Monday, January 19, 2009

monday nite..all is calm...all is bright is after 10p.m. a chilly one at that..we just got home a hour or so ago..took the little ones back to their home and picked up a few groceries..I thought I was going to venture out tomorrow but I pondered about it and had the man in the house..(not of the house) stop and get sheep corn and dog food tonight before we came home...just in case by some unforeseen chance I couldn't get out tomorrow because of weather or some other unknown happening...All I can say is I am glad we opted to pick it up tonight...because...for one thing..the weather is 13 degree..doesn't really feel that bad since there is no wind or wind chill with it...and coming up our driveway was another thing...I was ready to walk up but the he-man driver wasn't even going to think on that line so after going down and around and up ..on the 3'rd try we finally made it to the house and I vowed to stay home tomorrow..My nerves don't go very far on icy or snowy roads.....The snow is basically off the main roads but we live on a secondary road and they don't salt it unless absolutely necessary and I guess so far it isn't necessary because they haven't touched it yet...I remember driving home in some hellish snow storms when i was younger and working but those carefree ,,full of nerve days are long gone..

So..I guess I will stay in tomorrow ..and watch the new President taking the oath...The six year old wanted to know if we could go watch it...It's amazing that one that young even would know what was going on..I guarantee you when I was 5 I had no idea who the president was and I still don't know who it was when I was 5...Oh well...This 6 year old was rooting for Hillary Clinton..That figures ..He's a boy...I told him it would be a great honor to watch the inauguration but as a face in the crowd I don't know whether it would be worth braving the temperature..Now why do they have to swear them in during the coldest month of the year...Why not move it up to April or a little warmer month..I hate being I"ll just sit here in the warmth of my little snowed in country house and watch it on the old boob tube...

I think the new President and his family will be a welcome addition to the white house...I wouldn't want the burden of all the past dilemmas that Obama will have to endure but I don't expect a miracle from him either..I believe he will do what he believes is right regardless of color or creed...and he has a lot of obstacles ahead of him to partake...Good luck to him on those.

I have had the little ones since Thursday night and I swear as I am typing I think I can hear the little one crying or the bigger one hollering for me....Just as you get used to the quiet ..the weeks gone and they are back again.The 6 month old is such a happy little thing...before he gets his eyes open .when you talk to him ..hes grinning...oh..but he is spoiled though...thinks when hes awake I should be holding him...usually I do..but I never get anything else done either...On the other hand..they are only little once...

I think I am going to call it a day and go sit down for some quiet time and watch a little tv...and drift off....and not think about bottles...crying...a six year old wanting something just as you get settled.....going to enjoy my space...later.............

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