Tuesday, January 6, 2009

weather or whether

To be or not to be...weather or whether.....The reason being...

Today was forecast to be a very slippery commute in the early hours...so I along with all the rest of the world decided to purchase a few groceries to get me thru a couple days just in case that severe weather made it here.But you see I live in or rather out about 20 miles from town so I don't want to get caught with out ..especially TOILET PAPER.that would suck..

so I must admit I was out there too .I had toilet paper,,I had to pick up a few lunch things for the man in the house...but all in all..I thought I have been doing pretty good as far as buying groceries...Other then bread and milk...I usually have food of some kind to fix..I could survive but not the man in the house...He doesn't eat anything and everything like me..I wanted some soup beans to fix..Got the cornmeal but there wasn't a bag of beans in sight..Guess I know what everyone else is eating or maybe with the economy that's all they can afford ........Now whether the meteorologists know what they are talking about is questionable at times....The weather is not like they fore casted at all in our not so hundred acre woods..It started raining as I sat here posting which was suppose to start after midnight last night and continues to do so..I have yet to see the ice or freezing rain..They do say we are going to have some of that white stuff over the next two or three days...That doesn't bother me..I have nowhere to be at a given time so I can chose to stay in or wander out...Sometimes ,,especially in the winter time I could long to live in town or just on a flatter road closer to town...If my house was sitting about a mile from where it is now I would be in house heaven...referring to no steep winding road to have to traverse on to get to our four lane..I love it in the country and didn't use to lock my door..even with my St Bernard and Black Lab and mousy little Jack Russel I don't feel as safe as I did when I moved here almost fifteen years ago...My ,,how time flies....Just this week..local news reveals how people are coming to houses asking to use phone..out of gas etc..and wham bam thank you ma'am...they are attacking you....How's that for hospitality..Even with the canines its hard to feel safe...Especially mine...If they attacked you,,it would only be searching for a treat...I know if they bark..something or someone is outside...friend or foe..that is the question...sometimes they don't bark.....they are just too friendly for their size...guess I should have opted for a pit bull...

Boy,,I sure got off course from the weather.. Whether that's good or bad I don' know..Finally started the wood stove back up yesterday and banked it before I trotted off to town...I love the wood heat but hate the mess...and smell..I guess I never thought about smelling it but its what you get used to, until I went to a doctor when we first started burning wood and he said my hair smelled like wood smoke.Imagine that..I guess you never notice the day to day smells in your own home but someone not living

there would....Then again,,that's what air fresheners are for..huh...

The man in the house just called and said around the hill from us the salt trucks were out when he was going to work at 5a.m.,,so regardless of whether we get the weather they are predicting they are getting ready for it..

I strayed again..Back to shopping..You would have thought they had predicted a blizzard for a week..The local Walmart was out or low on fresh vegetables,meat and fruit...THAT'S THE WAY IT IS....Everyone runs out and buys up thinking they are going to be holed up for a week...Now ,,if you live in town....you can actually walk and get what you need...go figure..

I can't wait til this summer...We are getting a Walmart in our little country town..of maybe a thousand people.. give or take a few..Imagine that...Only thing is our Walmart is going to be in the form of a Family Dollar Store...I'LL TAKE IT....and only a mile or so from the house..The old people used to walk this route back and forth every day to school..Some were lucky and had a horse to ride...like the ones that used to live on this farm...I can just see the kids of today walking..Actually I do love to walk but I'm kinda hindered now with this knee that needs a replacement...that I don't what to have done...until I have too...It gets me where I'm going..Guess I would never to walk to the local dollar store as long as I can ride being is that you have to go over two hills which would be like mts..to some people....Straight up hills....too much for me at this age.......

Sitting here watching tv as I don't have to watch the keys while I am typing as I had typing in high school....many many moons ago..At the time I had no idea why I took typing.Now I am glad I did....Just like taking music lessons....Once you know where all the chords and keys are you can play...Its all in how you move your fingers...Oops..off track again..Just heard local weather and whether they know what they are talking about..who knows..but they say the icy roads from this rain is going to be here close to noon....we shall see..well not me,,I don't plan on being out in this weather ..My plans are going out and and feeding my animals here soon and throwing some more logs on the fire and doing nothing but enjoy the peace and quiet...Except for the phone commutes it should be pretty quiet around here as I took the 6 year old and the 5 month old home yesterday....The quiet actually scares me...I DON'T SEE TOO MUCH QUIET TIME AROUND HERE...but I love it..

I need to run or rather hobble down and put wood on the fire...call my La. sister ,,,hang some clothes up and do a little picking up...As I said this is the first hallelujah day I have had for some quiet since the week before Christmas..Long overdue........I'm going to enjoy it while I can because depending on whether this weather gets icy the man in the house will be home as he can' drive a dump truck on slippery wet roads...especially moving dirt...and my quiet time will be gone...On that note,,I'm gone

1 comment:

  1. Windy today aren't you? I'm playing on the new laptop. Love it.....and I deserve it; I tell myself that. Now to believe it!
