well...gardens are almost at a standstill around this part of the country..at this time of year the only thing left is tomatoes and pumpkins and the fall veggies that are still coming on....so much for sweet corn..I dont put out nearly anything that you could actually call a garden..I just like tomatoes ..the little itty bitty one for my salads.in which on this particular day i ate with a bare hamburger..and it was good to the last bite...
.My grape tomatoes didnt do as good as last year but to be able to pick enough for a salad was more then enough for me and as i am the only one that eats them in this household...i thought i would have more then enough..that was not the case...i have enough but not more then enough...i love tomato sandwiches...yum yum..slices of tomatoes on wheat bread with mayo....i may see if i can scrounge up a tomato and fix me one now....the last ones picked were the itty bitty ones...next year my tomatoes will be planted differently .god willing.i will plant them in big containers that will harvest no weeds...i dont like to weed eat so most of the weeds this year were sprayed by my handy dandy little bottles of weed killer...no particular brand..i have used several different ones and they all seem to work the same..and now i spray everywhere so weed eating for me will be a thing of the past.uh oh...i just remembered that i was suppose to water my willow trees i planted down the driveway...i will make a note to water them early tomorrow before it gets hot....the man in the house says they wont grow and just once i would like to say...SEE,,DAMMIT I TOLD YOU SO...he says i should have waited til late fall...better chance for them of surviving and even better to say hes right....got to water,,got to water,,maybe..it is suppose to start raining tomorrow night and rain all weekend..so maybe i wont...see what the morning brings...today was a scorcher..got to about 92..better not piss and moan about it,,in a few months i will be freezing,
good ol winter will be here..yukkk,
It wont be long till the hummingbirds will be leaving and all my flowers will slowly disappear,,shriveling up and fading away..
My hibiscus did real good this year ..except the red ones were so big that they couldnt hold them selves up.
..thats the way im beginning to feel about myself..heavy heavy.the pink ones were almost white.
...the yellow ones were the most colorful except they are FAKE...
and with that i am outta here...............
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