Oh what a blahsome day....fresh pretty white glistening sparkling horrible cold snow.....o.k. i'm about ready for spring in the hundred minus 88 acre woods with the house on the hill.When I can't get out on the roads , because of this fresh pretty white glistening sparkling horrible cold snow,,then its time for it to disappear out of my life...I guess that will all depend on whether the ground hog sees his shadow or not next monday....well..as far as that goes...i say screw the groundhog and lets get another animal to forecast the next six weeks..I'm ready for spring...the only thing that i look forward to each day to get me thru the next is waiting to play my daily bingo game..(which all in all isnt bad))helps the winter time goes by faster..and then again we have American Idol weekly to keep us going from week to week too.And my oldest gr-babies birthday to get ready for which is Sunday...boohoo...She will be seven going on 17....these kids scare the poot out of me ,,,well...lets not ponder too long on my day and age but what she knows at 7,,i did well to know at 17..so is it the age of the computer or just that we were a lot dumber back then...DONT EVERYONE COMMENT ON THAT ONE...
Back to the future...Sunday's are a hectic day anymore..They used to be rather drab but every Sunday the two gr-babies come down and there is not a dull moment ..beleive me..which also includes the gr-nephew who is the same age as the oldest gr-child...so now we have three...to fight and bicker between...most usually they get along pretty good especially in the summer time when they can all be outside and have their own space and not be cooped up in small quarters ....as my house is...
well...needless to say ...a cheesecake was in the process of being made with three wanting the bowl..beaters and spoon...ok..so one got the beaters....one got the bowl and one pouted.....heres the end results..
this one got the beaters and ended up with more on her face then in her mouth...................but none on her hands.
this one got the scraper and bowl and likewise had it all over his face...plus hands ..guess thats the boy in him....
this one didnt want any...and its not the best picture because now at their age when they know you want a picture ,,they stick out their tongues,,run ,,make faces and try to make it as hard on you as they can.......so i try to sneak up close and take one...She's watching her dad play pinball and trying to talk him into letting her play against him...he does'nt on this particular game but usually she plays against him ...and is a challenge at that....
Well..its almost dark again...and the weather is suppose to be bad over the next 48 hours but i havent seen anything yet...the snow made it last night and now they are saying freezing rain with ice.....guess my big butt wont be going off this hill till the spring thaw........thats why i love this fresh pretty white sparkling horrible cold snow so much...really makes me appreciate spring more and more...but then again...we havent had so many cold days in a winter for years so i guess this one just made up for it......GO AWAY SNOW..and winter............
I beleive i like green on the ground better then white.......
tomorrow the oldest has an appointment with the heart doctor and i guess they will tell them whether she has to have it fixed this summer or not...i'm keeping my fingers crossed for her..she is scared to death of doctors and needles..but then again thats not my favorite combination either....
ok....gotta go gotta go gotta go....easy supper tonight...everyone ought to try this one and if you have then shame on me for thinking it is weird........but the man in the house wants me to fix pancakes...((easy fixings))no road kill tonight...anyways..the reason he wants pancakes is because I fixed soup beans,,cornbread and fried potatoes yesterday and the next day after soupbeans comes pancakes so he can put the beans on his pancake...yuk,,yuk..and double yuk...that doesnt even sound appetizing to me in any way,shape or form at all...and we must'nt forget the syrup.....for the grand topper....
i'm off to fix the fixins and eat me some real food minus the pancakes............later.......
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