QUESTION,,,,,hows come i have a dicitonary and some other stupid thing on my blog page...down the left side.yours dont...i want them off there..they can find some other blog site to hang around how do i get rid of them....laterrrrrrrrrrrrrr
NEVER MIND,,,NEVER MIND,,,,I KEPT HITTING THINGS AND THEY DISAPPEARED..its a wonder i didnt delete my whole blog site...Id been one ticked off if you have already read this,,i fixed it..i think,,going to go check again,,,,,and this computer must have a cajun brain cause it jumps back to la. wants to go home..
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
heyyyyyyyyy,,look what i have and you cant have least til i get thru this knee surgery and then again a spring chicken I'm not so id say these are keepers for me...I know in these golden years i will probably need them more and they are like my third leg...........already...ok..i have to stop and go put those fugleeeeee shoes jumpstart my day...because the way i look at it my feet are too far away from my head to control the way my brain (((((what little bit i can account for))))feels ,,,especially when my feet hurt i hurt all over...
It is raining and has been all the man in the house will be home shortly...too much water for those big trucks to be sliding around in the i can imagine what kind of fun day i am going to have...(((not))))),,,one of these days he will hunker down and find these blogs and read them..(((((I only hope its after I'm dead and gone or if he reads them sooner my dead and gone days might be sooner..)))))whichever............but it doesn't make any difference because if and when he does,,,he will be p'd off cause MY MAN DON'T AND CANT TAKE A JOKE,POKE..OR ANYTHING TO THAT NATURE...I kinda got screwed in this relationship cause we are total opposites...
I laugh a lot..he doesn't
Ive never met a stranger,,every ones a stranger to him.
I'm a homebody at times...hes a permanent homebody..
I love fruits and veggies,,he detests them.
I'm cold natured,,hes hot natured
I loved to dance when i had two good feet,,he hated to.
I wont sit still for a silly fish to get on my hook,,he will all day
I don't like space or spy movies..he does
I like to read,,,he'd rather sleep
I'm on the phone way too much according to him..when hes on the phone,,,its important stuff.......yeah right,
And speaking of being on the phone ,,I deserve that,,I was out in the country ,,the only means of communicating with my friends and relatives was by email without having a humongous phone when i got free long distance ..that was like hitting the lottery to i take full advantage of it.....I wish i could be around to see what modern inventions and techniques they are going to have for our gr-kids...maybe we can call down from the other side and see what its like..yeah,,forget about that ...we wont have long distance no more...
I don't like hunting or guns,,he does....
I like cold coffee..yum yum and tea..he doesn't.
I like having family around..hes not a family man
I like my cat..he does not
I'm wide eyed and bushy tailed when i get up..hes half asleep .
I'm a light sleeper...he doesn't hear anything when hes asleep,please burglar don't find my house...or I'm dead meat..
I would never tinker with fixing go carts,cycles or bikes up,,,he loves to.....
I can sleep with the tv on..low...He sleeps with his on..LOUD
enough to rock the house..
I don't snore that i can hear...He can make rock music with his snoring...
Now ,,how i got on this subject on our differences i don't know..but trust me there are lots more..but I'm not writing a book right now..i was just blogging..
so back to the future ,,I'm getting off here cause as soon as that Cajun sister sees that i have been on here,,my phone will be ringing and i think Mrs K went to the beach and left the country after that cause i haven't seen hide nor hair out of her....she very well could have floated off to china by now if that big wave caught her...but wait ,,,her and the Cajun nurse were together and the nurse is back..
ok,,I'm outta here to get me to take my old age pills and get a cup of coffee and wait on my phone call...and i see the time is off on this puter again,,its back to Cajun everything is going to be an hour off......later guys..
one more thing.....
the one and only thing we have in common is we are both PACK RATS but according to him,,,of course i am and he isn't..
that figures ,,,its always i do and he doesn't...or i is and he isn't.
whatever turns his crank.......after 17 years,,,we have become permanent fixtures...bonded by age now..I'm just glad we are not Siamese kill him.......
Im off to wait on my phone call...counting counting counting
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
These are the shoes I was nothing...and part of the reason or maybe a lot of the reason why my feet were burning and hurt like hell..
Well.....out with the old and in with the new..o.k. since finding the reason (I think) of why my foot from toe to heel hurt so bad,,,I have started wearing shoes...not just now and then but from the time I get out of bed til I decide to go to bed at night,.which at this point I might as well keep them on cause I sure as shit dont know what time I am going to bed.I'm a hoot tooting night owl..of course my mom was time to sleep..and you can do more awake then sleep..
Back to the shoes....look at these finds....fugleeeeeee I reckon..but in this case looks don't matter when it comes to comfort....I bought these shoes 5-6 years ago on a Walmart special at $2.00 a pair.
..Now,,mind you they are boys shoes but I have a wide foot and at the finding of a good deal I bought 6 pair...actually I thought I might give some to my son..not knowing that at the time my son didnt even wear at this point I ended up with ALL of them,,wanting them or not.
Now, on the other hand,,,flip flops are bad for your feet. we have finally figured that one out.At least they are if you have worked on concrete for a living and get to our over the 50 age.and have bad knees from cartilages been taken out 30 years ago...Well,,back three or so years ago I purchased these flip flops and a green pair to take to the beach to wear with my dresses ..
.which I never after deciding to ditch my skinny thin ones..I got these out and they are so comfortable with the THICK soles,,,and my youngest 4 year old gr-baby loved the pink ones,,,"Grandma,,she says...will you get me a pair of shoes like yours.." she loved the flowers on them..I said I would but I havent found a pair like them .so I got her a Barbie pair with flowers that are more to her liking...
Ok. so much for shoes..which are going to be on my feet now...oh yeah....bury me in a pair...later
peace and quiet
Tuesday,,A..........I dont know what I am going to do today...Maybe , just do nothing...but enjoy the peace and quiet....Meaning that ,,,,I took the baby home,,,the seven year old is back home and the man in the house is working...yahooo...the house is quiet as a mouse...except for my sister talking on the phone as I am trying to type so I shall quit for now.. the waiting now for the drs. office to answer the phone...I'm waiting as a next in line and that could be the rest of the day..I went out and fed the animals...plugged the pool in and as soon as I get a person on the phone I am going outside and work on trying to get my green pool back to blue.....the green is pretty but blue was much prettier..then after i put the chemicals in the pool ..I have to work on my animals pen...The little black pig rooted up under the fence the past two days in the weak spots and finally figured out after almost a year that she has a snout for rooting root she does.and I'm about to desnout her after having to put her in the pen 3 times yesterday and 4-5 the day before so I have to go build fence before it gets too hot and before the rain starts..the rain is suppose to start after 5 ...and it is suppose to be a hot humid day before it does....I went to town yesterday and thank goodness I had the original little 10 by 10 pen still standing that I made for her when i first got her so she wouldnt wander off til she got used to her new home..well..evidently she must be tired of her new home and wants to wander......anyhow ,,i stuck her little butt in there and left her there all night....shes closer to the house but doesnt have her dog box to sleep in...but shame on her for trying to pull one over on me.As Gomer Pyle would say....SHAME,,,SHAME ..SHAME.....
o.k ...its now after 2 a.m.I just came in from the outside...hotter then a pepper out there and looking like rain more as the day goes on..It is suppose to start raining and rain for the next 3 days..but not until after 5 or later on tonight..I believe that it is going to hit earlier then that...still hot and muggy but getting overcast.....I fixed the fence and made a gate opening nearer the get in their pen..After that I tried to degreen our pool but it is still the same....Now,,I need to go hang clothes out and get the dry ones off the line as soon as I get my handy dandy sandals on..Then I could do for a nap but doubt if i work that one in..I can only sleep when I get sleepy and thats bad especially if you are in the car and that feeling hits that Louisiana woman is getting her nap in...older people need them more...(tee hee)...
ok..short post ..half my day is gone...and i havent even touched my house... later guys,
p.s,,my first day of peace and quiet....I dont know if i like all this quiet or not...that seven year old can be a pain at times but I miss him.. the waiting now for the drs. office to answer the phone...I'm waiting as a next in line and that could be the rest of the day..I went out and fed the animals...plugged the pool in and as soon as I get a person on the phone I am going outside and work on trying to get my green pool back to blue.....the green is pretty but blue was much prettier..then after i put the chemicals in the pool ..I have to work on my animals pen...The little black pig rooted up under the fence the past two days in the weak spots and finally figured out after almost a year that she has a snout for rooting root she does.and I'm about to desnout her after having to put her in the pen 3 times yesterday and 4-5 the day before so I have to go build fence before it gets too hot and before the rain starts..the rain is suppose to start after 5 ...and it is suppose to be a hot humid day before it does....I went to town yesterday and thank goodness I had the original little 10 by 10 pen still standing that I made for her when i first got her so she wouldnt wander off til she got used to her new home..well..evidently she must be tired of her new home and wants to wander......anyhow ,,i stuck her little butt in there and left her there all night....shes closer to the house but doesnt have her dog box to sleep in...but shame on her for trying to pull one over on me.As Gomer Pyle would say....SHAME,,,SHAME ..SHAME.....
o.k ...its now after 2 a.m.I just came in from the outside...hotter then a pepper out there and looking like rain more as the day goes on..It is suppose to start raining and rain for the next 3 days..but not until after 5 or later on tonight..I believe that it is going to hit earlier then that...still hot and muggy but getting overcast.....I fixed the fence and made a gate opening nearer the get in their pen..After that I tried to degreen our pool but it is still the same....Now,,I need to go hang clothes out and get the dry ones off the line as soon as I get my handy dandy sandals on..Then I could do for a nap but doubt if i work that one in..I can only sleep when I get sleepy and thats bad especially if you are in the car and that feeling hits that Louisiana woman is getting her nap in...older people need them more...(tee hee)...
ok..short post ..half my day is gone...and i havent even touched my house... later guys,
p.s,,my first day of peace and quiet....I dont know if i like all this quiet or not...that seven year old can be a pain at times but I miss him..
Thursday, July 23, 2009
questions without answers
Don't know why you get to thinking certain things but today was one of those days...thinking of my grandbabies and being a gr-ma...
my thinking;;;;;;
I couldnt wait to be a grandma...I always thought that having a son the day after my 18th birthday that I would be a young gr-mother but that was not to be...When I was 36 my son entered his first year of service..
After four years--give or take a few months he was I'm 40..After army discharge he ran with old friends,started dating a young girl which soon became his wife and soulmate...They married 14 years or so ago and at the age of 32 (for him) my first gr-daughter was which time I am 49 so now I'm a old gr-ma..
Four years ago..another baby girl was born so now I have the only two gr-children I will ever see because no more children will be born in this marriage,,
I visioned being a gr-ma and being able to take gr-children with you..on trips the park,,overnite stays,,like all the other families I knew could do with their own....This is not the case...Why,,, 7 years later I'm still trying to figure it out...I say nothing so as not to cause a rival in the family .Maybe because on the mothers side of the family this was not done in their young days either.."Why ',I asked.Because all the immediate family lived in the same town so they didnt get to stay with gr-parents because they visited them on a daily or semi-daily basis.Well,,,that must have been nice but didnt these kids ever want to stay with their gr-ma..and did they get too....I can't answer that,,,I only know my son stayed with his gr-ma several times off and on thru the summer months when school was out and my mother loved it...My sister took him on camping in particular to Spruce Knob or Pendelton rock in wva. or somewhere about that area...He still talks about the cans of beans her now husband put over the camp fire without opening and how the cans exploded.He loved it....I never held him back from not staying with family as I had nothing to worry it makes me wonder ..why the mother wont let the girls out of her sight...Is there some deep dark secret that is held back and noone knows that happened sometime in her younger days....I know my son was sheltered but nothing like these girls...He was allowed to go overnight with family and had no horrid tales to tell.
I can only hope that one day when my girls are big,,,that they will wonder why they were never allowed to go anywhere with gr=parents..or perhaps the parents dont think I can take care of them...I did enough times when I was going out to their house to visit while the mother run.And not that I have not babysitted for any other kids and took them with me...I've watched lawyers,,doctors ,teachers and nurses children..I used to babysit for a living for over 5 years..some of these children stayed overnite or maybe two..
So for now....My Sundays are spent trying to let them know how much I love them and how they are the most precious girls I could ever have.I dont want anyone telling them that I WOULDNT take them anywhere or I didnt want them to stay overnight ,,If they ever ask these questions I want them to know that I wasnt allowed to take them anywhere or keep them overnite...I would have loved to at any time...
That I have no control over taking them anywhere as I am not allowed to take them out alone...why...again ,,I DONT KNOW THE ANSWER...I cant take them out and be the proud gr-mother like all the other ones i know do. Are these girls going to be sheltered all there lives only to rebel when they get older..I hope I am around to see how their lives turn out.But another question....Why can the 7 year old stay overnight and go with her little friends at school and cant go with her real gr=ma...?
So many questions and so little answers..We couldnt wait to stay with our nana when school was out when we were young,,,I stayed with an aunt in Ohio most of the summer....I think our mother enjoyed the break.I would have if i would have had seven kids....although the boys never went anywhere ..just the girls..there went her cleaners...and her playful pup but she let us go..
I guess that is why I pick up my gr-nephews and keep them with me.I've taken them to the beach a couple years,,zoo..excursions,actually anywhere I want to take them...I hear the now seven year old telling people I am his gr-ma..after all hes been around me more then my own i let him..And I suppose if these post is read by the wrong person I could be in jeopardy of seeing them on Sundays..and i guess I better keep other hidden secrets off this blog and to myself.... was a thinking day..
my thinking;;;;;;
I couldnt wait to be a grandma...I always thought that having a son the day after my 18th birthday that I would be a young gr-mother but that was not to be...When I was 36 my son entered his first year of service..
After four years--give or take a few months he was I'm 40..After army discharge he ran with old friends,started dating a young girl which soon became his wife and soulmate...They married 14 years or so ago and at the age of 32 (for him) my first gr-daughter was which time I am 49 so now I'm a old gr-ma..
Four years ago..another baby girl was born so now I have the only two gr-children I will ever see because no more children will be born in this marriage,,
I visioned being a gr-ma and being able to take gr-children with you..on trips the park,,overnite stays,,like all the other families I knew could do with their own....This is not the case...Why,,, 7 years later I'm still trying to figure it out...I say nothing so as not to cause a rival in the family .Maybe because on the mothers side of the family this was not done in their young days either.."Why ',I asked.Because all the immediate family lived in the same town so they didnt get to stay with gr-parents because they visited them on a daily or semi-daily basis.Well,,,that must have been nice but didnt these kids ever want to stay with their gr-ma..and did they get too....I can't answer that,,,I only know my son stayed with his gr-ma several times off and on thru the summer months when school was out and my mother loved it...My sister took him on camping in particular to Spruce Knob or Pendelton rock in wva. or somewhere about that area...He still talks about the cans of beans her now husband put over the camp fire without opening and how the cans exploded.He loved it....I never held him back from not staying with family as I had nothing to worry it makes me wonder ..why the mother wont let the girls out of her sight...Is there some deep dark secret that is held back and noone knows that happened sometime in her younger days....I know my son was sheltered but nothing like these girls...He was allowed to go overnight with family and had no horrid tales to tell.
I can only hope that one day when my girls are big,,,that they will wonder why they were never allowed to go anywhere with gr=parents..or perhaps the parents dont think I can take care of them...I did enough times when I was going out to their house to visit while the mother run.And not that I have not babysitted for any other kids and took them with me...I've watched lawyers,,doctors ,teachers and nurses children..I used to babysit for a living for over 5 years..some of these children stayed overnite or maybe two..
So for now....My Sundays are spent trying to let them know how much I love them and how they are the most precious girls I could ever have.I dont want anyone telling them that I WOULDNT take them anywhere or I didnt want them to stay overnight ,,If they ever ask these questions I want them to know that I wasnt allowed to take them anywhere or keep them overnite...I would have loved to at any time...
That I have no control over taking them anywhere as I am not allowed to take them out alone...why...again ,,I DONT KNOW THE ANSWER...I cant take them out and be the proud gr-mother like all the other ones i know do. Are these girls going to be sheltered all there lives only to rebel when they get older..I hope I am around to see how their lives turn out.But another question....Why can the 7 year old stay overnight and go with her little friends at school and cant go with her real gr=ma...?
So many questions and so little answers..We couldnt wait to stay with our nana when school was out when we were young,,,I stayed with an aunt in Ohio most of the summer....I think our mother enjoyed the break.I would have if i would have had seven kids....although the boys never went anywhere ..just the girls..there went her cleaners...and her playful pup but she let us go..
I guess that is why I pick up my gr-nephews and keep them with me.I've taken them to the beach a couple years,,zoo..excursions,actually anywhere I want to take them...I hear the now seven year old telling people I am his gr-ma..after all hes been around me more then my own i let him..And I suppose if these post is read by the wrong person I could be in jeopardy of seeing them on Sundays..and i guess I better keep other hidden secrets off this blog and to myself.... was a thinking day..
yeeeeeeeeee hawwwwww
all is quiet on the east coast for a few hours...the man in the house didnt work today because of the rain we lightened , thundered and poured down the rain all night so it was too wet to run big trucks and he alternates between running a dump truck and a water truck so it was too wet for anything to move....we are suppose to be getting a cold front AGAIN coming a little sick of this cold ass weather...if summer is here ,,i want summer ..keep this cool stuff til fall...
the swimming season will be over here in another month..the 7 year old and his 9 year old brother will be playing football and practice starts next week so their time here will be less and less...they practice either 2 or three nights a week for 2 hours and most of my time last year was spent at these practices...and i really dont wont to do that this year..
for one thing...I HAVE A DATE.....and its not what you think...It's with my DR. and my bionic knee is set to go in september 22...and i must say i am really looking forward to this ...yep..i am ....NOT....right now i can say that i dont even have a good leg to stand on and thats the left one is giving me fits...i have a dr. appt . tomorrow so i am waiting to see what she says it is...and if its like everything else that has gone wrong i will have to find me another doctor for another opinion..shes a nice doctor but has never gotten anything right yet...except for my osteoarthritis that she says i have...i can believe that..oh these dog gone golden..senior ,middle age or whatever you want to call them is a pain in the butt,,not like i had imagined...i should have kept working ..these retirement years have been the worst i have ever had...maybe you are so involved in work that you dont notice if you are really sick...but I SURE FEEL IT NOW...AT TIMES..oh could be have a terminal illness,,a limb gone...stroke or heart attack would be even worse....we wont mention all timers cause i have half timers...havent reached the all page has filled up and i dont even know how i started this blog...ALL the way how do you spell that word,,,i thought it had a z in it so i hit spell check and it came up this..oh sure you know what i mean....
ok..short post..i was trying to finish my dishes but the two guys have left for town so if i am lucky i will have a little peace and quiet for a few hours.MAYBE...
Monday, July 20, 2009
one more post
been reading some of la. sisters post about childhood years...
Ours was quite different...we lived in the same house but had different tasks and chores to do....when the older two sisters cleaned,cooked,washed clothes (wringer washer at that),ironed clothes and all the other chores I wondered why i didnt have those memories....Shame on my butt....Myself and my baby brother had a different life...While the older two sisters cleaned and worked in the house and the 3 older brothers cut mine props and and the little one played and played and played..we had a playful life....never worked at no no.absolutely not..
After dinner (that the girls cooked each night) (whenever our dad was home) while the girls had to do dishes me and my brother sat on dads lap and ate popcorn and watched tv...I think when those older ones got us out of eyesight of mom and dad ,,,we got our just dessert..
Ah yes,,,the growing up years...I remember a milk cow named Blondie that just about killed our dad when she died...but she was a good milk cow..I remember going out to the barn where the older brothers would be milking and say we want to try it...not knowing you just didnt pull on those tits had to squeeze and pull and for little hands it was hard to get your fingers around those big cow tits....hearing the milk hit the tin bucket then becoming more quiet as the bucket got more and more milk in it.
and if a cat ventured near we would laugh and squeal as we squirted milk in the cats mouth to drink...
I remember days of playing in the barn loft..hiding from each other in the big bales of hay ...not thinking about all those nasty critters baled in the hay and yukky spiders and spider webs you ran into not to mention hoping you didnt run into any blacksnakes laying or hanging around anywhere.. was great for us on the farm...I remember the gatherings on sundays ((possible saturday afternoons) when family from charleston would gather and we would have cookout or something which time i remember my mom having a cow because it was in the middle of the summer and termites were crawling and flying around like crazy.and she was trying to keep everyone outside so they wouldnt see them..
I remember going with the older sisters at certain times when they decided we were good enough to tag along with mind you there is only 4 years at the most between us girls ,,,yet the two oldest run by themselves...probably trying to scheme and plot on how they were going to get revenge on us two little ones that got by with almost anything....At the time when we were allowed to tag we would all wonder up the creek that ran along side the house into the main creek by the main road...anyways...up along side this creek we would go ..out of sight of the house and my sisters had found these little rock formations where pools of water would gather and they would be different levels...i remember them calling them the knee pool.foot pool and ankle pool,,evidently ,thats how high the water was in them...and we would sit and dangle our feet in them.There is not too many things i remember about younger years..we did have some good kiddy times..I remember in a yard with seven kids we had no grass until you got about 40 or 5o foot from the house...because our main games were marbles.
I remember digging three holes so far apart and a home hole or the one you went too last that sat farther apart..and i remember saying fudgy..whatever the hell that meant..and sometimes a circle was drawed and we had a shooter marble that we got to shoot at the marbles in the rings to knock them out..and then there was the horses we played son still laughs at this one.Our horses were two stick clothespins stuck together and it made a horse.yep,,we had no dirt in our yard..a lot of homemade toys...I remember climbing the big tree that sat directly in front of our porch if we could hoist ourselves up to reach that always too tall branch...and that tree was use lots of times to crawl out a upper bedroom window and heave ourselves down to the ground from it....
I remember my dad loving animals..we had mules..cows..not too mention dogs and cats...I remember a dog named fuzzy...and dog was named bernard...we all got a puppy when they were born..My brother liked the ducks...I remember a certain sister calling a chicken slug a raccoons were named honey and sonny...they ran free after they were tamed and returned several summers ..then one summer they never came back...i remember crows with clipped wings..pets(maybe or maybe not) they were in cages.My dad would pick up ground hogs on the road on the way home from work and after he got those little mean devils tamed they would become time there was a litter born with no mother to raise them...they had no hair on their back ,,my mother was suppose to leave them by the stove with a cover to keep them warm..and one day the stove was fired up too hot and that was the last of them little ground hogs.,,One of us had a calf named april...I spent a lot of time with her but dont know at this time whose she was.and the pigs,,,,i loved the pigs .taking a corn cob and scratching their bellies and watching them fall over...but after the first year when i saw the pigs heads sitting in the creek at butchering time and the pigs turned into table food i wanted nothing to do with anything that was going to end up on the table and in our bellies.
I remember killing chickens...either wringing their necks or on a block of wood and someone held their legs and the one with the hatchet held their heads and soon they were flopping around on the ground only to end up on the table.the one with the hatchet was the beheader..i remember then chickens flopping for what seemed hours til they died..and one flopping under the house...there was a hole just big enough for a flopping chicken to accidentally flop thru and sure enough one chicken found it....It was bad enough to eat pickled pigs feet and pig ears plus cracklings ...but then again my dad never let anything go to waste...when the yellow feet were cut off the chicken they were boiled and we would skin them and eat the meat....sometimes i wonder whether that was real food or not to you think i would even pick up a pickled pigs foot or ears or chicken feet or mince meat and eat now....yuk,,,no way..we never had seafood when we grew up but i can eat more seafood now then domestic food...oh yes,,i forgot...we used to take the bladders or whatever the little blowed up things were in the chickens and play with them.....after they were killed....oh gross ,,on that one..
I remember a dinnerbell on a tall post and mom would ring that dinner bell that could be heard echoing around the hillsides when she wanted my dad and he wasnt close by.On one particular day it was when one of the dogs got fishhook caught in its mouth and had to be cut out.and perhaps it was used to be called for dinner..Isnt that what a dinner bell is for..I remember washing clothes and my mom would hang them on the barbwire fence when the lines were full and the cows would wander in from the meadows and eat our clothes on the line.Those clothes that had cow chewed holes in them would actually be in style now..really life had its pros and cons..
one of these blogs i will have to relate on our city life after we moved to town..that was a hoot to.
I remember eating popcorn on dads lap and watching several tv shows in was called Happy about a was Tate -a gunslinger show and im not sure about this one but i was thinking mr.ed--the horse was back at that time too..
My sister says our dad worked away from home most of the time on construction..I do remember our mom on saturday nights having us peel potatoes and she would fry skillet after skillet of potatoes ,,,we had to wait our turn and that was a long wait for us two little ones..sometimes it doesnt pay to be the youngest...I remember sunday dinners...that would chicken dinners ,,,and you guessed it..same chickens we butchered..I remember plucking those chickens..big buckets of boiling water and we dunked those chickens in it and the feathers would pull out so easy..till you got some quills that were stubborn and would break off..
I remember swimming in the big creek along with all the water snakes and all the other creatures that were in it..I'm amazed tht all seven of us survived the farm life...I mean ..ours wasnt exactly a docile ,placid life....You see..our dad liked his booze..and boy did we get some innocent whoopings from him when he came from town half or almost drunk...How he made it 14 miles from the town of ripley to our little home on little creek was beyond me....God must have been watching over him to get him home but not us cause then we got sometimes i grant you ..we deserved some of them whippings but half the time we didnt ..I remember dad making us cut our own switches to be whipped with..OF COURSE we would cut the smallest ones we could find only to have our dad put two or three together or use a belt or some other kind of strap....Really ,,when our dad was sober ,you couldnt ask for a better dad....He played with us...I remember him hiding Easter eggs and at a small age our dad looked tall even though he was only 5ft 10 or so..He would hide the lucky egg under his hat and then you guessed it,,he would holler at us two younger ones and we would be the ones to find the lucky two playful ones..that did absolutley positively nothing...I remember our mom and dad sitting on the front porch and watching us kids play hide and seek...ahh..memories..Now ,,if you could hear the tales from all seven of us that would be fun and scary because we all remember different things. I remember the home brew my dad made the cellar and how we would all go out and dip into it and see who could drink the stinking strong stuff..back then we could...I think my dad must have been drinking buddies with the local sheriff of the county because he never got arrested for drunk driving and if he did ..they didnt do nothing to him
I remember plugging the watermelons in the patch...Well they did it on tv and didnt get in trouble and knew how to find the ripe ones ,,well .let me tell you ,,that didnt work for us...we plugged them...put the little plug back in like a bunch of dummies..left them laying in the come along..found the then rottening melons and we got our deserved ass whipping...Now some times we might have been justified in getting butt whipped and this might have been one of those times.BUTT (he he) not all the time..
I remember my dad ((THIS IS A CRUEL ONE)) putting the newborn kittens or puppies that he didnt keep in a burlap bag with a weight and tossing them off the bridge...and watching that sack sink and all the little air bubbles come up from the over abundance of live kittys at the time..Ahhh,,,one time not so smart...hole in the bag and the little kittys got out...another story..that would be animal cruelty in this day and age...for sure.and at least it wasnt the bag.. I remember fishing off that same bridge and when the water was clear watching the fish swim under the bridge and the snakes and the frogs..all them critters.I also remember the floods from that same creek that would come up to the front porch of our house and we would always have an escape route in case it succeeded in coming ito the house in which case it never did.OF THAT I CAN REMEMBER..
I remember a certain cousin coming out that always had a mouth frothing toy that we would have liked to have had and how envious we were of him for being an only child and getting new and better toys...but then again he only had the toys.I also remember how his mom would holler at him all the time that he was going to get poison ivy.. We never got hollered at cause we were always outside playing....if we got poison ivy,,,tough shit...we had brothers and sisters that we could pick and choose to play the time we never thought that...but i'm glad that it was ((not Me)) that had seven kids but our parents did cause we had play mates to pick and choose from..If one wouldnt let you play with them another would....OF COURSE I ALWAYS HAD THE BABY BROTHER ,,THAT DID THE SAME AS ME ...ABSOLUTELY NOTHING...WE PLAYED AND PLAYED AND life had its ups and downs....but it never killed us..and i THINK we all came out sane..There is more tales from the darkside which will have to be told later on.
a few memories of growing up..soon to be forgotten when we are memories will be acknowleged thru our children which will be nothing like ours..or our parents....
Ours was quite different...we lived in the same house but had different tasks and chores to do....when the older two sisters cleaned,cooked,washed clothes (wringer washer at that),ironed clothes and all the other chores I wondered why i didnt have those memories....Shame on my butt....Myself and my baby brother had a different life...While the older two sisters cleaned and worked in the house and the 3 older brothers cut mine props and and the little one played and played and played..we had a playful life....never worked at no no.absolutely not..
After dinner (that the girls cooked each night) (whenever our dad was home) while the girls had to do dishes me and my brother sat on dads lap and ate popcorn and watched tv...I think when those older ones got us out of eyesight of mom and dad ,,,we got our just dessert..
Ah yes,,,the growing up years...I remember a milk cow named Blondie that just about killed our dad when she died...but she was a good milk cow..I remember going out to the barn where the older brothers would be milking and say we want to try it...not knowing you just didnt pull on those tits had to squeeze and pull and for little hands it was hard to get your fingers around those big cow tits....hearing the milk hit the tin bucket then becoming more quiet as the bucket got more and more milk in it.
and if a cat ventured near we would laugh and squeal as we squirted milk in the cats mouth to drink...
I remember days of playing in the barn loft..hiding from each other in the big bales of hay ...not thinking about all those nasty critters baled in the hay and yukky spiders and spider webs you ran into not to mention hoping you didnt run into any blacksnakes laying or hanging around anywhere.. was great for us on the farm...I remember the gatherings on sundays ((possible saturday afternoons) when family from charleston would gather and we would have cookout or something which time i remember my mom having a cow because it was in the middle of the summer and termites were crawling and flying around like crazy.and she was trying to keep everyone outside so they wouldnt see them..
I remember going with the older sisters at certain times when they decided we were good enough to tag along with mind you there is only 4 years at the most between us girls ,,,yet the two oldest run by themselves...probably trying to scheme and plot on how they were going to get revenge on us two little ones that got by with almost anything....At the time when we were allowed to tag we would all wonder up the creek that ran along side the house into the main creek by the main road...anyways...up along side this creek we would go ..out of sight of the house and my sisters had found these little rock formations where pools of water would gather and they would be different levels...i remember them calling them the knee pool.foot pool and ankle pool,,evidently ,thats how high the water was in them...and we would sit and dangle our feet in them.There is not too many things i remember about younger years..we did have some good kiddy times..I remember in a yard with seven kids we had no grass until you got about 40 or 5o foot from the house...because our main games were marbles.
I remember digging three holes so far apart and a home hole or the one you went too last that sat farther apart..and i remember saying fudgy..whatever the hell that meant..and sometimes a circle was drawed and we had a shooter marble that we got to shoot at the marbles in the rings to knock them out..and then there was the horses we played son still laughs at this one.Our horses were two stick clothespins stuck together and it made a horse.yep,,we had no dirt in our yard..a lot of homemade toys...I remember climbing the big tree that sat directly in front of our porch if we could hoist ourselves up to reach that always too tall branch...and that tree was use lots of times to crawl out a upper bedroom window and heave ourselves down to the ground from it....
I remember my dad loving animals..we had mules..cows..not too mention dogs and cats...I remember a dog named fuzzy...and dog was named bernard...we all got a puppy when they were born..My brother liked the ducks...I remember a certain sister calling a chicken slug a raccoons were named honey and sonny...they ran free after they were tamed and returned several summers ..then one summer they never came back...i remember crows with clipped wings..pets(maybe or maybe not) they were in cages.My dad would pick up ground hogs on the road on the way home from work and after he got those little mean devils tamed they would become time there was a litter born with no mother to raise them...they had no hair on their back ,,my mother was suppose to leave them by the stove with a cover to keep them warm..and one day the stove was fired up too hot and that was the last of them little ground hogs.,,One of us had a calf named april...I spent a lot of time with her but dont know at this time whose she was.and the pigs,,,,i loved the pigs .taking a corn cob and scratching their bellies and watching them fall over...but after the first year when i saw the pigs heads sitting in the creek at butchering time and the pigs turned into table food i wanted nothing to do with anything that was going to end up on the table and in our bellies.
I remember killing chickens...either wringing their necks or on a block of wood and someone held their legs and the one with the hatchet held their heads and soon they were flopping around on the ground only to end up on the table.the one with the hatchet was the beheader..i remember then chickens flopping for what seemed hours til they died..and one flopping under the house...there was a hole just big enough for a flopping chicken to accidentally flop thru and sure enough one chicken found it....It was bad enough to eat pickled pigs feet and pig ears plus cracklings ...but then again my dad never let anything go to waste...when the yellow feet were cut off the chicken they were boiled and we would skin them and eat the meat....sometimes i wonder whether that was real food or not to you think i would even pick up a pickled pigs foot or ears or chicken feet or mince meat and eat now....yuk,,,no way..we never had seafood when we grew up but i can eat more seafood now then domestic food...oh yes,,i forgot...we used to take the bladders or whatever the little blowed up things were in the chickens and play with them.....after they were killed....oh gross ,,on that one..
I remember a dinnerbell on a tall post and mom would ring that dinner bell that could be heard echoing around the hillsides when she wanted my dad and he wasnt close by.On one particular day it was when one of the dogs got fishhook caught in its mouth and had to be cut out.and perhaps it was used to be called for dinner..Isnt that what a dinner bell is for..I remember washing clothes and my mom would hang them on the barbwire fence when the lines were full and the cows would wander in from the meadows and eat our clothes on the line.Those clothes that had cow chewed holes in them would actually be in style now..really life had its pros and cons..
one of these blogs i will have to relate on our city life after we moved to town..that was a hoot to.
I remember eating popcorn on dads lap and watching several tv shows in was called Happy about a was Tate -a gunslinger show and im not sure about this one but i was thinking mr.ed--the horse was back at that time too..
My sister says our dad worked away from home most of the time on construction..I do remember our mom on saturday nights having us peel potatoes and she would fry skillet after skillet of potatoes ,,,we had to wait our turn and that was a long wait for us two little ones..sometimes it doesnt pay to be the youngest...I remember sunday dinners...that would chicken dinners ,,,and you guessed it..same chickens we butchered..I remember plucking those chickens..big buckets of boiling water and we dunked those chickens in it and the feathers would pull out so easy..till you got some quills that were stubborn and would break off..
I remember swimming in the big creek along with all the water snakes and all the other creatures that were in it..I'm amazed tht all seven of us survived the farm life...I mean ..ours wasnt exactly a docile ,placid life....You see..our dad liked his booze..and boy did we get some innocent whoopings from him when he came from town half or almost drunk...How he made it 14 miles from the town of ripley to our little home on little creek was beyond me....God must have been watching over him to get him home but not us cause then we got sometimes i grant you ..we deserved some of them whippings but half the time we didnt ..I remember dad making us cut our own switches to be whipped with..OF COURSE we would cut the smallest ones we could find only to have our dad put two or three together or use a belt or some other kind of strap....Really ,,when our dad was sober ,you couldnt ask for a better dad....He played with us...I remember him hiding Easter eggs and at a small age our dad looked tall even though he was only 5ft 10 or so..He would hide the lucky egg under his hat and then you guessed it,,he would holler at us two younger ones and we would be the ones to find the lucky two playful ones..that did absolutley positively nothing...I remember our mom and dad sitting on the front porch and watching us kids play hide and seek...ahh..memories..Now ,,if you could hear the tales from all seven of us that would be fun and scary because we all remember different things. I remember the home brew my dad made the cellar and how we would all go out and dip into it and see who could drink the stinking strong stuff..back then we could...I think my dad must have been drinking buddies with the local sheriff of the county because he never got arrested for drunk driving and if he did ..they didnt do nothing to him
I remember plugging the watermelons in the patch...Well they did it on tv and didnt get in trouble and knew how to find the ripe ones ,,well .let me tell you ,,that didnt work for us...we plugged them...put the little plug back in like a bunch of dummies..left them laying in the come along..found the then rottening melons and we got our deserved ass whipping...Now some times we might have been justified in getting butt whipped and this might have been one of those times.BUTT (he he) not all the time..
I remember my dad ((THIS IS A CRUEL ONE)) putting the newborn kittens or puppies that he didnt keep in a burlap bag with a weight and tossing them off the bridge...and watching that sack sink and all the little air bubbles come up from the over abundance of live kittys at the time..Ahhh,,,one time not so smart...hole in the bag and the little kittys got out...another story..that would be animal cruelty in this day and age...for sure.and at least it wasnt the bag.. I remember fishing off that same bridge and when the water was clear watching the fish swim under the bridge and the snakes and the frogs..all them critters.I also remember the floods from that same creek that would come up to the front porch of our house and we would always have an escape route in case it succeeded in coming ito the house in which case it never did.OF THAT I CAN REMEMBER..
I remember a certain cousin coming out that always had a mouth frothing toy that we would have liked to have had and how envious we were of him for being an only child and getting new and better toys...but then again he only had the toys.I also remember how his mom would holler at him all the time that he was going to get poison ivy.. We never got hollered at cause we were always outside playing....if we got poison ivy,,,tough shit...we had brothers and sisters that we could pick and choose to play the time we never thought that...but i'm glad that it was ((not Me)) that had seven kids but our parents did cause we had play mates to pick and choose from..If one wouldnt let you play with them another would....OF COURSE I ALWAYS HAD THE BABY BROTHER ,,THAT DID THE SAME AS ME ...ABSOLUTELY NOTHING...WE PLAYED AND PLAYED AND life had its ups and downs....but it never killed us..and i THINK we all came out sane..There is more tales from the darkside which will have to be told later on.
a few memories of growing up..soon to be forgotten when we are memories will be acknowleged thru our children which will be nothing like ours..or our parents....
4 year olds birthday
their looks..dont we all ,I guess....
well...three little posts in one morning..a record for me....on to the 4 year olds party...remember ...our parties are not big ones but fun ones...
Of course its hard to have everyone together at one time..especially when theres a pool in the yard and everyones in needless to say ..whoever wanted to swim ..swam and whoever wanted to be inside for the party was inside..of course the outside hot weather and getting to be in a pool that noone has at their house was a little too tempting...the four year iced her little cake and blew out the candle and of course she only ate the icing off the cake and her face showed it at times....
After the gifts were opened we wandered out side for our party game..No pinning the tail on the donkey or playing board games for these semi=hyper kids...those are too laid back so our game for everyone to get a present was hiding four of the same color eggs around the yard..everyone had their own color eggs to find so if they come across a color that wasnt theirs it was left their for the rightful looker to find..if the little ones couldnt find their four ..after the bigger ones found theirs they helped the little ones..dolls for the 4 year games for the middle ones and monster trucks for the oldest...alas..a toy for everyone to have..makes less boredom for them...and the birthday girl or boy gets the most of course..
babies ---how great
ok.....I'm tired of black posting so i will try is the day after the Sunday party...for the wee ones....We don't have big cakes made around here ..for one thing I'm not a cake maker or decorator so we do little cakes and cupcakes..sometimes they ice them ..sometimes not....the baby wouldn't have anything to do with his cake ...he must have thought with the candle on it ,it was a toy.....the itty bitty cupcakes he loved..just big enough for those itty bitty hands to hold...a few pics from yesterday of him....with the extra cupcake on his face.ok,,,i want to put a different blog on with the gr-babies later later.
WELL...its too late to turn back now or is it...??? I called my orthopedic Dr. this morning to inquire about surgery on this knee which I am not looking forward to but I guess its about time especially when i had to buy me a pair of crutches last week because i kept getting weak knee=ed.It still catches on me but I'm still not in a continuous pain which is strange to me...bad knee but doesn't pain a lot ..only when it catches.
I could have gotten in to surgery by the 25th of august but we have an estate auction coming up on the 29th that i have to help with and then labor day weekend which is our reunion so one week for a dr.appt...the next week for hospital pre-op((fun fun)) and the following week the 22nd is suppose to be the surgery i have two months to get all my ducks in a row..and then school will be in so the 7 year old should be in school and back with his mom..ok..short post ...been a wild weekend here..had a small b-day party for the one year old and the 4 year old...and the last ones migrated out a little after 8 p.m.,,later
Saturday, July 18, 2009
alias madison......when she wore these glasses i would call her hollywood...and she would go right along with me....Thursday was the day we chose to go to the fair...The Wood county 4-h fair is held this week in July for as many years as my dementia brain will let me remember. .We had taken the boys to the Ripley 4th of july but the rain cancelled their riding out so we told them the next fair we were going so they could ride..We proceeded out to the fair and from a little after 7 to 11 the little ones rode to their hearts desire...I took the 3 year old with me and the 7 and 9 year old went with their gr-ma ...and i think i made the better decision in taking her ((((one instead of 2)))..So we rode and rode and rode some more...We visited the 4-h barns...and saw everything from quail to horses...The night we were there they were judging the we wandered here and there for 4 hours and looked at all there was to see..played a few games of bingo..(((for me))) and i let the little one play a grab the duck game and throwing balls in a bowl to win a prize...the prizes are so chitzy for the price of the games....a plastic necklace and a stuffed wee little duck were her winnings for the was all in fun for her...we walked and walked and my knee and leg got weeker as the night went on...i had to finally take a break and for me it was to sit at the bingo table and play a few games...bingoing three times and winning a grand total of 5.25....i got rich that night....anyways Hollywood patiently sat and watched then we were ready to hit the trail again...she had to go to see the mud bogs and hear the trucks go v-room v-room....this is more of a tomboy then a princess..
finally its the bewitching hour and time to leave...I was dragging and still am 2 days later...wish i had as much energy as these little ones do..
ok..short post again but i have a full schedule tomorrow...having a little birthday party for the soon to be 4 year old and having the one year old a little i gotta get back to work.......see yall
im keeping my fingers crossed for an outdoors day tomorrow..especially since there is going to be 7 under 10 years old here tomorrow...oh that reminds me too much of my mom and us..she had 7 kids within 10 she kept her sanity ,,,beats me....we must have been angels.
tonight is suppose to be a record low if it gets down to 52 like they say...oh my gosh...does this mean winter is coming early..tomorrow is suppose to be 75 by late afternoon..and today was a cool day...i kicked off the ac and put on a sweater in mid outta here....
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Mr. Green Jeans
tomato plants but they seem to be lacking in growing ,,,oh well..shame on them..the little tomatoes are showing them up..
It is suppose to be a hot week here ,,in the 80's with no rain at all...we got rain at least three days last week so we can go a week without rain..all i get done is mowing the grass which seems to grow 4 inches after it gets watered...oh well...I'd rather have the rain off and on every other week then to be scorching hot like the weather has been in la..
ok...not much happening on the 4th around here..we took the two boys to Ripley wva to the 4th and it rained all the time we were there so they didnt ride...we will be taking them to the fair next week so they can always either is wet on fair days or too hot to move around.....we'll see.
Tomorrow we are suppose to get together and go to the cemetery to put flowers on the graves...meeting at 10 to visit then going to the graves..Such sad occasions ..there has been too many funerals to deal with this month and this year..
The man in the house's mom died a little over two weeks ago so I have been helping his sister clean out the house she lived in...sorting and pitching.....well...the way i think about that is...I may have a bunch of shit but whoever goes through it will only have to do it once..After many times can you die..It's amazing what one keeps....and I'm the biggest pack rat there is....yep,,I am...if you can reuse it ,,,its kept..of course,,i don't have any rare and priceless items worth millions...just a bunch of moose,,pigs and porcelain dolls...thats why i dont have to worry about being robbed...nothing in this house of any value...enough said.
My gr-babies were down this weekend...I dont get to see them every weekend...My son is on a job that is 7-10's so theres no time for him to do anything...he was off the weekend so he did make it down sunday...My different as two peas in a pod...One of these days maybe I will see them a lot more then i do but for the time being,,its out of their 9 years the oldest will be driving...and hopefully i will be around to go for that first drive with her....we'll see.The little one will be 4 in a couple weeks....They bought their Christmas list down a few weeks ago...hate to even think about Christmas right I wont.
The almost soon to be 4 year old...loves those iced cookies......
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