Friday, January 8, 2010

a not so exciting time

well,,,the trip to town wasn't as bad as i expected...didn't have any sudden panic attacks on the road as i would have been if i were driving..My chauffeur is a remarkable driver..nothing seems to stress him out when it comes to the weather ..he just allows for the instincts you have to have for the ice,snow ,or whatever condition the road is in at the time we are on it..cautiously watching more closely for other drivers who tend to ignore how bad the road conditions are and continuously keep you (the driver) behind the wheel alert...
We live on a township road in our state which is considered a secondary road and that is how the state determines which ones get grated,salted or messed with first..You got it...Ours was not touched this morning..only tire tracks from a few stragglers that were brave enough to be out in the morning hours especially after schools were closed for the 4th day this week..Usually when there is no don't see a grater..Why grade or salt if the kids don't have to go to school...Once we reached the county road, it had been salted so the going was a little easier..Of course it pays to have a Dodge Ram diesel 4 wheel drive in this state and this weather..The one thing that I'm trying to talk the man in the house into doing is to put me a step on the passenger side to step up on...An egg crate makes an excellent step step up .next step you're in. The only thing is I haven't figured out how to attach the egg crate to the truck,,A side step is being considered to put on my would be a big minus on the griping of trying to get into it..having a knee replacement doesn't help..of course..
After doctors visits..a meal in town and stopping to pick up groceries at the local Walmart ,,which by now was after 4p.m...I was ready to head energy level is lower now then what it ever was...and the weather doesn't help any...I hate the bitter cold..I had on a wool cape coat which is a lifesaver to me a blanket wrapped around you...the trip home was in the time frame of it starting to snow ,,,the roads were refreezing and i was just wanting to get back in my warmer then outside house..It was a nasty day to be out..barely 20 degrees for a high and the wind chill made it seem even colder..I was amazed at how little snow was on the four lane highway once we got to it..the road crews are trying to keep it cleared off for the next round of snow...whoo hoo....cant wait..We proceeded on our way back home and sad to say our little township road still hadn't had a plow..scraper or anything done to it.....but alas we are home.......that big red diesel ..we'll keep her,him for awhile longer,especially on days like this.................I'm safely dreaded trip out was more bearable then i thought it would be...if it only were'nt so cold..yuk

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