Thursday, February 5, 2009

Thursday Morning 2/5/2009

It's a bright crisp colder then a well diggers butt morning here in the 100-88 hundred acre woods..........The temperature is in the single digits and not suppose to be much warmer today,,, Thank goodness we have our electric back on and this last storm went south on us and hit the southern part of the state so we escaped the brunt of it...and tomorrow it is suppose to be 40...Saturday 55 and in the 60's all next week...

can't wait,can't wait....

It's so peaceful once again out here in the rural more humming or (out here it sounded more like a roaring ) of generators echoing back and forth from the hills and more crackling and snapping of branches falling from the trees.......They say we need a cold winter like this to kill off the bugs for the summer...wellll,,,I hope it hit every nook and cranny and none of them make it back..would suit me just fine....a bug less summer..wouldn't that be too nice beyond words..........

HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHECHE...yesterday was my oldest sisters birthday...I think she said 62 although we hurriedly both agreed we don't feel as old as we sound..Other then my screwed up knee I feel pretty good....could be worse....I definitely have to quit talking to the La. sis that is going to have knee surgery cause I forgot to tell her when i talked to her this morning that I had a terrible dream last night..I dreamed I had to have a leg amputated......yuk,,,or maybe it was from watching the Today show yesterday morning and seeing the woman with two young girls that had to have all four limbs amputated....and we think we have problems...I cant imagine ...and this woman had such a positive attitude...Guess it helps when you see someone far worse then the way you are and then you realize you are in pretty good shape compared to some people......You just feel sorry for them....too bad our bodies have to take such abuse ...should be made to repel anything that would cut,,maim,or cause abuse to the would be different if we had nine lives like a cat....and speaking of cats..I'd say my cat has used up several of his ( hers.).whatever the case is..I think hes a boy but my youngest gr-daughter at the age of two started calling him that is what we call him(her)...He (she ) goes cat hunting in the 12 acre woods and twice now he has come back all bloody from something getting a hold of him..somehow he manages to escape whatever is getting a hold of him..Now,,he is short a bunch of hair and has a hole behind one of his ears which came from whatever is getting a hold of him or maybe he met a female feline that is giving him a time of his life and making his little excursions to the woods worth it....haven't figured it out yet.....but he keeps going back for more of the same abuse, then again maybe its not abuse to him....maybe he likes it..

the sun is shining thru the window and feels so good hitting me right now..feel like I could curl back up and go to sleep but I have much to do because it is suppose to be in the 40s tomorrow and I plan on going to town...Ice should all be melted off my driveway...Today is suppose to be in the 20's ..not warm enough for me to venture to town and have to tote the little one with me..I'm watching my nieces baby which is the little 6 year olds brother that usually stays here...His parents went on a cruise..and wont be back til the I am going to have fun the next week or far he hasnt been that bad...He went to bed at 6 o'clock last night and I NEVER go to bed early but as soon as I called my sister in N.C. and wished her a Happy Birthday and then I went to bed thinking the little one was going to be up around midnite since he went to bed at 6 but he didnt so needless to say I just stayed in bed and didnt get up til the next morning...ok..i am outtt here for today..this post has given me enough trouble.....


1 comment:

  1. You are right about the words being to small. Next time I post Sister's I will enlarge my font. Thanks for calling me last night.
