Monday, September 21, 2009
24 hours from now
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
so much to do..too little time
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
why would i go
I would have... and my mind runs wild when it gets over water....
For one thing,I went on a mini cruise tonite...we boarded our boat at the hockingport docking site....i was trying my best to stay steady as i hiked one leg over the dock onto the boat and looked back to see if the other one was following..yep..two legs..still attached....I'm carrying my life jacket in one hand,,a sweater for the cool breeze from the water and a pair of sweats in case the temps drop it is always a little more nippier in or near water....I scanned my surroundings as we got on...I could see a yacht docked on the other side of the little river, river boats all decked out with palm trees and bright lights, people sitting in chairs fishing from the banks
we cruised on down our little river til we crossed under the bridge that directed us into the mighty ohio .....the banks were ten times as far apart as the little river we were on....the pilot..(man in the house ) piloted the cruise ship we were on down the mighty ohio and opened the throttle up full force ,,the wind blowing our hair among the roar of our little engine..soon when we got tired of cruising down the river ,,the pilot pulled the little boat over to the side and proceeded to fish for whatever would have the misfortune of jumping on his is not one of my favorite things to do but when asked to go...i grabbed my camera and thought why not..
as i sat in our little boat ,,,i would gaze out of the corner of my eyes watching in case i would encounter a giant squid wrapping his tentacles around me or a menacing shark coming up to take a bite out of our water craft and visioning the little boat sinking to the bottom in all that water never to be seen again..with that thought i clutched my life jacket closer and thought the man in the house will have to pry my locked fingers off of this one to get it away from me...(I've got to quit watching all those movies
that end up with the main characters being ate because in this scenario I'm the main character....) with that thought I gazed around and my wandering imagination saw a crocodile .
on the west va. side of the river among the trees and wooded hills you could see houses and farms dotting the river..on the ohio side at the point we were at was highway and rock cliffs that the man in the house worked on years back,logs and other objects floating on the river..,OK.. my cruise is almost over and we want to get off the water before dark.and the other cruise liners (((barges)))) happen up the deep waters..the waves they create could toss and sink a smaller vessel like ours if we would wander into their territory....things look more sinister in the dark especially in water..and im sure my eyes could really imagine things..and to top it off ,,i have never sat so still in my life...and i sure dont want to piss the man in the house off at this point...i can see him tossing my fat butt of this little cruise ship we are on and noone knowing where i went or what happened to me..happens all the time doesnt it..or trying to load our little ship and getting caught underneath it..all kinds of thoughts race thru your mind..who can you trust these the person in the house with you that you thought you knew for over 15 years coming out of the closet...has he had enough of me...have i ticked him off...think I will just sit on my cruise ,,take pictures and KEEP MY LIP my lip was zipped on this trip ..i even talked nice on this trip...i am not in command or have any control on this ride...this one hour trip was a half day outing it seemed..I WANNA GO HOME AT THIS POINT..
im back home and im safe...whew....i'm dry ,,,i dont i must have done alright.....that was my mini cruise...
now ask me,,,if i want to take a major cruise on the mighty atlantic or pacific ...sharks..whales..octopus,and all those other creatures in that deep dark lurking water..well...miss peggy .........I DON'T THINK SO...i dont like water and all those creatures in it...and i think i am going to skip my shower tonight...ive seen enough water.............later............