Friday, January 2, 2009

love or laughter

A picture can tell a lot about a person for sure but only the way the looker is perceiving it...For instance the humor in this picture would be when I would say this is me and Pigger and the comment would be."Well, which one is you"Funny ,,,Funny,,

On the other hand...this was my first pig...Not that I was in love with my Pigger but I loved him in a way that you could love a pet...I did'nt have to hold his pig foot ,,just a pat on the head or a rub on the ol belly would do.That might actually work with a lot of people some relationships...hmm.hmm...And I never ever thought just because of prices going up that I would be having him on the table with a apple in his mouth..Now ,,my La. sister might have thought that,,Sometimes I think animals can read your mind..She would call him pork chop and this pig would absolutely at the sound of her voice run her down..Her only escape was to jump on a chair on run up stairs..He could'nt go either place...You just had to be here to see the humor in her and my pig...She did not think it was all that funny but I did...the remembering years.

Since Pigger I have had 5 pot belly pigs of which I still have two..One will be two years old and the other I just got in October of this year...The first four have been males and the latest one is a girl....More trouble then shes worth at times..Typical female ...screaming and hollering all the time....

Back to love and laughter...The above is love with laughter included...The couple here is as much as in love as they were 30 years ago...One would absolutely be lost without the other...No children but they are used to doing everything together ,,cruises ,a trip out of the country every year for a get away together ....I sometimes think it would be much harder on couples if something happened to the other especially if they didnt have children and all their lives were spent doing things together ...I, myself would be lost if that was the case..but guess I like knowing the idea that I have been thru times of being by myself and could do so again if I had too...
I guess looking at pictures would be perceived different by who is viewing it and the way their minds think....But I do know if I am with a two legged and it better be a male then I want that honey wallowing all over me at least for the first 24-48-72 hours then he better make it stretch for the remaining years we have together...enough said...I'm outta here....

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