When words can mean something different..Some people can make their words seem different then what they are perceived to be, leading people or wanting people to think differently.This could be a double meaning post.
The day turned out to be one of great meaning for this country girl that lives in the boondocks....as I've had some describe my living in the country.......I jumped on the four wheeler with camera in tow and noticed that spring is just around the bend.
I had a remarkable girlfriend that I not only worked with but lived beside of and after 20 years she was moving to Georgia..After tears of good-bye she had me dig this little tree which was merely a foot high out to her back yard as a rememebrance of her....Here it sits 15 foot or so away from my house to be seen each day..
..................................................This scraggley looking little tree to the left is one of remebrance of the land owner that once lived here...After he passed away 10 years ago this maple tree sprouted up ...Ironically it was the exact same spot where this previous land owner used to sit and oversee his property...Days upon end he would sit on this spot where this tree mysteriously appeared when he passed on..so we call this dad's tree.
This tall twisted willow tree is one the landowners wife planted in her yard after she wanted a start from ours......The crooked willow...to which we call...............
mom's tree...Mom just passed not quite two years ago but her and dad's memory live on in the growing of their trees..

The next one is a bush from my native state ...the great state of West Virginia..Yes,,I'm a buckeye with hillbilly roots............This is my Rhondendron bush,the state flower of West Virginia..
The bloom off my little bush....Not knowing too much about flowers I planted my poor little bush in the open sun...wondering why after 10-15 years my bush never bloomed ..Now I know..the secret to the planting was that the little bush was suppose to be on the East side of the house away from the full glare of the sun which I planted it in....I will attempt to move it out of the full exposure of the sun when suitable time for moving,,,,alas a bush none other then my little West Virginia bush..

Yes ...the heading of my post and the content of the post is entirely opposite in meaning but I've been reading posts lately that twist and turn their posts into what they want them to be and out of text with what they are....to be continued.
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