It's one thing dealing with the death of the other person you shared your life and home with for almost 20 years and another having to deal with the insensitive people who sit on the sidelines,,,,,and want to bask in telling a concocted version of what they want to ASSUME happened or what should have been done or ""if"" this would have been done ..spewing out their venom and from unreliable sources that they would have never beleived anything they said before....unaccountable people....all thriving off one brain cell with nothing better to do then prey on someone that has lost a loved one..
I only know that my Bob was never sick as far as having heart problems...yes he had high bp and that was the only medicine he took....A week before he complained of what he ate "doing a job or tearing up his stomach " as he referred to it..never once before or during his death did he ever mention chest pains to me..I shouldnt have to explain my story but to the ones that dont know the real story...this is the story that was told at his funeral by me..and before his funeral and still being told ...not the one that was carefully fabricated by a very vindictive person that carefully told it as they wanted it to be...
I spent my morning in town getting taxes done...Bob,on the other hand had went out to work..the weather was a mixture of cold rain ..stopping and starting so much..that the construction company he worked for sent him home...He stopped at his sisters house coming home..we all fiddled around trying to get skype set up on our computers.....I headed on to town..He called me several times..the last one wanting to know if I wanted to go to the dog tracks in charleston...I really didnt want to go ..but I am so glad I did knowing this was the last thing we did together that he wanted to do and enjoyed doing...
I picked up the bare necessities ..bread..milk..eggs knowing our plans may be changed by the time I made the 25 mile trip home.Upon arriving home ...he was ready to head out to Charleston..
We spent the evening in the casino....stopping around 8 or so to grab a bite to eat...After losing our money usual....we headed home a few minutes after 10...We arrived home around 11:30...I followed him through the basement door..something I dont normally do and headed up to my familiar surroundings and computer upstairs.
I talked on pc to my girlfriend and headed to bed by 2:01....Sometime after that..I never looked at a clock.Bob came upstairs and came into the bedroom and said "I hate to bother you but this is the worst pain Ive ever had " and wanted to know if he could lay down with me..He layed down at the foot of the bed and I asked him why he was laying at the foot....He asked me to cover him up..I did so...then he wanted to know if I would get him a wet facecloth because he was sweating..I never in all honestly even thought it was nothing but heartburn ..acid reflux..indigestion or something close to that as I suffer from these pains as well and always have to lie down with them..I reminded Bob of how I had those and always had to lie the same time asking him if he wanted me to call the squad or take him to the emergency room.I remarked to him that he better go see his doctor in the morning...from there until the time he died was one sheer nightmare for me....I shall never forget the event that unfolded and took him from me that night...I'm not asking for sympathy from anyone..I'm just asking that the evil people I know that are basking in using their one brain cell to gloat over a death to keep their unimportant evil cutting remarks to themselves and please don't try to reappear in my life again....The remarks were not only slams against me but against Bob as well.....Their little informants should have gotten the stories straight instead of adding to them....and if they wanted to know,, all they had to do was ask...I would have gladly told them the truth and nothing but...This post was mainly to clarify how Bob's death bought out the best ...or the worst in some people....I shall never forget nor want to forget the man that built a house for me..gave unselfishly everything to me and was my life for 20 years.....I'm selfish in one way because I beleive a man of so many talents and never ending multitasking should have stayed around for many more years to come to share his abilities with those less fortunate...I will always remember the good..the bad and the life we had together...No one has the perfect life without flaws ..thus was ours but we overcame the odds and being the second time for both of us...we were together and were here for each other..Soon I will post some happy memories but the hurt is still here and it continues to be....Somtimes you dont realize how much you have lost until its taken from you...He was and will always be my gentle giant and my big Bob.I love and miss him more then anything....R.I.P. and since this is Fathers Day...Happy Father's Day....
Sounds like you have and are having a very tough time of it. Its bad enough to lose a loved one but it totally unacceptable for a person to act so uncivilzed and disrespectful toward you at this time. If I were you, I would consider the source and write the "heathen" off. I am sorry to use such a brash word but it seems like it is appropriate. I thought you were suposed to respect the dead and their grieveing loved ones.