Another beautiful weekend in southeast ohio....So many decisions on what to do..Original plan was to go with preachers wife to a womans conference but tickets sold out before we could get the second one as I was late in letting her know..
Lots of organizations in town having annual white or yard sales as we call them..debated on hitting a few of them then going on to take the little one to the Easter parade as this was the second year for the parade and weather would have been perfect...decided I had enough clutter as some people call my house decorations so I elected not to add more..That was an easy one to elminate but I do love garage sales...I just don't need to go ..need to have one saying so ...I can honostly say I've never had one..I just donate to Salvation army..
Instead ..we opted to go to my gr-nephews birthday party which in retrospect would be brother Bob's grandson in case I lost anyone other then myself in deciphering that...
As kids do...they had a blast in the order of birthday cake..present opening..then hitting the outside to play amidst dodging rain drops or showers at times..
I along with a neighbor was the only adults there....I felt sorry for the gr-parents that could'nt make it as they missed seeing all the action but I guess it was to their liking that they chose not to come...for some reason or another...
After the party we came home and the motorcyles were out roaring thru the yard..while I scampered out to feed the animals...darn wabbits still holed up under the building..
On to Sunday..I usually call funday cause the gr-girls are here..After eating and opening late birthday presents we decided to make a cheesecake..not very appealing to look at but it was consumed in a few hours..It took 3 cooks to make it being the they did good...had to think last nite ..which I still don"t know or even want to know whether any hands were washed..If not..I sure was'nt going to tell...and did'nt.
In about an hour fella drove up and I hesitantly gave away two little bunnies and two bigger bunnies....assuming they were going to a new home to be used as pets instead of ending up in a skillet which I think may have been the original reason for buying...Don't even want to know cause I could'nt think of eating my wabbits no matter how hungry I am..Too late now..but I don't want to know the fate of those now I have,....18 or 19 to pawn off..think i will run an add in local paper and sell cheap ..that way if someone eats them at least I didnt freebie their life into it....
After the bunnys departed we ventured back in the house to eat the cheese cake that all the little chefs had throwed together,,for as bad as it looked was soon all gone...around here...don't matter whether its pretty or not...we are'nt perfect and thats what I told these three,,,It don't have to be pretty just good to eat...It was..It's gone....
Now we are back to the outside..It is so windy that you have to have a jacket on because its a brisk wind.....My girls don't last too long on the outside....Don't quite understand that ..They live in the country but you'd think they were from the city...They like the indoors bugs they say...laughing here cause I'm just the opposite
By 5 o'clock..the house is back to one 9 year old and us....and lots of dishes ..I can't even begin to do dishes or clean up kitchen when they are here because the 9 yr old heads to the computer and the 5 year old wants to go out on trampoline...Now seeing this gr-ma on a trampoline is a little frightening when I can't even stand up on solid ground....but my hours with them here are spent with what they want to out we went..
After getting tired of jumping,,these five year ol was wearing her gr-ma out..we decided to play Simon says on the trampoline......that was beginning to fizzle out when the wabbit collector made his appearance.....just in time...after wabbits were collected we set up an electronic bowling game...after that got boring I was instructed to go out to my building and get the kids swing that I concocted to put on my porch so I did'nt have to take my previous swinging babies out in the yard...ahh babies love to swing..I do know that....Heck..I do too..
Another fun filled weekend in my neck of the woods.....Mondays here..the beginning of the start to another Sunday.One more thing... Guess I'd better not forget to add grammas birthday gifts..I told my girls to get me an easy brush....No, they did'nt want to do that..I had a new one here last week and I said just give this to me so they would'nt have to spend money...but the little one said...We don't want to give you an easy brush...And we can't give you something you already know we have..It's suppose to be a present....Well,,,now I could'nt begin to argue with a five year old's thinking...That might be above my level..Not really but I know a few I could compare it too.....So the above pics is what I got amongs listening to them trying to figure out who got me said on this laughing on their musings.... and to wash a load of clothes before the storm hits...
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