get on it in the pool...........or stay on it.
OK,,,,,it is 6 ,,maybe 7 weeks on a countdown for me to have this knee surgery that I am so not looking forward to having fixed....if that's what you can call it...When my gr-baby comes down ,,she wants to know if i have my metal knee yet...I don't know whether she really knows what it means...or what she is thinking it will look like....I sometimes wonder how the little ones minds think,like this maybe.
.,,,of course,,,the more senior i get the more i probably sound like a four year old,,so i think I'm finding out the older i get....
wont be long til school starts...sometimes i think that's good..sometimes bad...depends on whether you have to get up and put them off to school.i think my putting kids of to school days is wouldn't matter anyway...I'm up early no matter what time i go to bed..just a matter of getting used to it.
I went to town yesterday to drop the 7 year old off for football practice..they have two scrimmage games this weekend ...In practice they are playing him on offense as a center....i think that's what the position is...its the one that hikes the here at home..hes the hiker and I'm the quarter back...i like my position better...i sit in the chair and say hutt hutt ready set or maybe its vice versa...maybe its ready ,set ,,hutt hutt...hell...i don't even know what i do say now..but I'm a sitting quarterback.....i don't get sacked....i like this game...actually i could never play football...i hate for someone to hit me when I'm not looking or to run up behind me and grab my butt or whatever,,,I'm afraid i would be duking it out with the one that hits as for grabbing my butt,,in my younger years that would have been fine but now it would be an insult.or maybe that should be said in reverse....maybe it would be nice now...
they are forecasting rain all this weekend.....we are already flooded in the southern part of the state...Charleston and Huntington have had some major water and if we get rain all week ,the flooding will be out of control..the practice was cancelled after about and hour and 15 minutes last soon as they see the first streak of lightening ,,,games are cancelled..and I'm off like a flash too....
every one likes holly...the black lab
OK...its 7 a.m. i want to finish my room i started on off to work i go,,,but then again,,,man,,I'm sleeeeeeeeeepy...i shall catch everyone later,,,
OK...its 7 a.m. i want to finish my room i started on off to work i go,,,but then again,,,man,,I'm sleeeeeeeeeepy...i shall catch everyone later,,,
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