same little girl as she was three years ago... ok. here is crying....gotta more later............
Cara Holbert,
Haley Holbert,
Muesetta Holbert,
Muesetta Tate
babies,,,how precious is now after midnight..i cant beleive that i finally got the baby down...whew..makes for a long day...he doesnt seem to sleep much or maybe thats the way babies are at this age..i forgot....hes pretty content as long as he can see you....and when i tell him bye...he starts crying..i love babies at this age....hes always laughing...
heres a pic of the latest two additions to the tate side of the family....concettas baby ((troy)) which i call chubby....he is a chunker....and my brothers baby Joetta...Troy was born in July and
Joetta was born nov 4th....Joetta's my niece and troy is my gr-nephew.....and my brother must have had a brain cell blow out when Joetta was born...nothing against the baby..she is a precious..but my brother is 62....i tell him when the little one is in kindergarten ,,she will be pushing him around in a wheelchair wiping his drooling he is doing for her right now.guess age doesnt matter anymore ...its the love the child gets...poor poor baby Caylee.
a short life snuffed out too soon....poor innocent babies dont have a chance to protect their selves at that age...mother was in 20's so guess age is not a factor when it comes to the amount of love and care that you give to your child..can never figure out why these parents instead of taking a life wouldnt give them up to a better life if they didnt want families that would........r.i.p Caylee...know the people around the world that heard and read about you loved you without even knowing you.....
it is a cold day in the 100 minus 88 hundred acre woods....these weather is strange...its suppose to be in the 50's stayed around 30 today but the wind chill was around 25 which made it seemed animals only come out of their houses to eat on these cold days..
guess i had best shut down for tonight....a couple days back i left a post to go put plastic on a screened in porch....and let me tell you that was an all day job when i had to hammer all those itty bitty nails in because as you would know,,,,the staple gun would not work.another lifes a beach it took a little longer then anticipated...i did get a tree set up in the living room with lights and i will let the little ones put the decorations on it sunday..normally i have a tree up right after thanksgiving but i get slower with age..or when you dont have to work think you have the next day and the next and the next..guess i do but i still dont get nothing done.
and i went and had my foot and ankle x-rayed last week to see why it hurt so bad...and they told me ankle was alright..but the foot had a fracture in the 5th discal medi tusal....however you spell that word......and i remember that big ol monster of a lamb stepped on my foot when i went out to feed him..accident...he wouldnt hurt a flea but i think he only operates on one brain cell like some people i know...and if that wasnt bad enough....not once but twice i dropped a can of beans on the same needless to say it stays swelled ...and they said to elevate it as much as possible....i guess they dont know how next to impossible that is for me with the baby here and christmas too...ok...going to pick up the living room before i hit the sack..goodnite all...
Friday, December 12, 2008
liefes a beach when you cant get nothing done.
cant hardly type ..let alone post holding a 5 month old on my far he is doing alright...sitting still....trying to figure out what my fingers are doing......this wont be a big post ..just wanted to make a short appearance....went to town around 3 o'clock to pick up the older boy and he was already picked up from we were going to get groceries and then it started needless to say ...we were wanting to get home before the roads got worse.......snow was covering the ground in town already so i got to run in a grocery store on the outskirts of town to get the basics ,,,headed home to beat the roads icing over and the doggone snow quit about 5 miles from home..see,,lifes a beach somedays..later guys
our dog ..she loves the snow..........
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
full day ahead.. is almost 6:30 a.m.,,,as soon as it gets daylight i am going to muster up enough energy to go out to the storage shed and pull out my christmas tree....decisions on which one to put up...the white one...the palm tree(one year i had the palm tree up)man in (not of) the house wasnt too crazy about it but if im putting it up ..he has no say in the matter....anyways,,it will probably be which ever is easier to get to which may be the three piece one i normally use....gosh..i remember when you had to put all those stupid branches in one by one which took more time then you wanted to put in the effort ..thank god ..some brilliant mind came up with the three piece even like to have a one piece already set up and by george if i had somewhere to store it ,,,it would stay decorated and up til the next one to try to make as less work as possible but it never seems to come out that way....
today is suppose to be in the 50's ...yahoooooo...........heat wave ,,then the cold front is coming in so its now or never for the christmas tree....might just lug it to the house then try to get my plastic on the screened in porch after the snow piled up on it the other day and before the next storm comes in and especially since the man in (not of) the house is working....then i would like to get a few more outside decorations up..but too many things to do ..not enough usual...
i got out the babies toys i bought for presents and put new batteries in them..everyone tends to play with them on the shelf and wear them down before you get them always amazes me what toys they come out with each wonder kids are spoiled ...look at all they have to choose from......our long ago toys....were coloring books,,hoola hoops, marbles,jacks,,and cards....the simple little things...i did get a doll one year for christmas when i was small...but an older brother had an axe and wanted to play doctor and chopped her leg off...silly young me let him do was my little mind back then suppose to know...he was going to mutilate her..and i remember my mom coming to school and bringing me a hoola hoop...they were the big things back then and all the other little girls had tons of barbies but i loved my hoola hoop...and our yard...we didnt have any grass in the immediate area around the house....that was where we played marbles....every day ..all day long in the summertime...i couldnt squat down like that now if i had too....and in another part of the yard was where we played with our clothes pen son still chuckles when i tell him about our toys...none..and of course you always want yours and your gr-babies to have more then you did ..of course that wouldnt be hard to do in our case considering what we had when we were little...some nights we would all play jacks,,mom included ,,,she could play good...then fight over who touched....those were the good ol days..only good thing about having siblings ,,if one wouldnt play with you..there was always another one that would..i always hung around with my baby brother ,,,,we were the youngest and the bigger kids wouldnt want us around know how that we were spoiled..all we had to do was sit on dads lap and night and watch tv with him and eat popcorn while the older sisters were whining cause they had to do dishes and i didnt ..tee hee...maybe there is a good thing about being the youngest...the hardest thing us younger two ever did was play...we were shooed out doors on weekends so the older sisters could help clean house wonder we got pounded every time we came within eyesight of them...we dinked around and did nothing all day...followed dad around how in the world did this aging mind of mine get off on days of long ago....i couldnt begin to write a blog all at one time about our younger days..but i guess if you put cheche (blog site) and ploughing through life (blog site) they would be those older sisters i am talking about....then between the three of us ...what one cant remember the others could...of course i dont remember all they did ..cause i was the 6th out of 7 and i was trying to survive...really there wasnt much difference in age between us but if youre a year older then youre the oldest and us younger ones were always reminded of it....there was 7 kids born in 9 years....all of us are still clinging to life...well,,,we are in fairly good shape to be as old as we are....who ever thought we would all make it to the fifties...except them older ones are getting to 60..all in all,,i cant wasnt that bad...we were poor but we had love...i look back and i wonder how my poor mother put up with seven of us all the time..our dad worked away from home part of the time but mom was there all the time..always had a meal for us when we got off the school bus at night...i would always bring my dad a carrot or cookie or something from my hot lunch at school every day...NO WONDER HE LIKED ME BEST..NO NOT BEST ,,,A LITTLE MORE THEN THE and my younger brother were so spoiled....and the older ones didnt like it at all...
ok...ive rattled on enough ..some how i love to remember the old days...were tough days but those were the carefree worries.....our mother passed on nine years ago..bless her heart and my dad has been gone since 1986,,,,,dad was only 58...thats somewhat where we are all at now...and its hard to imagine your parents at our age......
gee,,im going to be curious if the sisters do post about older days cause their memories and views might not be the same as i remember....some things they mention i dont remember..cause i was next to the baby in the family.....but i guess if i am not on the same brain wave..they will be sure and let me know........after 7...maybe i will post later tonight,,,and let you know what i got accomplished today...if i dont get off of here ,,it wont be anything...why do i feel like when i post writing a letter............oh is what it is ...lifes a beach but i love it..
a picture of all us at these years reunion....the first one is our half brother if you count the halves with the wholes there is 11 of us...............hope i didnt scare everyone off....
Monday, December 8, 2008
sunday cold
these are the gr-babies outside...didnt last too long...too cold ...hands and feet were cold..the little one didnt like the lab licking her...

oh,,,what i would give for the 70 degree is almost 7a.m. monday morning,,not to mention it is aunt ev's birthday...have to send an email that way...anyways...i am freezing "my big butt off" my gr-baby says to have to laugh at these little ones...some of the sayings..its not nice to hear but what they come up with..telling me move my big butt..the only thing is i know my butts big without the three year old repeating it all the time..gotta love'm..they're my babies.....and yes they are spoiled when they come to gr-ma's...i have the right to spoil them then send them home....which is what i do....they have been coming every sunday since june and i love house looks like a tornado by sunday night but what the heck...thats the cleaning part that i talked about in an earlier post ...just doesnt stay.....and its an every day thing anyways,,,with or without them they might as well be here...right now i have dirty dishes,,,a living room to pick up...crafts alll over my bar and kitchen table.....but once again..THATS WHAT GR-MA'S ARE spoil them and send them home with their treats and drinks when they leave,,,and i do feel sorry for anyone that did not have chance in life to adopt., foster, inherit,or just keep a small one for a short period of time...i know some people have no families by choice but if i would have known my son was going to be the son he has been thru life ..i would have had a dozen more like him....not bragging ..he has his faults but mothers would be blessed to have a son like him...least i am....he's my heart on the outside....ok..i could go on forever but i do wish i would have had a daughter kinda lose your son when he gets married....the wifes side gets the most of know how it is with mothers and daughters..not all of them ...but some...
seems like as families grow they tend to drift these days anyway...when we were was a tradition to visit parents on sunday and spend the least on my hubbys side of the parents always lived too far away so it was mostly on the holidays..usually twice a year...let me tell you i would not like it at all if i only saw my son twice a year..i know you have to go where the job opportunities are but i think all families should have a job in their own town..think about it....if all the out of staters would stay in their own neck of the woods..families could stay close.oh well....again thats my way of thinking...its hard to beleive that I was raised in a family of 9--including parents- and all the siblings are scattered from here to kingdom come..not to mention their families......families ..i could go on that for a later post....i am proud that i have the other six siblings....i sometimes think i cheated my son...he might have liked to have had a brother or sister to fight mind....he would not be like he is now.((.maybe.. ))
my immediate family is a son....his wife and two gr-daughters.....they live about 30 miles from me in the great state of puking out there...i do love the mtns..and the people there...and thats where i was hatched....born and raised there then moved to ohio...with the opposite i am with now...have been with him for almost 15 years and i am still sane..i think...its a battle at times...cause we are opposites by far....for instance..
he does not like fruits...salads..veggies or milk
i love all the above.
he does not like to shop, visit ,entertain,dance...or even mingle with people
me,,,i love all the above and never met a stranger
he cant tolerate the heat..he loves the cold..\
i love the summer..loathe the winter cold
he absoulutely hates to go anywhere and stay all night..doesnt like to travel..
I can stay anywhere,,,and i love to travel....
no we do have one thing in common..the outside..i love to be outside so does he...thats about it when it comes to things we both like....
he does like guns and motorcycles.
i dont like guns..and do well to walk....
now dont get me wrong...hes a great guy when it comes to manners...generous with what he has.
doesnt have much of a sense of humor....well.. i take that back ,,he must have had a little bit when he met me....i think....has little now,,,and i am the opposite..i am humor in least..thats what we always said ..when i was working...and was in manager ((comedian as he was ))would introduce me to the new hires as the front end comedian...imagine that.....i love people that are fun loving..and can have a good time around,,,only one life to live and it might as well be a fun one...i actually liked working in the chain store i retired out of after 23 more on that subject later..
i hate fake nicers...users, whiners, procrastinaors, pessimists,and people that think they are better then me.......we all put our jeans on the same way...some people tend to forget that...oh well..lifes a beach.........
actually ,,,i started this post with the weather and the visit from the gr-babies yesterday ...and the snow we had...somehow i got side i wlll add a snowy cold pic of yesterday and be gone........
Saturday, December 6, 2008
little bit of snow on bobs birthday
another fun filled saturday ....should be cleaning house but what a boring job that is endless at that..its not like working and putting in a days work and calling it done...this house cleaning is here every day to haunt you and torment thing about it though ..the older you get....the less you want to do it....or at least its that way with me....
i went out and fed my little animals and now the ground is covered with that white stuff that we call SNOW which i think is pretty when it is snowing but after that it grows old.....of course i cant imagine being in a warmer climate where you dont have snow.....cause...according to customs...santa claus has to have snow....and christmas is not the same without snow when you have seen it for 50 plus porch is covered from blowing snow but i tend to fix that the first of the week when i can get out and get the plastic on my screened in is so cold outside...i know its colder in other places but we are just not used to it because it warms up..cools down..and hasnt stayed cold long enough for us to get used to it...
well..i am going to continue this later cause my stomach is rumbling so i am going to go find that road kill left over from last is now after dark and the end of a long cold day..i have been inside mostly trying to find my house when i can stay away from the computer..i debated on going out again and checking on my animals but as long as i dont hear them i know they are sleeping so i will just leave well enough alone...too cold for them to do much moving around unless they come out of their boxes to eat......
and they said tomorrow is suppose to be the coldest day of the weekend...well this one ought to be ranked up there close to it...seems like when it kinda insulates and it appears to be a little warmer feeling....least thats my way of my sentences...i dont stop to capitalize ...knowing you are suppose to but it's quicker not too...and i might misspell and not cross my t' and dot my i's but i'm in it for fun....not to be singled out as how perfect or knowledgable,or professional you are suppose to be in writing a blog...this is just me....not perfect ...a little in the knowledge department and no professional blood at all....but i dont have to know it all...there is already too many in this world that think they do..what can i say...Lifes a beach.....and then you die......and no ones going to escape that one....and on that note i am outta here....
the man in the house is having a birthday today....cant remember how old he is ...over 50...its not bad being fifty ,,its how you feel when you get here.....if i had known i was going to make it this far guess i might have taken care of myself a little better...oh well too late to think about that now..i did have a good time gettting here .......and i still have a good time when i get around fun loving people.....going again.......
i went out and fed my little animals and now the ground is covered with that white stuff that we call SNOW which i think is pretty when it is snowing but after that it grows old.....of course i cant imagine being in a warmer climate where you dont have snow.....cause...according to customs...santa claus has to have snow....and christmas is not the same without snow when you have seen it for 50 plus porch is covered from blowing snow but i tend to fix that the first of the week when i can get out and get the plastic on my screened in is so cold outside...i know its colder in other places but we are just not used to it because it warms up..cools down..and hasnt stayed cold long enough for us to get used to it...
well..i am going to continue this later cause my stomach is rumbling so i am going to go find that road kill left over from last is now after dark and the end of a long cold day..i have been inside mostly trying to find my house when i can stay away from the computer..i debated on going out again and checking on my animals but as long as i dont hear them i know they are sleeping so i will just leave well enough alone...too cold for them to do much moving around unless they come out of their boxes to eat......
and they said tomorrow is suppose to be the coldest day of the weekend...well this one ought to be ranked up there close to it...seems like when it kinda insulates and it appears to be a little warmer feeling....least thats my way of my sentences...i dont stop to capitalize ...knowing you are suppose to but it's quicker not too...and i might misspell and not cross my t' and dot my i's but i'm in it for fun....not to be singled out as how perfect or knowledgable,or professional you are suppose to be in writing a blog...this is just me....not perfect ...a little in the knowledge department and no professional blood at all....but i dont have to know it all...there is already too many in this world that think they do..what can i say...Lifes a beach.....and then you die......and no ones going to escape that one....and on that note i am outta here....
the man in the house is having a birthday today....cant remember how old he is ...over 50...its not bad being fifty ,,its how you feel when you get here.....if i had known i was going to make it this far guess i might have taken care of myself a little better...oh well too late to think about that now..i did have a good time gettting here .......and i still have a good time when i get around fun loving people.....going again.......
Friday, December 5, 2008
longgggggggg day

whew,,,,what a filled day....from the time i got up at til i got home at 8p.m..and i feel like i did'nt get everything accomplished that i wanted too....And as for the car load of groceries..what i couldnt carry in one trip will stay out there...I doubt if my frozen food is going to unthaw in this 20 degree weather which is on its way down to the teens for the night..I do so hate the cold ...
I did dishes..fed animals ,, showered and washed my hair...let the wall heater blow it dry and headed to town to be there to eat lunch with my lovely gr-daughter by 10:45.......can't beleive schools eat lunch so early....thats about time i'm finishing breakfast...i'm not one to eat on first arising...i like to move around and get hungry.....I take nuggets to Hannah((my gr-daughter)...what all american kid doesnt like chicken nuggets....They seem to like Mcdonalds nuggets better but i pick them up wherever i am picking up my food which happened to be a baked potato at Wendys today.....The look on that girls face when i show up really makes it worthwhile to go even if the lunch is only a half hour long...In the summertime i usually go out to the playground while they go to recess after lunch the winter they are confined to the gym so i leave after we eat....all the other little kids want a nugget or i usually take something to Hannah but i have to explain to them that i cant bring them anything..i made the mistake of doing that the first day i went to lunch with Hannah...took tootsie rolls for her to give her class.........little did i know in this day and age that you are not allowed to take ANYTHING in to any other child but your own.....i found that out rather quickly after the first trip...but you know how first graders are....they are still little fellows when it comes to candy and toys...
I left school after lunch and headed for the doctors office where i had to have my thyroid level checked and x-rays taken of my foot....for the life of me i dont know what i did to leg doctor could not find any broken veins or blood clots so i went and had it x-rayed today..i hope i find out something ((good ))next week...the confounded thing burns and hurts....then i thought maybe i ought to have an x-ray taken ...cause i remember the big sheep stepping on my foot and then i dropped a can of beans about shoulder high and no where else to fall but on my foot...and maybe that had something to do with it....maybe......
then after that i went to our local department store...the best thing they could have done for our town was to put a Gabriels here....sometimes its a hassle to shop there especially when you have to check every piece of clothing for holes etc....but you can find some good stuff at good prices..
and people from every age to every nationally shop there....trying to save money and find a bargain....and you can if you look long enough....
from there i went to the local odd lots ..then hit a couple grocery stores and came that time it was after dark and had gotten much colder when the sun went was a cold day to be moving around....i'd rather be inside ..feeling toasty...
i came home starved and cold...and lo and behold ...the other half had a concoction made of some kind of meat ,,gravy and potatoes ...for all i know it could have been road kill....but i wolfed down two plates of it....anyways...... contradicting myself after saying yesterday that i would be scrooged if i had to wait on someone to fix something to eat around here...but the fixin was for him....there was just extra......and food doesnt last too long around here.....
ok..i have to jump off of here..and make an entrance before i get kicked out of the house for not being sociable after being gone all day...the little one is playing play station 2 and wants me to watch so im a going.......more later....of my not so exciting life..
Thursday, December 4, 2008
days gone by
My little girl........Has a face only her mother could love...but she doesnt have a mother around here................Life's a Beach but she doesn't seem to mind.....Just acquired her about two weeks ago and she tends to be a little distant............and we call her Miss Piggy......seemed suited ...

well....................deep subject...........cant beleive how fast the days go by and you cant seem to catch a blog.....yesterday was a cold blustery day again in the hundred acre woods minus eighty-eight.I attempted to wander around outside and put a few Christmas decorations up after i fed the animals.....It was windy ...cold wind at that i didnt hang around outside too long....
Today was in the 40's ...not as high as yesterday but felt warmer because of no wind..i managed to decorate trees put up blowups around the hillside and feel like I got more accomplished then yesterday.....My house has gone to pot but i will attempt to do something with it as the weather will be turning crappy and I will be confined to the inside........
In need of a good nights sleep but cant seem to work it in....I am going to make this a short post as i have lots to do before bed...later........
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
tues dec 2-----first post
Hello out there......this is going to be a short blog because it is my first one and I will have to figure out this setup...I'm more or less use to emailing......and my blogs will just be a nothing out of the ordinary but my everyday Life's a Beach routine..
I'm in a small Ohio town in a country setting.....A normal day for me would be to get up after a nights sleep consisting of somewhere around 4-6 hours....I try to get my animals fed in the first couple hours i am up so i can feed them before dark again...Animals ...bless their hearts...just wait to be fed and have to depend entirely on their owners...On the other hand if i had to wait on someone to feed me around here,,,i would be scrooged...
So as soon as you open the door...the cats meowing ..the dogs are barking...the lambs a baaing and the pot belly pigs are squealing big time for something to eat...I wish they would go easy on their loud squeals as i am fearful a coyote is lurking nearby and waiting to gobble them up...I do have an odd assortment of animals....
Today was a blustery day as Pooh Bear would say in the hundred acre woods..Of course our acreage is only around 12 but that is a God's plenty with having to pay taxes and insurance these days....It was a bone chilling cold day so I was fast in feeding petting or talking to my animals.......And believe me ...I think these animals can understand a lot more then people give them credit for..Some days I feel like Ella May going out to feed the critters.....and talking to them.....not that I don't have a lot to do ......Theres a lot to do in the country but it never gets done in a days time. Thank goodness for tomorrows.....And here I am babbling away on a blog thats going nowhere.....
I'm just living an ordinary day to day life....No excitement here.....but it is a full life....Some days you cant get everything done especially in the summer when you are running to ball games,practices,, the winter is a little different.....Im an outdoors person but i dont like the bitter or cold weather...I could turn into a bear and hibernate all winter....I believe I could live in Alaska when they have more light then dark and never mind it at all....just in the warmer months though....speaking of warmer ..we are having a heat wave tomorrow ...suppose to hit 50...woweee....but i would like to get a few more outside decorations up...I love the lights at Christmas....
o.k..enough of this posting for today....darkness is upon us and its time to catch up on current and local events.......just wanted to make an appearance and post a post....(punny)
Remember Life's a Beach but it is what it is so keep on ploughing thru life....hmmmm...that sounds familiar..........
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