Tuesday, June 30, 2009

End of the month

Summer in the east is fast flying by...tomorrow's the first of July and the following month school starts again..we haven't had much of a summer with all the rain but i guess i would rather have the rain then to be hot and dry....
Michael Jackson,,sad but true....these celebrities got away with everything...I somehow didn't believe that those kids were his especially since they didn't have any dark features....now its his cosmetologist that is the father...what other dark secrets are they going to come out of the closet with now that he is dead..
well..i see the cigarette smokers are going to rise again in West Virginia..They are going to do away with the ban on smoking at the race track-gambling casino ..only because they are losing money..wah.wah..if people couldn't smoke they weren't going to gamble...seems like it goes hand in hand..all the shows you see...those thugs playing cards are puffing away on cigs or cigars....now what about all the restaurants that protested against the right to smoke ,,especially in the family owned ones.Are they going to let them light up if they let the casino...guess we will have to wait and see on that one...
uhoh...the clock just struck midnight....I'm sitting here hoping my fat butt don't change into a frog or it would be a hippo in my case....well..i really need to get to bed but i got into a cleaning up mood and cleaned up the living room..just need to dust and run the sweeper which i will do tomorrow.....
I have dentist..doctor and blood work scheduled for tomorrow and i'm trying to remember not to eat ,so far ..so good,,if i can make it through the morning....
ok...i need to jump off of here...i feel a sleepy spell coming on..toodle loo.

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