It is wednesday......cold nasty day outside..................
this is whats going on our side of the country
or at least in the 88-12 acre woods...
forty eight hours ago....monday to be exact...............

24 hours ago..............tuesday....yesterday cicles hanging from table today...

yesterday little toy was covered with snow............................

today hes frozen in ice........................................

Perhaps i will get a chance to get a few more pics on here on a later post...toodle loo
forty eight hours ago....monday to be exact...............
24 hours ago..............tuesday....yesterday
We made it...Looks like the worst of the storm is past and if we make it thru til Friday we should be in the clear..or at least back in the 30's...whoever would have thought that seeing 30 degrees sounds nice,,,,not that it is that cold is another bone chilling cold with the rain coming down...I just hope it warms up enough to thaw the ice...
my stately standing pine trees in the back of the house ....yesterday...........
same trees today.........................laden down with ice.............................the top branches are full of ice ..the bottom are touching the ground from the weight..i just hope they dont break...
yesterday little toy was covered with snow............................
today hes frozen in ice........................................
I was sitting watching tv about one a.m. last night when it flicker ..two flicker ..on the second flicker I was up getting the little lantern which I knew was on the shelf above where I was sitting if someone had'nt moved it from its handy dandy place for me to find....whammo..there it is and there came the third flicker...lights out...We knew this could possibly happen with the ice storm they were predicting,,,And sure enough ,,again...the last time our electric went off from an ice storm was about six years ago and it was off for a week in january..we werent taking any chances this time not knowing how long it could possibly be a trip was made to the little country gas station yesterday for five gallon of gas in case we would need to use the generator for oven..frig and lets not forget the can't do without tvvvv...So,,with my little lantern I wondered into the computer room and retrieved a oil lamp,,,which i know where they are..I love oil lamps and my little collection of about dozen or so are on a shelf in the computer room and some of them have oil in them for these outages that happen every now and,,i lit my oil lamp and set him on the kitchen bar...instant light...i love the glow they put out...makes the room look so soft....then i proceeded to lay down on the couch where i could see my little oil lamp,,I'm still a little gunshy of anything that burns with an open flame even if it does have a globe...poor Abe Lincoln...imagine no i cant at that...we are just spoiled from having it...anyhow..i settled down for a sleepness night to be ...cause i would awake to see if my oil lamp was burning all right....well..wonders of wonders was hard to beleive but how the electric company got our electric back on before dawn amazes me...guess they know people could freeze real quick in this kind of weather...((((((((((((subject change for a moment on that note...)))))))they found a 92 year old guy around Columbus dead in his house...Couldnt pay his electric and the way the article read,,his electric was shut off for nonpayment..he froze to death in his house which they said the temp inside was 32....
My pretty trees along the animals fence line in the back of the houe................
same trees ...not so pretty now with all the ice on them..tops are split..first tree has branch broke and dangling to ground.........
Back to the future...So now our electric is back on but the dogs barked all night long which was another sleepless night hearing the constant barking of the dogs..usually they do not bark unless someone is outside..that wasnt the case...this morning when we got up ...we realized why the dogs were barking.they were hearing the trees pop and cracking branches splitting and to them it sounded like gunshot which is what it sounded like to me this morning when i could hear them still snapping as i was taking pictures...wont have to worry about firewood this year..with all the trees that are going to be down...woods will be thing about it...we just go to the woods that you see beyond the animals pen to get wood for the fire...its really close..just the job of cutting and hauling it in,,,(((((((((back to the future)))))))))..when we looked out...what a sight...the rain and ice last night have coated the trees...i was videoing this morning and as i was doing so i could hear the woods cracking and limbs splitting from the weight of the ice on them...One large tree in our back yard that we noticed right away split and his branches are on the ground..I tried to take a few pics....our willow tree that we have babied to get to grow for the past 5 years ((the ground and soil up here on the 12 acre woods is hard to grow anything..not fertile enough...)))anyways the poor willow tree is going to lose its little branches if the weather doesnt warm up...One has already split that i can see but its not my biggest one...Maybe if we are lucky this will be the last major storm we see....but i know they can be as late as march...for a big snow.....
Perhaps i will get a chance to get a few more pics on here on a later post...toodle loo
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