for football and cold weather....The boys have been practicing since the last of july and talk about hot..I dont know which is worse...first we sweat and roast watching them play and then the cold weather hits before they are through and we are sitting in snow and whos knows what else by the time the season is over.
this past weekend was a scrimmage game..but they lasted all day...had four games saturday and three sunday and both days were scorchers to say the least..i kinda feel sorry for those little fellas out there in all that get up and all the heat...
On the other hand..maybe we should get suited up in one of these football outfits..they fit like girdles and made you look three times smaller then what you are..I'm ready to try one to cover all this frugal fat im carrying around.yeah..picture that..slim and trim a corset...actually thats what the pants make me think they the time you lace them and pull them extra tight...then the pads inside make your hips stick out so you look pretty proportioned..They had some girls playing on these teams...they must have balls more then the boys to play with them...
I walked or rather hobbled around the field at one time and took a picture of number 99...hes the older boy playing..
.if you look across the left top of the picture you could see our easy up tent on the other side of the bleachers..on the very the end..thats where we were sitting..when you circled the field and looked back ,,it looked like the beach...all you could see where tents and tits...the young girls dont care what hangs out...of course the tents were us old gals...
the little one played center in these games..hes the one bent over with his helmet almost on the ground getting ready to hike the ball...
number 6 when you can see it..the trouble with these little fellas is when they all get out there..they all look like your kid...the first team we played against was my old alma mater..the little blue and whites were us...the ripley was hard not to root for them..which sometimes i did...we got the first touch down ,,then after that we went to score,,,they retaliated
with 4 touchdowns one right after the other.beat our butts to say the least,,
ok,,i think i may hit the sack.its going on 11 p.m. and if i don't i will be digging for something else to eat and since 7 o'clock i have eaten a foot long sub,,,a yogurt,,some walnuts and a bowl of chocolate cereal,,,now im too full to lay soon as i finish these i am on the way to some 'zzzzzzzz's. later;;;
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