Sunday, February 8, 2009

saturday 3:30 a.m.

ok...its almost 3:30 a.m. going into Sunday morning......I am trying to get to bed because I have a lot to do tomorrow with my gr-baby coming down and we are going to have a little birthday party for her since I was homebound last week with no electric and the roads being iced up....Like I said I'm trying to get to bed....Of all nights for this little one not to want to go to bed..this had to be it....It probably had something to do with running around with him all day and not getting his nap times like he usually gets...He was awake a good bit today...Nosy little cuss..doesn't want to miss a thing when he is out and about..We took the 6 year old bowling and the baby couldnt make out the bowling alley with all its loud music and bright lights and the banging of the pens when the ball hit them...He's really good most of the time ...but I guess we all have our days where we cant sleep and my down time is going to be very few hours since its getting later and later...I plan on getting off here in at least 4 minutes and hitting the sack.....

It was a beautiful day here in the 100-88 hundred acre woods....It was still 64 degrees at 10p.m. wood stove a matter of fact I turned off the heat today..It was 51 at 10 oclock this morning...The six year old went out to ride his 4 wheeler and I mean he was covered with mudd from head to kidding....I had to make him strip on the outside porch....Of course he can find every mudd hole coming and going..And do you think he could walk around them..NOoooooooo...that is far too simple and easy...It's like water and mudd calls him...

O.k my four minutes are up...Im not even going to spell check this ,,Im off to bed before the baby gets up...another day ,,,another time..........

1 comment:

  1. Gosh Sis, I hope you got some sleep. I hope the belated Birthday went well.
