Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Mr. Green Jeans

I'm not.............Ahh,,the fruit of one's labor...In this case it is in the form of little round red tomatoes.....I just picked these last night...from my big garden...which consists of ..you got it...cherry tomatoes...it makes for putting in salads all summer long and just a few feet away from the kitchen...as a matter of fact i can look out the kitchen window and gaze down upon my little garden.....my itty bitty garden....I do have a few big

tomato plants but they seem to be lacking in growing ,,,oh well..shame on them..the little tomatoes are showing them up..
It is suppose to be a hot week here ,,in the 80's with no rain at all...we got rain at least three days last week so we can go a week without rain..all i get done is mowing the grass which seems to grow 4 inches after it gets watered...oh well...I'd rather have the rain off and on every other week then to be scorching hot like the weather has been in la..
ok...not much happening on the 4th around here..we took the two boys to Ripley wva to the 4th and it rained all the time we were there so they didnt ride...we will be taking them to the fair next week so they can ride...it always either is wet on fair days or too hot to move around.....we'll see.
Tomorrow we are suppose to get together and go to the cemetery to put flowers on the graves...meeting at 10 to visit then going to the graves..Such sad occasions ..there has been too many funerals to deal with this month and this year..
The man in the house's mom died a little over two weeks ago so I have been helping his sister clean out the house she lived in...sorting and pitching.....well...the way i think about that is...I may have a bunch of shit but whoever goes through it will only have to do it once..After all..how many times can you die..It's amazing what one keeps....and I'm the biggest pack rat there is....yep,,I am...if you can reuse it ,,,its kept..of course,,i don't have any rare and priceless items worth millions...just a bunch of moose,,pigs and porcelain dolls...thats why i dont have to worry about being robbed...nothing in this house of any value...enough said.
My gr-babies were down this weekend...I dont get to see them every weekend...My son is on a job that is 7-10's so theres no time for him to do anything...he was off the weekend so he did make it down sunday...My girls...as different as two peas in a pod...One of these days maybe I will see them a lot more then i do but for the time being,,its out of their control.....in 9 years the oldest will be driving...and hopefully i will be around to go for that first drive with her....we'll see.The little one will be 4 in a couple weeks....They bought their Christmas list down a few weeks ago...hate to even think about Christmas right now..so I wont.
The almost soon to be 4 year old...loves those iced cookies......
ok,,,i need to jump off of here...got a zillion things to do and i'm not getting anything done on here...later....

1 comment:

  1. Sweet, my tomatoes aren't ripe on the vine yet, but sure do look forward to the sun-ripened fruits of my labor.
    Those are lucky little girls to have a Grandma that loves them so much.

    Hah, I'll be an easy fix when I make my last exit. I'm so not a pack-rat. They call me "Chuck" around here, because if it hasn't been used this week, I'll chuck it in the trash or send it to a church for their yard sale.

