Thursday, April 16, 2009

nothing ventured nothing gained

another day gone by in the hundred minus 88 hundred acre woods......was another ho hum pooh day....the litte one finally cut his teeth and is in a little better inbetween not getting anything done today we laughed and played ...housework will definitely be here tomorrow...for my sis in la..(((((.end of the day and I never did get my dishes done.)))))..I had a few left then supper dishes were that time it was warm outside so I went outside,,fed the animals and stayed on the outside..then it was baby time again....

took a few pics of the boys...Petey has a spot above his lip that he keeps picking at so it showed up...if i can download this video...Petey is reading a story to the baby the is not the best but it is cute....I couldn't get at the right angle to video them I was shadowing at times...try again time...

The rain has finally ended least til dose is suppose to hit..can't wait.The man in the house is on a diet ..well rather watching what he eats..or is cutting back..whichever, it seems to work...only thing is I can't get in a diet frame of mind so I'm going up ..he's coming down...sooner or later we are going to meet in the middle.......This man has faults..don't we all... and I might rag about him once in a while but hes a good guy...and good guys with decent morals are hard to find these days...I'm sure he keeps things from me as I do him but in most relationships it tends to be that way..little things that doesnt hurt either of you but its your own little secrets...He is not a fake nice....Oh how I hate fake know those people that have all their ducks in a row or rather try to appear that way for the sake of a certain person....I've seen them..was around one and continue to see them...people that changed their whole way of thinking and doing to impress someone in their midst...I can see giving up one vice and broadening your horizons but to me being an imposter shows up ,,,maybe that person doesnt think so but when other people notice the newly acquired ways their fake nice ways are coming out...shame ..shame..and to make them look even better they have to belittle everyone else that they choose to do so..I'm telling you,,you can't trust anyone anymore....and sometimes family is the worst....oh is what it guy might not be as socialable,or have that acquired sense of humor that I have, and we might be as different as night and day but he's an honest ,hardworking,unselfish,and straight guy.....I could have not settled for him..It was my choosing I guess...but decent guys are hard to find these how did I end up on this subject..mind wandering again...

well. this video is still uploading..I tried to upload one a time before and I thought something was wrong so I cancelled it.....this one has been going for at least 20 minutes or more...I am going to venture in the kitchen and get a bottle ready for the baby just in case there is a wake-up call before morning...I will check post when I return...

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