Tuesday, July 28, 2009

peace and quiet

Tuesday,,A..........I dont know what I am going to do today...Maybe , just do nothing...but enjoy the peace and quiet....Meaning that ,,,,I took the baby home,,,the seven year old is back home and the man in the house is working...yahooo...the house is quiet as a mouse...except for my sister talking on the phone as I am trying to type so I shall quit for now..

ok...off the phone...am waiting now for the drs. office to answer the phone...I'm waiting as a next in line and that could be the rest of the day..I went out and fed the animals...plugged the pool in and as soon as I get a person on the phone I am going outside and work on trying to get my green pool back to blue.....the green is pretty but blue was much prettier..then after i put the chemicals in the pool ..I have to work on my animals pen...The little black pig rooted up under the fence the past two days in the weak spots and finally figured out after almost a year that she has a snout for rooting ..so root she does.and I'm about to desnout her after having to put her in the pen 3 times yesterday and 4-5 the day before so I have to go build fence before it gets too hot and before the rain starts..the rain is suppose to start after 5 ...and it is suppose to be a hot humid day before it does....I went to town yesterday and thank goodness I had the original little 10 by 10 pen still standing that I made for her when i first got her so she wouldnt wander off til she got used to her new home..well..evidently she must be tired of her new home and wants to wander......anyhow ,,i stuck her little butt in there and left her there all night....shes closer to the house but doesnt have her dog box to sleep in...but shame on her for trying to pull one over on me.As Gomer Pyle would say....SHAME,,,SHAME ..SHAME.....

o.k ...its now after 2 a.m.I just came in from the outside...hotter then a pepper out there and looking like rain more as the day goes on..It is suppose to start raining and rain for the next 3 days..but not until after 5 or later on tonight..I believe that it is going to hit earlier then that...still hot and muggy but getting overcast.....I fixed the fence and made a gate opening nearer the house...to get in their pen..After that I tried to degreen our pool but it is still the same....Now,,I need to go hang clothes out and get the dry ones off the line as soon as I get my handy dandy sandals on..Then I could do for a nap but doubt if i work that one in..I can only sleep when I get sleepy and thats bad especially if you are in the car and that feeling hits you...bet that Louisiana woman is getting her nap in...older people need them more...(tee hee)...
ok..short post ..half my day is gone...and i havent even touched my house... later guys,

p.s,,my first day of peace and quiet....I dont know if i like all this quiet or not...that seven year old can be a pain at times but I miss him..

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