Monday, August 31, 2009
for the cajun sis;this is your weather
cold here,,in the low fifties..only suppose to be in the mid 70's today.and the rest of the week......I'm doggone cold...wish YOU were HERE....I want my not so hot weather back,,,short to get a 2nd grader ready for to you all laterrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
we'll miss you mr'=miss pool
from all the friends,family and neighbors that enjoyed the pool..they are going to miss her/him..all the fun loving days of the summer of 2009 are over and gone for the year....the pool will be winterized and covered with her winter blanket and rest for another 9 months..seems like its hardly worth the time and money to operate a pool on such short months. but on the hot hot days of summer it is well worth goodbye ..enjoy your long winter sleep and we will catch you in the may month next year mr pool............
So much for the lazy hazy days of summer and all the pool days...It is almost ready to winterize the pool and shut her/him down for the summer....Now ,did this pool get more then its share of swimmers this summer..I reckon so....If it had been more humid and hot back in June and July it would have gotten way more visitors..the youngest in the pool was under a year
and the oldest would be me i guess...29 of i ever dreaming on that one...but you're as young as you feel,,,,mentally i feel like a spring chicken...physically i feel like the old hen...maybe when i get this knee mind will catch up with my body or my body will catch the mind...whatever;;;;;;;;;;;;;;the grandgirls
and the 7 year old spent most of the time in the pool then the 5 neighbor boys came over once,,maybe twice a week,
fall in is the air...on no...that means winter is close behind...thats a bummer ,,,,i love the first few days of winter ,,but after about a month i have had enough..i think the seasons ought to be evened out...i like the sweatshirt weather...the no sweat ,,not to hot or not to cold days.ok....i am on the way outside to unload and straighten up my van....dont know which vehicle i am taking for our family reunion but i need to go clean one im outta here......................
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
m-m-m good
well...gardens are almost at a standstill around this part of the this time of year the only thing left is tomatoes and pumpkins and the fall veggies that are still coming much for sweet corn..I dont put out nearly anything that you could actually call a garden..I just like tomatoes ..the little itty bitty one for my which on this particular day i ate with a bare hamburger..and it was good to the last bite...
.My grape tomatoes didnt do as good as last year but to be able to pick enough for a salad was more then enough for me and as i am the only one that eats them in this household...i thought i would have more then enough..that was not the case...i have enough but not more then enough...i love tomato sandwiches...yum yum..slices of tomatoes on wheat bread with mayo....i may see if i can scrounge up a tomato and fix me one now....the last ones picked were the itty bitty year my tomatoes will be planted differently .god willing.i will plant them in big containers that will harvest no weeds...i dont like to weed eat so most of the weeds this year were sprayed by my handy dandy little bottles of weed particular brand..i have used several different ones and they all seem to work the same..and now i spray everywhere so weed eating for me will be a thing of the past.uh oh...i just remembered that i was suppose to water my willow trees i planted down the driveway...i will make a note to water them early tomorrow before it gets hot....the man in the house says they wont grow and just once i would like to say...SEE,,DAMMIT I TOLD YOU SO...he says i should have waited til late fall...better chance for them of surviving and even better to say hes to water,,got to water,, is suppose to start raining tomorrow night and rain all maybe i wont...see what the morning was a to about 92..better not piss and moan about it,,in a few months i will be freezing,
good ol winter will be here..yukkk,
It wont be long till the hummingbirds will be leaving and all my flowers will slowly disappear,,shriveling up and fading away..
My hibiscus did real good this year ..except the red ones were so big that they couldnt hold them selves up.
..thats the way im beginning to feel about myself..heavy heavy.the pink ones were almost white.
...the yellow ones were the most colorful except they are FAKE...
and with that i am outta here...............
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
four,three ,two weeks and 5 days til
this pair of legs will lose their pretty shapes...laugh on that one but you must admit,,they have a lot of curve to them.....these poor legs have gotten me thru thick and thin and thick and thin again. we've kicked around a lot of years and had a lot of good times ,so i guess its time to go for the gold..or rather the bionic look....In my opinion..i think one leg doesnt look any better then the other or act any better.and i know sometime down the road i will be looking at replacement on the left one...and with that note i am outta here..the bed is calling..good nite
Thursday, August 20, 2009
tis the season
for football and cold weather....The boys have been practicing since the last of july and talk about hot..I dont know which is worse...first we sweat and roast watching them play and then the cold weather hits before they are through and we are sitting in snow and whos knows what else by the time the season is over.
this past weekend was a scrimmage game..but they lasted all day...had four games saturday and three sunday and both days were scorchers to say the least..i kinda feel sorry for those little fellas out there in all that get up and all the heat...
On the other hand..maybe we should get suited up in one of these football outfits..they fit like girdles and made you look three times smaller then what you are..I'm ready to try one to cover all this frugal fat im carrying around.yeah..picture that..slim and trim a corset...actually thats what the pants make me think they the time you lace them and pull them extra tight...then the pads inside make your hips stick out so you look pretty proportioned..They had some girls playing on these teams...they must have balls more then the boys to play with them...
I walked or rather hobbled around the field at one time and took a picture of number 99...hes the older boy playing..
.if you look across the left top of the picture you could see our easy up tent on the other side of the bleachers..on the very the end..thats where we were sitting..when you circled the field and looked back ,,it looked like the beach...all you could see where tents and tits...the young girls dont care what hangs out...of course the tents were us old gals...
the little one played center in these games..hes the one bent over with his helmet almost on the ground getting ready to hike the ball...
number 6 when you can see it..the trouble with these little fellas is when they all get out there..they all look like your kid...the first team we played against was my old alma mater..the little blue and whites were us...the ripley was hard not to root for them..which sometimes i did...we got the first touch down ,,then after that we went to score,,,they retaliated
with 4 touchdowns one right after the other.beat our butts to say the least,,
ok,,i think i may hit the sack.its going on 11 p.m. and if i don't i will be digging for something else to eat and since 7 o'clock i have eaten a foot long sub,,,a yogurt,,some walnuts and a bowl of chocolate cereal,,,now im too full to lay soon as i finish these i am on the way to some 'zzzzzzzz's. later;;;
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
on the way to the countdown...5 weeks from today i will be laying in the hospital with a bionic knee...IF I DON'T TALK MYSELF OUT OF IT.
almost be like new years ...out with the old and in with the new..actually I'd like to have the face lift..tummy tuck,and all the rest of the things to make this ol body have a little more bounce to the ounce. a vein free nice looking leg would be in on the list too...oh well...don't know why I'm complaining ,,it could be worse...when i see people that don't have half of what i have i feel be bed fast or home bound would be a fate almost as bad as death for I'm thankful Lord for what i have..Yes=sir = ree...I'm outta here...
Tuesday morning...suppose to rain for the next three days...i planted willow trees all down the driveway yesterday morning and if it doesn't rain,,i have to water them today....
OK..whats twitter...i feel like a twit now there is my space, face book, blogging , email,,and now we get to twitter...and with that i got to twitter outside and take the trash down to the road...later...
almost be like new years ...out with the old and in with the new..actually I'd like to have the face lift..tummy tuck,and all the rest of the things to make this ol body have a little more bounce to the ounce. a vein free nice looking leg would be in on the list too...oh well...don't know why I'm complaining ,,it could be worse...when i see people that don't have half of what i have i feel be bed fast or home bound would be a fate almost as bad as death for I'm thankful Lord for what i have..Yes=sir = ree...I'm outta here...
Tuesday morning...suppose to rain for the next three days...i planted willow trees all down the driveway yesterday morning and if it doesn't rain,,i have to water them today....
OK..whats twitter...i feel like a twit now there is my space, face book, blogging , email,,and now we get to twitter...and with that i got to twitter outside and take the trash down to the road...later...
Thursday, August 13, 2009
fair day
I left home at 8 a.m...wanting to hit Sams Club during the business hours before all the regular people get in there at 9:00 and the early people get coffee and pastries..yum, i grabbed a cup of coffee and a nutri gran bar and proceeded looking thru the store....I normally just buy the big obnoxious looking boxes of whatever i need and get the hell out of dodge....but the summer markdowns are in full swing so i thought i would just look..well,, my just looking netted me getting out of the store with 4 speedo bathing suits..which three are going back today and 5 that i thought i just had to have blouses..I am keeping three of the blouses so i did much better in that department...
I usually dont try anything on til i take it home ,,I usually buy two different sizes then take the odd one that dosesnt fit right,, back sometime later and return them..well...i meandered across two ladies buying these speedo bathing suits which were marked down to 8 bucks...The one lady among talking told me she was in aerobics and had about 80 suits which she used for aerobics...So I bought me one size above her wondering how she could possibly get into the size she is tellling me she wore...although she did end up buying that size.,meanwhile i'm looking at my behind and looking at hers and thinking "Is there really that much difference...must have been and I just didnt see it..still thinking about this woman and if she ever reads my blog she will be cussing me...
Evidently,,these suits must run big because the size i bought wasnt a suck the breath out of you tight when i got it on...and i do believe if i had gotten a size smaller ,the tits wouldnt have fit..this lady buying the suits must have squeezed real long and hard into hers ,,although i think my waist was a little thicker then hers , but the boobs and butt looked the same...but you know how they say looks are deceiving..well...i'm deceived.ok..not that i take aerobics or even wear a bathing suit for that matter..but i thought i better get one in case i leave state and no one knows me...thats the only time i wear a bathing suit..I'd really like to have a frog suit..enough said...
Anyways,,,I left Sams and picked up the 9,7 and 3 year old to take them to the fair....I'm just a glutton for punishment ,arent i...the weather was nothing but hot,humid,muggy,,,I could feel the drops of sweat rolling down my back as i walked around with the 3 year old.The boys ran the grounds by themselves as the rides were atop the highest knoll around there ,,I was'nt worried too much about someone taking them...they were too interested in couldnt pry them away from the rides with a crowbar....My only concern was trying to find them when i was ready to leave..that would be the fun part...
The girl(Madison) liked the minature ferris wheel .
.in the form of barrels..I didnt think she would attempt this one but she wasnt afraid of any of them..she just had her favorites and the sack ride was one she liked best..
Maddie and i walked around and rode the rides she wanted too ,the big slide with burlap sack was the one she kept riding over and over..not me.
.I could never make it up those stairs over and over.Once would have been enough for me...I waited at the bottom for her , my eyes roving over the little rip off concession stands knowing she would soon be hot and hungry...they just seem to go together...especially when you are out...the cost of the food seems to take all the joy out of going..i could have packed some drinks and snacks but i didnt want to pack them,,so after this ride we walked and walked and walked to find her a bite to eat...we settled for a corndog , fries, and a drink,,,the price seemed right ,,,it was a kiddie meal this time i get a phone call..dratted cell phones..cant hide from anyone...with all the noise i had missed the call so i returned it
My son was calling me to see if I had a birth certificate of his((which,,)),,anyway ,,he proceeded to tell me he had lost his wallet and everything in it and he needed his birth certificate to get a new
license as he was starting a new job the next morning and needed them to drive.
He thinks he left his wallet at the check out...and I suppose the person behind him couldnt have been a educated ,,but honest person
and returned the wallet to customer service....I know what a panic you are in ,,,especially i am ,,when i have left my pocket book somewhere and back travel to get it ...The few times it has happened to me I have been fortunate enough to find it.By this time it is 2 oclock..I am in a town about 50 mile away and already been in to Sams ,,the town he is in..but the town i took the kids to the carnival to was 50 mile away..I told him i would stop by my house on the way back to the town i was in that morning and find a birth certificate..Thank god..i had an idea where these were at when i got back to my house..I told him i would meet him at 4,enough time for me to find the boys and get back to him....I knew finding the boys was going to be fun and I had less then an hour to do so.
By this time the 3 year old is hot ,,whiny and sweaty...and im hobbling around with this leg of mine looking in this area ,,like a needle in a haystack for the two i can get them something to drink and eat and get out of there.welll,,luck was with me...I knew they liked the ferris wheel so i headed over that way...didnt see them on the ground anywhere which was like looking for a needle in a haystack..happened to look up at the ferris wheel as it was unloading and there they sat..
.this was a lot easier then i thought it would be to find this time they spied we stuck together and headed for something to eat...they had the same meal deal as the girl and had time to ride a couple more rides...they chose the swings as it was the ride that held 30 people and you could get on quicker...
note..the octopus ride or the spider or whatever you want to call it the back of some of these was struck by lightening on monday night and was fried..
.which at this time the skies had turned from the hot sun to an overcast which was getting darker by the minute...a wind kicked up and a few drops of rain ,and we could see lightening in the distance...these three had just gotten on the swings to ride and as soon as the 7 year old saw lightening ,he got off the ride before it started and wouldnt have nothing else to do with whether they ever got enough rain or lightening to shut down the ride ,,i dont know ,,because we were on our way out anyway...and so were a lot of other people...
We have had long hot,humid days til about 3 or so then these storms pop up and are isolated and move on out.some so damage ..some dont..they do cool down the evening and nighttime hours though..
We finally made it back to the car...back to the town we started from and i met my son after 4 to get him his birth certificate..the boys had to be at ball practice by six ..thru at eight and we didnt get home til after i had a full 12 hours running time.....ok,,,im tired after writing this post and thinking how tired i was by the time this day was over...I'm outta here...
I'm ready for a new post and havent even gotten this one here goes.
monday...5 days this post is really old....
no time for proofreading this post is sent
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
neat and cool
it goes from this to this
and heres the end result
isnt this the neatest people can invent the things they do....
super glue
ohhhhhhhhhh myyyyyyyyyyy,,one more short post...cant go back to bed..want to see the story about the four woman and the pecker they super glued on their butt head of a boy friend...... It's on the today show...or rather crazy glue...they used..either one would surely have to hurt.....outta here.
sound like the cajun sis
get on it in the pool...........or stay on it.
OK,,,,,it is 6 ,,maybe 7 weeks on a countdown for me to have this knee surgery that I am so not looking forward to having fixed....if that's what you can call it...When my gr-baby comes down ,,she wants to know if i have my metal knee yet...I don't know whether she really knows what it means...or what she is thinking it will look like....I sometimes wonder how the little ones minds think,like this maybe.
.,,,of course,,,the more senior i get the more i probably sound like a four year old,,so i think I'm finding out the older i get....
wont be long til school starts...sometimes i think that's good..sometimes bad...depends on whether you have to get up and put them off to school.i think my putting kids of to school days is wouldn't matter anyway...I'm up early no matter what time i go to bed..just a matter of getting used to it.
I went to town yesterday to drop the 7 year old off for football practice..they have two scrimmage games this weekend ...In practice they are playing him on offense as a center....i think that's what the position is...its the one that hikes the here at home..hes the hiker and I'm the quarter back...i like my position better...i sit in the chair and say hutt hutt ready set or maybe its vice versa...maybe its ready ,set ,,hutt hutt...hell...i don't even know what i do say now..but I'm a sitting quarterback.....i don't get sacked....i like this game...actually i could never play football...i hate for someone to hit me when I'm not looking or to run up behind me and grab my butt or whatever,,,I'm afraid i would be duking it out with the one that hits as for grabbing my butt,,in my younger years that would have been fine but now it would be an insult.or maybe that should be said in reverse....maybe it would be nice now...
they are forecasting rain all this weekend.....we are already flooded in the southern part of the state...Charleston and Huntington have had some major water and if we get rain all week ,the flooding will be out of control..the practice was cancelled after about and hour and 15 minutes last soon as they see the first streak of lightening ,,,games are cancelled..and I'm off like a flash too....
every one likes holly...the black lab
OK...its 7 a.m. i want to finish my room i started on off to work i go,,,but then again,,,man,,I'm sleeeeeeeeeepy...i shall catch everyone later,,,
OK...its 7 a.m. i want to finish my room i started on off to work i go,,,but then again,,,man,,I'm sleeeeeeeeeepy...i shall catch everyone later,,,
Monday, August 10, 2009
90 degrees
not much of a post here,much to get done...for no reason other then to get it done....I lollagagged around this weekend and didnt get as much done as i wanted to...For one reason,,yesterday was the first day since april 24th that we have hit 90 degrees....The degrees wasnt so bad ,,it was that nasty humidity that hung around with it..the kind that leaves drops of water dripping off your head and nose and your back soaking wet..I hate it..I did get out and mow for about an hour then sprayed roundup around my tree trunks so i wouldnt have to worry about them getting eat up if someone weedeated for me ,,i hate to weed eat..i'd rather pull them out or hoe them...whatever works....Today I need to go out and finish mowing the rest of the 100 -88 of the hundred acre wooods...we are suppose to have hit and miss showers today then rain the rest of the week...oh well. i dont care what it does as long as it stays slightly warm...i hate winter with a big least the single digits.....
ok,,,hello to everyone out there reading my boring post..I will catch everyone later..heard my cell ring a few minutes ago and the cajun girl is callling...................
ok,,,hello to everyone out there reading my boring post..I will catch everyone later..heard my cell ring a few minutes ago and the cajun girl is callling...................
Thursday, August 6, 2009
90 with heat and humidity...
Whee doggies..where did this week go.....One day i can blog at least once a day...then its a week before i get on here again....not that it matters...
We are in the dog days of summer for right now....I sure hope the dogs like it cause I dont...except ticks are usually gone by now...I can do without the nuisances anyway..and the spiders and the sweat bees and the bees, wasps and any other bug flying or crawling around..In reality ,,I HATE BUGS OF ANY KIND....well..thats not right either...I dont mind crickets,,grasshoppers..butterflies ,lady bugs,,you know the nice bugs...but then again ,,how do you justify what bugs are good and what are bad..someone else might think just the opposite....
Oh these silly weather forecasters...what the hell they talking about...they make the comment ,,it will be nice to see the temperatures in the 90's...
you see,,,it is suppose to hit 90 sunday and believe this if you can...we have not had any hot temps this summer...89 is the highest it has gotten.. ..they say we havent had any 90 temps this summer especially with the humidity which is suppose to be here witht the temps..this will be the first of both together......thats why we had to put over 100 bucks of chemicals in our pool to get the water from green to blue because we have had a record amount of rain and cold temps in July...well,,,i sure can do without the heat and humidity......going to be a good pool day ,i can bike riding and sweating in the park this weekend...swimming will definitely make up for it.And speaking of the park...I wondered why there wasnt hardly any one swimming sunday at the park...thats why the pools are empty too...the water has been too cold..with all these wet and rainy days the water cant stay warm...
well.i was wondering about my hummingbirds that i dont see too much of because there is lots of rose of sharon trees in my yard right now and my petunias so they must be getting juice from somewhere else...the saying goes that the same ones come back each year...I wish they would bring their buddies for a vacation..cause i only have 2- 3 that i see at the most.
I love the teeny tiny hummingbirds ...they say by the time they fly to the tropical country or where ever they go for the winter they lose one half to three thirds of their body weight...whewwww..if they get any smaller ill have to wear magnifying glasses to see them...the guy talking on the news said they leave around the 20th of september....i made this post say hummingbird so i can look back next year and see the few facts about them..they say to wash the feeders with water and vinegar..sorta like a douche much for the hummingbirds..
We wanted to take the boys to the fair one night this week but they have football practice every night so they always have to be taking them somewhere at night is out and weekends are jam packed everywhere...and this weekend is definitely going to be out..
I thought it was hot yesterday ..but what do i know..all i know is ,,,,my shirt was wringing wet when i came in from working on fixing the fence where the little she-devil pig got out...first girl pig i have had and she has been the worst..the boys never tried to get out of my fence unless the gate was open or they found a hole..this little girl makes a hole..shes a rootin tootin pig....ive had to patch fence more with her then any of the others..if my lamp or rather big sheep would use the little lamb brain he has ,,he could just get out from laying down on the metal fence and mashing it down..i have to make sure i throw him some bread or he would run to the fence and he thinks hes a dog at times..he gets on hind legs and raises up on my fence and my fence cant take that kind of i have to take a stick and make him get down...
I am going to go out today and mow..trim trees,, and basically work in the yard much to do and so little time ,,,,cause i know i wont want to be out there this weekend.... gr=babies will be back from the beach today...they only went for a three day stay..but with water ...heat and sand combination that is probably enough time to be there anyway...the little one hates to get the itchy sand in her sure they enjoyed it anyway though...
Now i know why i had to turn the ac off every night because the weather would always get back down in the 60's ..sometimes 50's at night and you didnt need it on at night..probably be running steady the next week when this 90 degree weather hits...
I just looked on my blog and noticed that i havent been on here since our trip to the park last sunday.I went along with the man in the house and the 7 year old while they went to ride bikes..
..I found a bench to sit on ..and my eyes kept wondering around the park wondering if there was some crazed sociopath out there pissed off at someone and going to take it out on some innocent people out for a fun day at the so many other incidents that happen...the one lately..of the shooting at the fitness center...just cause this guy was pissed at one woman ,,he goes in and shoots up an aerobic fitness class...sicko....just isnt safe anywhere if someone is targeting that particular place..
I did like the one where the four woman superglued the guys pecker to his leg....oh that is too funny...they need to do more perverted men like that..
It reminded me of the loretta bobbit case.....glue it ..or bob sure both would hurt immensely......i hope the s.o.b. lost all the skin trying to get the super glue off.....still laughing at that one...I think it would be terrible to do that to an innocent man but in these womans case i could justify the reason they did it....the pecker was used too much for the wrong reason at the same time...They were all charged isnt that some outta here again..
.the temps and humidity wasnt too bad at all..I thought i would take my puter ,,find a bench to sit on and blog...til i got there and realized they didnt have wireless anything in the park.Our city park is a oh so small park for the kids and the elderly(((((which would now be me)))).so i talked on the cell phone while they made trips around the park and watched the water fountain,
..probably a two hour stay at the most...i sat and watched the little ducks swimming
and watching people fish and walking and biking and reunions going on at every shelter.....i thought about picking one out..walking up with a bag of chips and saying i was kin to whoever way back in the family and having a free meal....i can see that happening sometime at one of them.
The guys got done with biking...took a break and we came home..
One more thing....they are going to wear michael jackson out with doing the autopsy's on him...let him be dead in peace...
and im outta here again on that one..
Sunday, August 2, 2009
busy weekend
Saturday was a full day of fun for the kids cause i sure didnt get a thing done to my house..oh will be wont.
The preachers wife((Romaine)) is her the lettuce...and thats how i remember it...she brought her 5 boys up ranging in age from 4 to 11 and they went swimming with Petey..
.After swimming got tiring,,they jumped on the trampoline..after that they rode the yerf dog,4 wheeler,go cart and motorcycles.
the yard looked like a race track..of course i had to get in on this one and ride the little ones on the 4-wheeler.
after riding the mother spied the big drain tubes that bob brought in from work
and had the idea to let the kids roll down the hill in them...she singled hers out to start...petey did it once and never tried again.
.hers went several times..then it was time to get cooled off again back to the pool...the whole 4-5 hours was spent watching the kids play....was such a beautiful day ,,,
Sunday morning ,we awoke to it raining...rained til noon..humidity got a little high but a wind blew every now and then so it was bearable,,Bob took his bike and the little ones bike
and packed them in the van then we headed to town so they could ride in the park for a while..
.I sat on a bench in front of the pond and watched the ducks and the people fishing,walking,biking and the water fountain spraying water,
,the wind was blowing a little so it didnt really get scorching hot..I just heard the weather man say that we are in the dog days of summer and we really havent had any hot hot days since the last of June...more rain then anything..and they say we are going to have a cool front coming thru..I talked to my girlfriend in texas and she said it was scorching hot down there.they havent had any rain at all,,She lives in the valley ,about 20 miles from the border .
the park shelters had the most people as most of them were having reunions..I saw a smith..snyder,cunningham and several other reunions...I think it would be hilarious to meander into one of these reunions and act like you are a distant cousin on one side or the other and pig out ,then leave.If i could find a partner in crime when ones going on I'd love to try it...maybe at a later date in the future...
we came back from the park around 4 oclock and i did not do a ding dong thing except watch a couple movies...elvis and annabell ..that was a pretty good movie...the undertakers name was elvis ,,,the beauty pageant winner died upon receiving her crown and when he went to embalm her she wasnt the movie went from there...
ok..its getting late..i want a glass of i am off to the kitchen.....catch you guys later....
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