alias madison......when she wore these glasses i would call her hollywood...and she would go right along with me....Thursday was the day we chose to go to the fair...The Wood county 4-h fair is held this week in July for as many years as my dementia brain will let me remember. .We had taken the boys to the Ripley 4th of july but the rain cancelled their riding out so we told them the next fair we were going so they could ride..We proceeded out to the fair and from a little after 7 to 11 the little ones rode to their hearts desire...I took the 3 year old with me and the 7 and 9 year old went with their gr-ma ...and i think i made the better decision in taking her ((((one instead of 2)))..So we rode and rode and rode some more...We visited the 4-h barns...and saw everything from quail to horses...The night we were there they were judging the we wandered here and there for 4 hours and looked at all there was to see..played a few games of bingo..(((for me))) and i let the little one play a grab the duck game and throwing balls in a bowl to win a prize...the prizes are so chitzy for the price of the games....a plastic necklace and a stuffed wee little duck were her winnings for the was all in fun for her...we walked and walked and my knee and leg got weeker as the night went on...i had to finally take a break and for me it was to sit at the bingo table and play a few games...bingoing three times and winning a grand total of 5.25....i got rich that night....anyways Hollywood patiently sat and watched then we were ready to hit the trail again...she had to go to see the mud bogs and hear the trucks go v-room v-room....this is more of a tomboy then a princess..
finally its the bewitching hour and time to leave...I was dragging and still am 2 days later...wish i had as much energy as these little ones do..
ok..short post again but i have a full schedule tomorrow...having a little birthday party for the soon to be 4 year old and having the one year old a little i gotta get back to work.......see yall
im keeping my fingers crossed for an outdoors day tomorrow..especially since there is going to be 7 under 10 years old here tomorrow...oh that reminds me too much of my mom and us..she had 7 kids within 10 she kept her sanity ,,,beats me....we must have been angels.
tonight is suppose to be a record low if it gets down to 52 like they say...oh my gosh...does this mean winter is coming early..tomorrow is suppose to be 75 by late afternoon..and today was a cool day...i kicked off the ac and put on a sweater in mid outta here....
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