Saturday, May 30, 2009

saturday morning ,full day ahead it is weekend again...This has been a full week schedule and it sure had me screwed up with having memorial day throw ed in which meant I sure as shit didnt know what day it was ..Once in a while I have to locate a calendar to actually see if it is what day it is...For one thing the man in the house didnt get to work but Tuesday and Wednesday due to the rain ...yep..its raining again in the east...and actually its a bit cooler yesterday and today because the humidity hasnt been as bad.Right now we can hear the rumble of thunder and the skies are getting darker and darker whether that means its going to rain or not..who knows..

The little one has a ball game at noon and team pictures are scheduled for 11a.m. so will have ot wait a little longer and see what this weather is going to do.
I have been a busy little camper this week and it wasnt suzy homemaker inside,,it was greenjeans on the outside....I planted 18 tomato plants i cant wait to see if my green thumb is going to kick in or if im going to get kicked in the butt with nothing growing..My big garden only consists of tomato plants ,,the man in the house doesnt like any veggies except corn on the cob and potatoes so I can get by without out those big crops..Now on the other hand if i could grow baked beans I would be one rich son of a b---- because that is all he eats...(((son of a bean)
We had the boy come out and shear my lambchop last night...after a few nicks he finally did get him done..I told him it doesnt have to be a perfect job...I'm not picky on too much of anything that I do...and i'm sure the lamb or sheep ((whichever he is )))didnt care either...He didnt like the sound of the clippers or the standing still but after the end results ..he looked 100 lb.lighter and cooler so i think he wasnt too unhappy with his hour long hair cut..All i know is,,this little fella..well..hes 20 now has been clipping my lambchop for three years since he was back in high school so thats still a young one to me especially at the age I am now....WHICH WE WONT GO INTO..I cant beleive how different the kids are now in their late teens then what we were at that age..half of them have seen the world...I still havent...ok..I sure drifted away from my 12 acre farm on that one...I am off to feed the animals on the outside as the ones in the inside have already pigged((he he)) out..

these two little pigs have finally become soul mates..when i first put the little black one out with the pink one they fought all the time they follow each one around all day long so im getting ready to take down the barrier between their cages...ok...ive set here long enough so im outta here............
I remember when my dad raised sheep and sheered them for their wool and then took the wool to Huntington Wva to sell as he also did tobacco..
Well...wool is not worth two cents now so I have a 50 gallon garbage sack version of the baa baa black sheep..
lampchop ..have you any wool..
yes sir,yes sir,an ugly 50 gallon bag full..
and wherever they came up with ""mary had a little lamb..its fleece was white as snow....must have been a stuffed one or lived inside....

trust me on that one..their fleece is not white as snow ...with lamp poop,sticks ,,twigs and everything else growing in it...actually the fleece under all the wooly curly stuff is white as snow..after they are sheered...not before...anyways,,,i have to bolt outside and feed the animals and get ready for the trip to town...catch you all later...

well,,,i forgot to mention that in my many things i can find to do: that i did plant petunias in my the hummingbird feeders out..the weather dipped a little cooler and i havent seen hide nor hair of a hummingbird,,,,of course they can get food from the flowers in the yard if you have any..i have more bushes then i hope that holds them..Now if my petunias grow that will be a green thumb miracle too...I like working on the outside but growing things is not in my forecast.
a little after three-thirty and we made it back from town from the ball game and the big and little fellows went fishing...I said i would stay here and clean house but this is as far as i have gotten for right now..And house cleaning does not fit into my schedule half the time because i can find too many other things to do that fits into my schedule much better..I am thinking very seriously about going out and push mowing but im hoping if i sit here long enough that serious kind of thinking will dissipate.. outta here,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Saturday, May 23, 2009

the end of may

and finally its beginning to look and feel like summer...the temps are in the high 80's..low 90's and the humidity downright sucks...thats the part i hate....sweating ,,sticky and clammy feeling....Heat is so stifling that you can't stand to stay outside very long unless you are in the pool or on something moving that stirs the air a little...I have been in and out all day...hanging out clothes then decided to fill the animals watering troughs up which in reality are kiddie turtle sand boxes which make excellent water holders for the animals..they hold a lot and are big enough for the little pig to actually get in if she is hot,which i used to see my other pig do....then we had to refill the turtle box again because by the time the pig got out the water was muddy.too muddy to drink...
yesterday the pool was actually fit enough to swim in...although the water was too cold for me to put my big butt in but kids just dont care so the seven year old did manage to get in..his skin was cold to the touch when he finally did get out..Today was a little better ...The temperature was hot so the pool actually had to feel good...The neighbor kids were up and couldnt resist getting into the it was well used today..this weekend the city pools will open..i remember the days when i used to venture out to the pool and stay all day with the little way would i put on a suit and do that again..the ol senior body aint just what it used to i better keep it covered to not scare off anyone..those were the days.

ok...i am sitting here taking a break and watching the boob tube while giving my knee a break..i feel a knee replacement in the making...seems like now a day doesnt go by that the darn thing doesnt burn,creek, and pop when i am walking or trying to do something,,,but then again,,i guess if a knee replacement is all i have to worry about then i should be glad because i just found out that my girlfriend has lupus and she is younger then me,,She had to take the buyout at her job because she has it so i guess my knee problem is minor compared to some of the other problems that people have to encounter...

a perfect pool day

ok...I've sat here long enough to cool off and write a little post so i am off to clean on the kitchen.......later.............

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Silence is golden

when you don't have it all the time....Every once in a while it is pure heaven to just bask in the stillness of a quiet house,not having to get up and find or get something for the other occupants in the house...just to do what you want and not to be interrupted by someone stopping you right in the middle of something for a drink,or to find something that they are looking for and should be able to find but I think its easier to just ask ME.....never minding that I am being stopped from what I am doing....for gosh sake don't stop me ,cause half the time I don't know what I AM doing..which in this case is just sitting here typing away at a bunch of senseless shit but if you made it this far you might as well keep on going....cause it don't get any better.
Today is Tuesday....Nothing ventured ,,nothing gained on this side of the mid east...I was going to give the older but a little smarter sis in the bayou country a call but I keep forgetting that they are a hour behind so I nipped that idea in the butt and thought I would just sit here in the 12 acre woods and bask in the quietness....
Grass,grass .grass....whew we have a bunch of this green shit...wish the green was in the dollar figures instead..all we have been doing since the monsoon rains quit is trying to beat down the knee high grass,,I mowed about an hour last night and ,maybe a couple hours and still didn't get it done...I do like the outside work and my inside goes to prove it....I hate housework...yuk,yuk,yuk,My son was down over the weekend and he weeded for almost six hours straight and there is still more to do....another day that will be...I planned on going out when it warms and the grass dries and use the push mower but then again the humidity is suppose to be really bad the next couple days....This weather is getting to be a little on the nerve wracking side...It goes from one extreme to the other...air on one day ..heat on the next ,,,,then the frost hit two nights and wham bam thank you maam...there went my petunias and my tomatoes....a little on the brown side...oh green thumb must be attached on someone elses hand cause I haven't found it...
The gr-girls were down the weekend and it was a bit nippy but we played outside a good bit...They cant wait for the pool to open but it's going to be the end of the summer before it warms up with the weather we are having....We are suppose to get rain again this weekend....can't wait for that hell week to happen.
Well..theres nothing new and exciting in this ol girls life...I'm just lucky if I am able to jump or rather stumble out of bed each morning and I cant use drinking for an excuse ....have to see what mood my knee is having a kid you have to pamper around.....
This has really been a bad year for funerals so far...I think there has been at least seven people that have passed that I was acquaintance with....and I so hate funerals....The ones around here are so sad....We bypassed a church on the main street when we were in Texas and loud music and whooping and hollering was going on...I thought now thats some church to be going to.....not realizing that it was a funeral and they actually had a live band singing....what a way to go out...thats the way I want to go..Everyone partying and dancing and having a good ol time....I'm just going to be pissed cause I would be the only one laying luck...
Oh whoa..this blog isnt going anywhere....I was going to have a serious blog on the past couple weeks...I really dont know where the time has gone....Most of the time has been spent in town ..when the 1st grader stays all night ,I have to make that 20 mile trip to take him to school ,,,then he had ball games at least 4 nights a week and I would just hang in town and pick him up after school and I would be in town for 12 hours..He has a ball game tonight but I plan on going to town around noon or so and pick him up,,grab a bite to eat and off to the ball game we go.
Soon school will be out and my trips to town will probably be few and far between ...
I went to my dental appt. and x-rays and money out of the pocket...I paid 60.00 for a half hour cleaning ,40.00 for x-rays and 30.00 dollars for the dentist to just look in my mouth and see if I needed anything fixed..Sure enough,,I have to go back in two weeks for a crown that has chipped and my tooth is achy to hot and cold.I guess that is'nt too bad when I have'nt had to have anything major done in the past two or three years..The golden years is taking all my silver and green......Actually I need to have my mouth wired shut for about 6 months so I can shed some of this weight....I have never been gifted with so much weight in my lifetime as I am now....even when I had a baby in the hangar....Must be the miracle grow food that I eat...really nourishes my body....speaking of ,,I think I am going out and spray roundup around all my trees and bushes so I won't have to weed eat that much.....Actually the rock bed that I put down in the walkway last year is the way to go...weeds are few and far between and no mowing.
Ok...enough is enough...I have so much to do like I do every day and like every other day I never get it done...I can just find too much other things I would like to do and trust me HOUSE CLEANING is not one of I'm off to pout and wait on my sis to call cause I know as soon as she reads this or I read hers...the phone will be ringing..later on..