I left home at 8 a.m...wanting to hit Sams Club during the business hours before all the regular people get in there at 9:00 and the early people get coffee and pastries..yum,yum...so i grabbed a cup of coffee and a nutri gran bar and proceeded looking thru the store....I normally just buy the big obnoxious looking boxes of whatever i need and get the hell out of dodge....but the summer markdowns are in full swing so i thought i would just look..well,, my just looking netted me getting out of the store with 4 speedo bathing suits..which three are going back today and 5 that i thought i just had to have blouses..I am keeping three of the blouses so i did much better in that department...
I usually dont try anything on til i take it home ,,I usually buy two different sizes then take the odd one that dosesnt fit right,, back sometime later and return them..well...i meandered across two ladies buying these speedo bathing suits which were marked down to 8 bucks...The one lady among talking told me she was in aerobics and had about 80 suits which she used for aerobics...So I bought me one size above her wondering how she could possibly get into the size she is tellling me she wore...although she did end up buying that size.,meanwhile i'm looking at my behind and looking at hers and thinking "Is there really that much difference...must have been and I just didnt see it..still thinking about this woman and if she ever reads my blog she will be cussing me...
Evidently,,these suits must run big because the size i bought wasnt a suck the breath out of you tight when i got it on...and i do believe if i had gotten a size smaller ,the tits wouldnt have fit..this lady buying the suits must have squeezed real long and hard into hers ,,although i think my waist was a little thicker then hers , but the boobs and butt looked the same...but you know how they say looks are deceiving..well...i'm deceived.ok..not that i take aerobics or even wear a bathing suit for that matter..but i thought i better get one in case i leave state and no one knows me...thats the only time i wear a bathing suit..I'd really like to have a frog suit..enough said...
Anyways,,,I left Sams and picked up the 9,7 and 3 year old to take them to the fair....I'm just a glutton for punishment ,arent i...the weather was nothing but hot,humid,muggy,,,I could feel the drops of sweat rolling down my back as i walked around with the 3 year old.The boys ran the grounds by themselves as the rides were atop the highest knoll around there ,,I was'nt worried too much about someone taking them...they were too interested in riding....you couldnt pry them away from the rides with a crowbar....My only concern was trying to find them when i was ready to leave..that would be the fun part...
The girl(Madison) liked the minature ferris wheel .
.in the form of barrels..I didnt think she would attempt this one but she wasnt afraid of any of them..she just had her favorites and the sack ride was one she liked best..
Maddie and i walked around and rode the rides she wanted too ,the big slide with burlap sack was the one she kept riding over and over..not me.
.I could never make it up those stairs over and over.Once would have been enough for me...I waited at the bottom for her , my eyes roving over the little rip off concession stands knowing she would soon be hot and hungry...they just seem to go together...especially when you are out...the cost of the food seems to take all the joy out of going..i could have packed some drinks and snacks but i didnt want to pack them,,so after this ride we walked and walked and walked to find her a bite to eat...we settled for a corndog , fries, and a drink,,,the price seemed right ,,,it was a kiddie meal special....ok..by this time i get a phone call..dratted cell phones..cant hide from anyone...with all the noise i had missed the call so i returned it
My son was calling me to see if I had a birth certificate of his((which,,)),,anyway ,,he proceeded to tell me he had lost his wallet and everything in it and he needed his birth certificate to get a new
license as he was starting a new job the next morning and needed them to drive.
He thinks he left his wallet at Walmart...at the check out...and I suppose the person behind him couldnt have been a educated ,,but honest person
and returned the wallet to customer service....I know what a panic you are in ,,,especially i am ,,when i have left my pocket book somewhere and back travel to get it ...The few times it has happened to me I have been fortunate enough to find it.By this time it is 2 oclock..I am in a town about 50 mile away and already been in to Sams ,,the town he is in..but the town i took the kids to the carnival to was 50 mile away..I told him i would stop by my house on the way back to the town i was in that morning and find a birth certificate..Thank god..i had an idea where these were at when i got back to my house..I told him i would meet him at 4,enough time for me to find the boys and get back to him....I knew finding the boys was going to be fun and I had less then an hour to do so.
By this time the 3 year old is hot ,,whiny and sweaty...and im hobbling around with this leg of mine looking in this area ,,like a needle in a haystack for the two boys....so i can get them something to drink and eat and get out of there.welll,,luck was with me...I knew they liked the ferris wheel so i headed over that way...didnt see them on the ground anywhere which was like looking for a needle in a haystack..happened to look up at the ferris wheel as it was unloading and there they sat..
.this was a lot easier then i thought it would be to find them...at this time they spied me.so we stuck together and headed for something to eat...they had the same meal deal as the girl and had time to ride a couple more rides...they chose the swings as it was the ride that held 30 people and you could get on quicker...
note..the octopus ride or the spider or whatever you want to call it ride...in the back of some of these pics..it was struck by lightening on monday night and was fried..
.which at this time the skies had turned from the hot sun to an overcast which was getting darker by the minute...a wind kicked up and a few drops of rain ,and we could see lightening in the distance...these three had just gotten on the swings to ride and as soon as the 7 year old saw lightening ,he got off the ride before it started and wouldnt have nothing else to do with riding..now whether they ever got enough rain or lightening to shut down the ride ,,i dont know ,,because we were on our way out anyway...and so were a lot of other people...
We have had long hot,humid days til about 3 or so then these storms pop up and are isolated and move on out.some so damage ..some dont..they do cool down the evening and nighttime hours though..
We finally made it back to the car...back to the town we started from and i met my son after 4 to get him his birth certificate..the boys had to be at ball practice by six ..thru at eight and we didnt get home til after nine..so i had a full 12 hours running time.....ok,,,im tired after writing this post and thinking how tired i was by the time this day was over...I'm outta here...
I'm ready for a new post and havent even gotten this one out..so here goes.
monday...5 days later..now this post is really old....
no time for proofreading ...so this post is sent
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