Monday, March 30, 2009
whoa is me
It is going on 11:30 p.m. and I know I should be in bed because 5 a.m. comes early but I wanted to get my dishes done before I made it to bed...Of course I could have had them done earlier if I hadnt sat on my butt and watched Dancing With The Stars....Don't know how on earth them people can make their bodies so flexible...Its a chore for me to just walk...Lot of envying on this end...
I got the new puter hooked up this weekend but didnt like the way the cords were all over the floor so I painfully got down on these worn out knees and unhooked and untangled them ,,then I proceeded to hook up my printer and scanner..Now,,I think I have everything hooked up that should be ..I just have to figure out where to find use them...
It was a chilly day up to around 50 but the wind still has a bite to it..>Yesterday was nasty as far as being outside...The wind was rough..tough and one stayed out much as far as doing anything...The kids all played inside..My oldest brother stopped by and stayed the afternoon with the almost 5 month old he has....and as dinner was already over I got to hold her without having to stop and cook or wait on anybody except to have to take the 3 year old to the bathroom and hoist her up on the seat ,get her down when done and head back to the living room..
I believe of the two girls she is the most loving one as far as hugs and kisses...unless she grows out of it when she gets as old as the other one...she just plants a big ol puckered up kiss right on your lips when she wants too but ONLY when SHE wants to.The other day she snickered when I told her when she grows up and gets a boyfriend and goes dating I would get her a car...She rolled her eyes and said "Grand-ma ,where you going to get money at...You don't have any...well...I wasn't planning on getting her a rolls Royce just a nice little used car to run around in....Guess I will have to wait and see what happens 12 years from now... end of story...
YUK.YUK AND DOUBLE YUK.. I knew there was something I hated about spring..I was sitting here and rubbed my neck and yucky ...I thought I had a piece of dried food on my neck from the boy...but it was a dog gone fetching tick...I hate'm....I cant believe that I found one this early already..They must gonna be thick this year...ok..I just got a big ol sleepy spell so I guess my shower will have to wait til morning and I am going to post and be gone.........
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Before I start the day
I thought I just might get a blog on....I wish I could be a little more consistent getting one on but mine are so boring I could post once a month and that would take care of my fast paced life....I was in town so much last week taking the 1st grader to school that I thought about sleeping in the van....Its about 30 mile one way to his school and driving back home sometimes isn't quite worth it especially when it is going on 11 o'clock and I am still in town so I figure I might as well stay and wait til he gets out of school at 3...and then the days he has ball practice I don't get home til around 8 so that about takes up my days....and it leaves little time for anything else...including housework,,,,,and what a shame to me that is.....boohoo,,,not to be able to do house-work breaks my heart........
It is Sunday morning 7a.m.,,,thought I might sneak in a quick post before the other two get up and I lose my quiet...The grand girls will be down today so it stays pretty hectic thru the afternoon..I just wish it could be a little drier and warmer..The wind is howling and blowing like crazy but it is not all that cold yet...Guess it will rain all day and keep the three little ones inside and sanity is gone...They aren't really that bad..Its just that they are housed up and would much rather be running around outside in the 100-88 hundred acre woods....Lots more room and more to do on the outside...
I got me a new dell computer about three weeks ago and finally got it hooked up and it is quite faster. The old computer had 40 gigs ..these one has 32o...a lot of difference as far as space goes...
Everyone has finally gotten over their sicknesses ..thank goodness...Knock on wood...I haven't really been sick this winter ,,,,Actually my body doesn't have time to get sick and maybe it thinks with my bum knee that's enough to put up with...I go to the ol orthopedic doctor next week and it has been 4 years ago since I was last there..He told me I would be back but I just want to see what he says this time..I'm really not ready to get a bionic knee...I guess the down time is what I hate like snip snip in La..of course she is almost a month out so is doing a lot better ..She will be running the block in no time....
Well..guess I need to get my big butt which is getting bigger day by day off of here and go clean my kitchen and figure out a lunch menu....I have to keep chicken nuggets for the girls...I don't know how they survive ..They are not veggie eaters or meat eaters so its either pizza or chicken for them....ok..I hear the pitter patter of big or little feet whichever the case may I am out of here....
be back on another quiet day.................
Monday, March 23, 2009
long time post
It's been a week or so since I have been on my computer..Even
checking my email is way behind....One week the little ones were sick and for the last 5 days or so the man in the house has been sick....I think I would much rather deal with the little ones being sick ....It must just come natural with age or maybe we think we are allowed to whine about being sick since we have made it to the senior years....or maybe we think we are closer to dying the older we sucks..regardless....It is going on nine-thirty...I have been in town all day ...from 8 a.m. til 8 p.m.and it has been that way for well over a week...I have the nephews staying with me..well two last week and one this week and they go to school back in west Va...25 miles or so I have to run them in and if I go to some stores ..the next thing I know its time for school to be out and I don't have time to run home....I am so sleepy right now...I think I could fall over ...I have lost a lot of sleep lately ..and its late to bed and early to the little one has ball practice in the evenings so it puts me getting home even later my poor puter has been put on the back burner.
The weather has been just the 60's and warm....I see the new green grass sprouting thru all the brown dead grass from the winter ....the lilies are bright yellow making the grass seem even darker....and all my trees that survived the winter have bud on them.......spring has sprung....This is my time of year.not too hot and not too sweating.
ok,,I do believe that I am going to hit the ol sack...nite nite,,im gone...........
Saturday, March 14, 2009
taking a break
from a day of cleaning....yep....I got in a cleaning up mood which doesn't happen to often to this ol girl..not like it does snip snip...well..heck,,,she's even back to the grind and not even two weeks out of surgery....I told you,,,she's a kick your butt in gear and keep on trucking kind of woman,,,I can't even keep up with her with two good legs or at least not having one cut on....anyway.......................................
I'm on a little break...Lots more to do before the end of the day and the rest will have to sit on the back burner til I get in another cleaning mood....It is starting to drizzle outside..nice soft little rain..have to stand in it a while to get wet...Not too cold either ,,I ran out to greet the mail man ,,,with no shoes on and a shorty night gown which I usually don't go outside like that knowing someone is there but he wasn't about to get out of the car with the st.Bernard standing there...if anything she would lick you to death....oh writing just changed and I don't know what button I hit to change it so I will just have to finish with this look..kind of like it anyway...its purty....ok..
breaks up...back to work..actually I have another blog I saved from yesterday and I want to put a few pics on it...later.
Friday, March 13, 2009
weekend again
me ,,the purty one and my baby brother.....((just kiddingggg))
I had a full day Thursday but I hadnt been to town for a week..My ((snip snip sister))one had knee surgery thinks I run all the time..I really dont...just some weeks seem that way...I like staying at home...The peace and quiet of the country surrounds you with all its peace and glory and an occasional baa from the big sheep or a squeal or two from one of the pot bellies or the dogs barking is the most I hear..what more could I ask for...No horns,,,No city noises from the plants,cars , and whatever else your ears might pick up....No close neighbors to see me running around half naked or with little on...depending on the weather ....I just keep a shirt laying around and when I hear someone coming up the driveway ..before they hit the top of the hill,,,my shirts on and I am presentable....Of course I have been taken by surprise and have come to realize my cover up is somewhere where I was working a half hour or so ago and that I am not gonna make it to retrieve it....Oh well...either give some one a thrill or a chill.....lest they wander into forbidden territory where I be---ist.
I proceeded to leave the little country cottage((HAha) and head for the big capitol city of Charleston Wva...where I had a doctor appointment at 4:30...I stopped in Belpre Ohio and picked up my older brother ...A whole whopping 23 months older...but of course the 5 siblings that are older then me are within a 6 year range...My poor mother ...She would have been better off having all us at one time then the stairsteps...At one time ,,the last seven of us were all in our fifties..then them older ones just kept getting older and went to the 60's...Whoohoo...never thought I would make it this far with what little bit of mind I have left.......Again,,back to the present which is now past tense...My older brother and I proceeded down the interstate to Charleston....Meanwhile the baby in the family ...our baby brother was in Charleston referring the girls high school
basketball playoffs at the civic center....He has been doing this for 20 or so years...keeps him in good shape,,,He retired after 30 years from the coal mines which is another story in me it would all be horror stories,,the thought of going that many miles underground...on no..not me..when I go I hope its only that 6 feet under deal...and I hope someone gets my epitah right which will come out in a later post to remind them of what I want my marker to say....or then again maybe I can sit in a urn on someones mantel and not have to be underground but then again..who would I trust when it comes to my ashes..I would have to wonder who would be the first one to try and snort me....anyways....yesterday was a fun run around day ...if snip snip hadnt been bound down with her knee ,,,we could have all run....Its very rarely we all get together at one time...
So after we finished watching the referring of the ball game and watching and videoing who we thought was our little 6 ft. tall brother we realized within the last 5 minutes of the game our brother was the ref on the other side of the floor...pitiful..
pitiful..not to recognize your own sibling...but he kinda threw a curve on us.....We had never seen him without hair so we werent looking for a telly salavalas ,,kojak,,,howie mandell type of being...We were looking for the guy with hair...wrong..all in all..we had lunch together then he returned to his ball games that resumed at 5:30 and we proceeded on to the other side of town to my drs. appt. ..leaving Charleston at 5pm. it was starting to snow and we got out of dodge just in this morning Charleston had snow...Kentucky had schools closed and we were snow free in the north...We arrived in Ripley ...halfway town between Charleston and the next biggest city Parkersburg...There we called our oldest brother and decided to stop and see him...Actually we wanted to see the baby....This brother does things backwards in sorts...Now who would be fathering a baby and retiring the same year...I dont know which they will need first ..a stroller or a wheelchair..the wheelchair could double as a baby holder ..need be..but the stroller couldnt serve a dual purpose...Then again I guess if senile starts to show you could slap his butt in a stroller and he would never know it.....ok..we stayed there a couple hours and then we started home..>I just dropped one baby off in the morning and 8 hours later I have another one spitting up and puking on me...THEY SEE ME COMING..BORN SUCKER..just throw up on me....Poor babies...Helpless little human beings they are....and then my snip snip sister thinks I have an ugly jack Russel brother has one that is down right ..fugleeee.....I feel sorry for the dog...its teeth are so outside its month it looks like it is laughing at you....I took a picture which I will probably try to get one on later...I mean my little piggies would make this dog look pitiful when it comes to looks..........I'm down to get my camera to download a few pics to put on back....
I'm back...first of all..boy do I feel bad..This has been such a hectic cold winter...didn't seem as long as it usually does for some reason ..I guess ..too many things were happening..from being without electric for 5 days in the biggest blizzard days we had to the lamb stepping on my foot and kinda fracturing the bones on top of it..the big lug that he is...that kept it swelled up a couple months which made me think the Dr..botched my laser surgery but soon as they were back on the mend the swelling receded....and I remembered that my lamb chop had stepped on my foot one day while feeding him..never thought anything of it at the time...just rubbed it and hobbled to the house..It soon quit hurting...ok..I just rambled on and got off the subject of why I feel bad...which is ,,,,,,,,I hadn't talked to my dearest friend in Texas since before Christmas and decided to call her...Upon talking to her hubby they were going out to a music gig...they play music...and he proceeded to tell me she was in the hospital in Feb. for almost a week...I told him I would call her today as they were trying to get out of the house and I know how that is when you are trying to leave and the phone rings..sooooo ..I called earlier and they were recording live songs so she will call back later..I did tell her its a good thing ,,neither one of us died..we would have never known waiting for her to call back to have a long overdue conversation and a catch up talk...ok...breaks up for this working gal....later.gators.............
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
wednesday,,hump day
Today is Wednesday,,hump day for all the workers...for us non workers its just another hohum day of countless things to do that pertain to around the house instead of for someone else..I swear that I think I should have stayed working...I got more done ,,,my house was less topsy turvy then what it is now and I wasn't as tired..Now,,that doesn't make a whole lot of anyone reading this but that's the way it is around here...And those working days were even filled with those "cant wait til the weekend comes" so we could party hearty..and we did...We danced til the band quit...Its a good thing I got all my dancing in then cause with this bum knee it kinda kicked everything in the butt for me.......Not that I in this country lifestyle that I acquired along with gr-babies and great nephews around all the time would even have time to dance ,,,,even if i could...which I cant.
Of course my earlier years didn't consist of watching babies from a few weeks old to school age...It was all working and having fun and somehow it didn't seem as binding as it is now..
Then again I don't know which is more work ,,watching little ones or working..At least working ,when you put your 8 hours in you were through for the day...House work never never ends...yuk,,,and of course i never get caught up anyway...
This has been a trying week of sorts...From Friday..(5 days ago to now) I have had the privilege of having sick kids..a 6 month old and a 7 year old....Whoohoo..Im sick of puke and poop...Coming from someone with a sick stomach that says a lot. The 7 year old went back to school today feeling a little better ..of course he would rather say he is still sick because he doesn't like school at all.....The baby is over his feeling hot..I got nothing done but holding him and the bigger one because they both felt so bad....and my house shows it...Now he is laying on the floor in front of the tv whining because he thinks I should sit and hold him like I have been doing...Id say he got a whole lot spoiled the past week and I really have to much to catch up on to sit and hold him.As with babies the only time I can get anything done is when he is sleeping..
The weather has been beautiful the past couple days...In the 80's....but as of this morning it has slowly dropped and will be back in the 40's by evening......if not sooner.....Spring is right around the corner I know after we get through this month...
Ok..Done posting..Baby's cries are getting a little louder so gotta go,,gotta go...
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
48 hours later-hospital talk
well...I just got through talking to snip snip (as Fidell,her husband ,calls her) in the hospital ,,to us that would be the old battleship,ironsides,tough cookie,,tougher then nails,,cant keep a good dog down, and balls of a brass monkey sister of mine in La. that had her knee replacement done Monday and two days later she is still higher then a kite...hey,,at least she isn't feeling any pain..and to top it all..she blogged and still can post a more sensible post then I can...Ain't that a bitch...I'm telling you this gal doesn't let anything or anybody get the best of her..and now we can call her the bionic least part of her.You just cant keep a good woman down...And of course she will be right back at fixing up and cleaning house...She has cleaned and fixed up more on one house in 6 months then I have in a lifetime..I'm sorry but give me the outdoors..I hate the inside work....Spring will be here in a couple weeks that time she will be ready to run the spring marathon with that new knee...
who else can you call at 5 in the morning ,,in a hospital at that and they are up and ready to go...must be some good drugs she is on...She never did require much sleep.....
of course,,we are missing all the partying...As far as I know she is the only one doing some good drugs and getting the high off of them..Maybe we could wrestle her for that drip bag,,We might be able to run faster then her for right now....I always knew one day she was going to do drugs..I just hope she don't get busted...By the end of the day she might be kicking the habit when she loses her little buddy to some other addict..I must admit it has been a hoot talking to her especially when she is high....Shes about as goofy as I am in real life..I hear that is truth serum so we might be in a lot of trouble if she starts rattling on about her life....I only know when its my turn to go under I will have to sign a paper that I am not to be held accountable for anything I say that might incriminate myself..or I will be road kill by morning.........
And now since she hasn't had one of those 3 to 4 inch little buddies to get her through the day she thinks she will be able to kick the habit...It would be great if she did but we should all take bets on this one...I give her 4 days or maybe 4 weeks without a hit on one...and if and when she does start back she will be hunting for that foot long one...
Ok,,nice sunny Wednesday morning 8 o'clock in the morning,,,The warn sunlight hitting on me would lead you to believe that it is warmer then the mere 15 degrees it is...we are looking at 40's today...near 70 by Friday....wahoo.cant wait.
I'm outta here...lots of things waiting on me to do..Post you later..................................
Monday, March 2, 2009
ploughing through life
you cant keep a good dog down...old ironsides is on the mend..the battleship...titantic....bionic woman, tough cookie,,energizer rabbit,,tougher then nails and balls of a brass monkey gal is thru surgery,,,and will soon be back Ploughing through Life on two good legs........Don't know whether she will remember talking to me after having a morphine pump hooked up to her and having the femoral nerve numbed during surgery but she will back stronger then ever in a few days..if not sooner.. GET WELL SOON,,,,,miss your to you
Recap of the weekend.....
Sitting here thinking
about my sister in La...minute by minute ,,hour by hour...watching the clock ticking by....knowing that the gutsy one of us girls with balls of a brass monkey is going thru what I will eventually have too in the near future ,,,I'm just not as brave as to make the sacrifice of having my leg cut on at this moment...I have lived with mine for the past four years and can work or rather walk around without having to take pain pills or use a cane so I think I may make it a while longer without surgery......
Now back to the time at hand...its 7:37 La time and she had to be at the hospital at 6 thinking surgery was going to be around 8 give or take a my thoughts have been with her this morning even though I cant be there...I know she will fare well being the hardcore nurse she is .....She's been there,,seen it and done it all....
So...Just wanted to let you know sis ,,that I'm watching the clock and I probably will be able to feel every cut...You'll be up and about like you said in no time and ahead of me....after its all said and done.... and I am going to be envious of you with the bionic knee ...going to be a new woman....huh,,me I'll be more like the tin man on the Wizard of Oz and need to be oiled because of the squeaking......
Love Fidell says..snip snip......and I'll catch you on the flip.....