It's the end of another week or maybe Sunday is the beginning of the week, whichever its here..A full Sunday with the two gr-babies here,,
was suppose to rain but it held off til after the girls left..thank goodness
so we were able to play out all afternoon...and play we did...I sometimes wonder where they get all their energy...I'm just envious....trying to hobble around and keep up with a three year old and two sevens was hard for this ol gal to do....So after we played with boats in the pool and played video games on the computer and play station we ventured outside again and got into playing ball..The oldest gr-girl stayed in the house and played videos ,,the other two ventured outside for their version of a game of ball
I ran,,,rather hobbled in the house and got my camera knowing i might be able to get a few good pics or a video....sure enough...
Here's the little one batting..Her dad was trying to show her how,but every time she got back up to bat she couldn't remember that she was
right handed
so we had to turn her around again..Now every time she managed to hit the ball,,she would run to the big tree and stand for a picture or rather a pose,,,
As soon as I said "Let grand-ma take a picture -she would go into a southern bell pose.'Now as long as she wanted me to take a posy picture she was fine but when she was thru posing,,that was it for the pics,,,so much for taking pics....
The man in the house took the little boy fishing this morning...caught a 40 or 50 lb. catfish over in the Ohio river,,,,and he was scared to death of it,if i can get the pic off the cell phone i will add it on another post...
Its the season for ball..heres the boy in his outfit for his first real league game......The won by 4 runs,,
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