Whee doggies..where did this week go.....One day i can blog at least once a day...then its a week before i get on here again....not that it matters...
We are in the dog days of summer for right now....I sure hope the dogs like it cause I dont...except ticks are usually gone by now...I can do without the nuisances anyway..and the spiders and the sweat bees and the bees, wasps and any other bug flying or crawling around..In reality ,,I HATE BUGS OF ANY KIND....well..thats not right either...I dont mind crickets,,grasshoppers..butterflies ,lady bugs,,you know the nice bugs...but then again ,,how do you justify what bugs are good and what are bad..someone else might think just the opposite....
Oh these silly weather forecasters...what the hell they talking about...they make the comment ,,it will be nice to see the temperatures in the 90's...
you see,,,it is suppose to hit 90 sunday and believe this if you can...we have not had any hot temps this summer...89 is the highest it has gotten.. ..they say we havent had any 90 temps this summer especially with the humidity which is suppose to be here witht the temps..this will be the first of both together......thats why we had to put over 100 bucks of chemicals in our pool to get the water from green to blue because we have had a record amount of rain and cold temps in July...well,,,i sure can do without the heat and humidity......going to be a good pool day ,i can see.....no bike riding and sweating in the park this weekend...swimming will definitely make up for it.And speaking of the park...I wondered why there wasnt hardly any one swimming sunday at the park...thats why the pools are empty too...the water has been too cold..with all these wet and rainy days the water cant stay warm...
well.i was wondering about my hummingbirds that i dont see too much of because there is lots of rose of sharon trees in my yard right now and my petunias so they must be getting juice from somewhere else...the saying goes that the same ones come back each year...I wish they would bring their buddies for a vacation..cause i only have 2- 3 that i see at the most.
I love the teeny tiny hummingbirds ...they say by the time they fly to the tropical country or where ever they go for the winter they lose one half to three thirds of their body weight...whewwww..if they get any smaller ill have to wear magnifying glasses to see them...the guy talking on the news said they leave around the 20th of september....i made this post say hummingbird so i can look back next year and see the few facts about them..they say to wash the feeders with water and vinegar..sorta like a douche bath..huh.....so much for the hummingbirds..
We wanted to take the boys to the fair one night this week but they have football practice every night so they always have to be there...so taking them somewhere at night is out and weekends are jam packed everywhere...and this weekend is definitely going to be out..
I thought it was hot yesterday ..but what do i know..all i know is ,,,,my shirt was wringing wet when i came in from working on fixing the fence where the little she-devil pig got out...first girl pig i have had and she has been the worst..the boys never tried to get out of my fence unless the gate was open or they found a hole..this little girl makes a hole..shes a rootin tootin pig....ive had to patch fence more with her then any of the others..if my lamp or rather big sheep would use the little lamb brain he has ,,he could just get out from laying down on the metal fence and mashing it down..i have to make sure i throw him some bread or he would run to the fence and he thinks hes a dog at times..he gets on hind legs and raises up on my fence and my fence cant take that kind of weight...so i have to take a stick and make him get down...
I am going to go out today and mow..trim trees,, and basically work in the yard ...so much to do and so little time ,,,,cause i know i wont want to be out there this weekend....
well..my gr=babies will be back from the beach today...they only went for a three day stay..but with water ...heat and sand combination that is probably enough time to be there anyway...the little one hates to get the itchy sand in her suit.....im sure they enjoyed it anyway though...
Now i know why i had to turn the ac off every night because the weather would always get back down in the 60's ..sometimes 50's at night and you didnt need it on at night..probably be running steady the next week when this 90 degree weather hits...
I just looked on my blog and noticed that i havent been on here since our trip to the park last sunday.I went along with the man in the house and the 7 year old while they went to ride bikes..
..I found a bench to sit on ..and my eyes kept wondering around the park wondering if there was some crazed sociopath out there pissed off at someone and going to take it out on some innocent people out for a fun day at the park...like so many other incidents that happen...the one lately..of the shooting at the fitness center...just cause this guy was pissed at one woman ,,he goes in and shoots up an aerobic fitness class...sicko....just isnt safe anywhere if someone is targeting that particular place..
I did like the one where the four woman superglued the guys pecker to his leg....oh that is too funny...they need to do more perverted men like that..
It reminded me of the loretta bobbit case.....glue it ..or bob it...im sure both would hurt immensely......i hope the s.o.b. lost all the skin trying to get the super glue off.....still laughing at that one...I think it would be terrible to do that to an innocent man but in these womans case i could justify the reason they did it....the pecker was used too much for the wrong reason at the same time...They were all charged ...now isnt that some crap.....ok...im outta here again..
.the temps and humidity wasnt too bad at all..I thought i would take my puter ,,find a bench to sit on and blog...til i got there and realized they didnt have wireless anything in the park.Our city park is a oh so small park for the kids and the elderly(((((which would now be me)))).so i talked on the cell phone while they made trips around the park and watched the water fountain,
..probably a two hour stay at the most...i sat and watched the little ducks swimming
and watching people fish and walking and biking and reunions going on at every shelter.....i thought about picking one out..walking up with a bag of chips and saying i was kin to whoever way back in the family and having a free meal....i can see that happening sometime at one of them.
The guys got done with biking...took a break and we came home..
One more thing....they are going to wear michael jackson out with doing the autopsy's on him...let him be dead in peace...
and im outta here again on that one..
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